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i dont need to come up with a chaotic title, the episode is chaotic enough | Kitchen Nightmares UK

i say this a lot but YIKEEESSS

Season 5, Episode 6

Gordon visits the Fish & Anchor, a restaurant and bar near Lampeter in rural West Wales, owned and run by ex-boxer Mike and his wife Caron. Mike, a self-taught cook, is a one-man pressure cooker in the kitchen as he struggles to accommodate a vast menu, while Caron’s unique style of front-of-house management includes abusing the customers and her husband in equal measure.

Season 5, Episode 5

Gordon takes on The Priory, a 100-seater carvery in Haywards Heath, Sussex. It’s owned by ex-IT consultant Scott and located in a beautiful former convent, offering bargain roast dinners. Scott bought the place for £300,000, but with an ageing clientele eating for half price, he’s losing £5,000 a week. Despite the heavenly location, the food is straight from hell.

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i dont need to come up with a chaotic title, the episode is chaotic enough | Kitchen Nightmares UK

#GordonRamsay #KitchenNightmares #GordonRamsayCooking

My mission this week the fishing anchor owners Mike and Karen are a couple at War I want to let me finish their RS are Legend no I haven’t got a bloody not being they’re driving the locals away what I’ve heard he’s a bit of a tosser I’m turning marriage

Counselor you can’t run around like [ __ ] Shrek in a frog you’ve got to have some form of control otherwise this restaurant will self-destruct dingding round [ __ ] two Lampa a tranquil hamlet in west wales’s glorious Countryside a perfect setting for a traditional rustic restaurant I

Mean it’s a dream for any chef to have a restaurant here phenomenal pastures amazing land great support by the locals but trying to understand the [ __ ] is a completely different nightmare hello and welcome to teach yourself Welsh teach yourself Welsh and remember to speak out loud

Six cter cter first e dim dim no I feel [ __ ] dim in this green and pleasant land lies the fish and anchor a few years back xboxer Mike Chimera won 700 Grand on the pools it’s allowed him to swap his fish and chip shop for the pursuit of his Cy

Dream I’d like to set a goal of just achieving something be it like you know just get one Mitchell in Star you know they put a man on the moon with no technology we can put a man on a moon Mitchell and St s a very big thing

To achieve do they mik’s got a plan to make the Step Up from the fat fryer to the cooking odd Cuisine nicking recipes from cookbooks used in the home including mine Gordon Ramsey’s book there Sunday lunch Rick Stein’s book Gordon Ramsey here again I like to try and recreate them or

Put my own slant on a lot of them very simply turn them into something really special and exciting but there’s a problem in this Italian stallions plan for Colony world domination Mike and wife Karen who runs the front of house just don’t see eye to eye try to run up

A hill with a ball and chain around your leg you know it’s holding you back it’s slowing you down he is very critical of me and I don’t know why because I do my job and I do my job bloody well you’re supposed to work with me I want you to

Work with me working with you you freak married for 22 years the couple’s arguments are notorious locally Mike and Karen have even got into trouble with the law for rounding public [ __ ] we having a r and caring it in my face and I just pushed it out the other way you

Know yeah so I shouted back and I screamed back and I give you a shove as well two handedly these two don’t just r with each other they also r with the customers it makes for a stinking reputation and no one’s coming here to eat hemorrhaging a grander week this e

Is heading for the big chopping board in the sky oh my God what is that down there that can’t be it can it you can’t miss that one can you unfortunately the Germans did how are buddy and this is Mike yeah Mike who’s in with blue blue yeah [ __ ] me you can’t

Miss it can you huh how are you all right thanks good didn’t you realize you’re so short well short and Powerful yeah hey how are you and this is car how are you nice to see you and you and are you in love with blue as much as Mike no

No no thank [ __ ] for that Ronaldo Zola [ __ ] me I didn’t know sports bars existed in the middle of Wales it’s bright it’s ghastly and uh yeah it’s blue and another addition to this Hall of Fame is me God a fish recipe from one of my cookbooks using monkfish is on the menu

Board it’s quite Eerie when you see your own food on somebody else’s menu it’s for the home cook at home not in a [ __ ] restaurant this menu is a mish mash of cookbook recipes it’s so vast I’m dizzy reading it I’ll start with a soup first my d

Than thank you first off a not to the great Georgia loer telli very chunky isn’t it yes well nice bloody how do you interrogate all the customers I do you do when they’re awkward ones yes I do no wonder they’re [ __ ] off no wonder well well don’t to be awkward and vicious

Then that’s the weirdest looking minist soup I’ve ever seen he’s been a [ __ ] yeah next up let’s see how my fish recipe stands up he’s got the black bream with a basil and pea Bon famam I’ve changed that I still use the Bon famam but I roast fillet of

Monkfish schots of raw monkfish is actually quite nicely roasted finally a m Jeffrey tribute that well-known Welsh classic a chicken cormer curry looks like something out of a [ __ ] pig trough we had someone in the been to clares run by Gordon Ramsey and they thought that they enjoyed their food

Here a lot more than what they enjoyed it there the [ __ ] is that wellnot Fu mate we don’t see desert do we Jesus [ __ ] happy to be here yeah just arrived sat down went through the menu you’ve got everything and anything on there part of it comes from I see

Something and I like the look of it I want to put it on the menu but the menu reads like a trophy Chef I know it’s got you’ve gone around and picked up all these little bits of like a [ __ ] Magpie trophy trophy trophy stick it on

Stick it on stick it on yeah I was really excited about the [ __ ] soup when the soup arrived just like a mush of [ __ ] vegetables a Gunk it was shocking the monkfish even the schots were like raw Mike they weren’t even cooked so it was like a raw onion and

Then the biggest kick in the bollocks was the [ __ ] Curry that was shocking was that Lloyd Grossman’s sauces no no Uncle Ben no it was a s Uncle Ben oh yeah but that’s what hurts it it causes more damage serving that I like your [ __ ] passion that’s clearly there but

You’re not a chef not and that menu is full of your wish list yeah sh sh with no customers it’s obvious the fish and Anchor’s reputation is bad time to turn detective to see just how bad fishing anchor there are clues in cyberspace recently posted reviews the food has to

Be the best I’ve ever eaten home or abroad here’s another one I’ve been to Rick Stein and I’ve been to Gordon Ramsey but to find a place better than them on my doorstep is a dream come true Mike Burns strange the reviews are good so good that there’s something fishy

Going on here there’s three reviews all written by a guy called Mike he’s been to Rick Stein he’s been to Gordon Ramsey’s it’s all a little bit too familiar to find a better place than them on my doorstep is a dream come true that little fat [ __ ] truthfully okay

And you you you don’t [ __ ] lie to me now nor you Michael Burns yeah I don’t get excited about food too often and having dined at Rick Stein and Gordon rams’s I think I found a better restaurant in West Wales long live the fishing anchor recommended Mike Burns

Afghanistan where that’s I don’t that’s Daniel’s friend and that yeah Mike truthfully yeah and I know the truth which one of these three did you post on there this one thank you why well we just wanted we we spoke to some and they say people do these things

In time to time to get the self notice and that’s that’s what we done can you blowtorch them put some Icy sugar on there [ __ ] caramelize them or put them in the [ __ ] bin thank you professional cooking is a much much much tougher job than people like Mike

Think so you can’t just go and Nick recipes from cookbooks and hey Presto I’m a chef and then write your own [ __ ] reviews he’s a in disaster waiting to happen tonight I’ve pressed gang some reluctant locals into eating here I need to see how Mike handles cooking for a full

Restaurant there such a large menu like that must been nightmare no it is the customers wait long for food not usually Mike’s confident I’m not his menu is made up of cookbook recipes designed for home Cooks to lovingly slave over but for one man to try and

Cook them from scratch for a restaurant is Madness the dishes are just too complicated to be cooked quickly Mike’s running around like a headless chicken oh [ __ ] I’m doing it the hard way I know that F me you’re doing it the hard way what’s clear right now Mike is obviously not a [ __ ] Chef he should

Be cooking for three or four tables at the same time he’s not he’s only cooking for one so it’s like watching my mom at home cooking for a dinner party 2 hours into service and the food’s just not getting out yet we hav Tak the order yet it’s

Like a famine customers are staving off hunger by eating bar snacks with an unworkable menu the service is spiring out of control the pressure’s on this husband and wife team and these two are going to war Mike’s even got his own Welsh Battle Cry for Karen

Huh what’s going on what do you mean what’s going on pleas well what am I supposed to do they’ve been there for [ __ ] hours H these tables are spooked in yeah it’s [ __ ] ridiculous well whose fault is that mine is it this isn’t a marriage it’s a battlefield their relationship

Needs some serious fixing outside there’s more trouble Brewing so it was better for them to sit there where the excuse me we’ve been waiting here since 8:00 I’m going home I couldn’t give a [ __ ] about your crappy bloody pop it’s an absolute load of sh we’ve got a 70y

Old bloody woman with us and you haven’t a bloody [ __ ] and that’s for you well that’s your prerogative I did apologize for the but there’s no need to bloody swear andru in front of everybody I’m sorry you crap yeah well don’t bother coming back good bastard I can’t believe what I’m

Hearing there’s no stopping this woman there’s a misunderstanding over and Order Karen’s going off and one again I’ve since 5:00 this morning yeah I’ve come here especially for this I know you have and I’ve got nothing for it well whose fault is that it’s not my fault

You was the one that said you was leaving I didn’t say you were leaving I said of our [ __ ] leaving right now I want you to leave now because I don’t want to be sworn out I’ve had a TIF tonight now if you want to swear at me again you can leave right

Now no I haven’t got blood yet not being SW OU right now just get in your car and go oh dear this is a first of me I’ve never ever seen a custom my choc out of restaurant like that before that is [ __ ] embarrassing and no wonder this place is in serious trouble because that

Was a ping what in the [ __ ] have I got myself into here hostilities have ceased almost half the customers didn’t get served tonight Mike and Karen have gone awall the only sense I can get in this mad house is from a 17-year-old waitress Ang I knew it would be like this why he

Just can’t h no he he just big talks a lot he talks a lot yeah he thinks he can do it he can’t and all the shouting that’s not going all worth it yes always God God tell me how you feeling pissed right off yep I’ve got a tiful

Right Y and I can give two shiny shits if there’s 150 people out there Wai to get K I feel a sick as a dog because I’ve been threatened I’ve been called an alar I’ve been called a scrubber by customers I have never ever ever had

Anybody talk to me like that before what went wrong tonight Mike is that you did one table at a time 21 we cooked for and you made it look like 2011 it’s a transformation from coming out of a cook to a chef and I can see

Where you shot yourself in the foot the [ __ ] menu if I was in here and asked to cook this [ __ ] menu because you’re on your bed upstairs e I wouldn’t even attempt to do what you did tonight one thing okay tomorrow even before I start

Looking at the menu okay the two of you it’s like you’re having a [ __ ] boxing match in here it’s husband and wife right that has to stop tomorrow I see it all the time when customers are frustrated the customer’s King Karen you can’t [ __ ] around with them it spreads like

Wildfire [ __ ] me welcome to lamper this is a [ __ ] nightmare turning that place around it’s going to take me a lot longer than [ __ ] 12 rounds I tell you I’m in Lampa West Wales at the fishion anchor last night’s service was a disaster if things don’t change this

Place is going down period it’s a reality check for Chef owner Mike Chimera this xboxers on the ropes it is gutting to know that you’re not really going in the right direction I mean they probably one step up from a truck stop in reality that’s glorified

I’m still not going to give up I’m still going to keep going you know but what my aim to do now is to listen what the G says and absorb it all like like a sponge if I as much of it as I can and point it in the right direction just

Draw another deep breath and come back out fighting time for a bit of tough love my opening shot in helping Mike is to get rid of his comfort blanket those cookbooks including mine something that’s [ __ ] destroying you in here you know that yeah something that is a big problem in

This kitchen yeah these [ __ ] things right great recipes of the world out Asian cooking my Uncle Ben Sunday lunch not in in that make it easy not interested in that Rick Stein mediteran not interested that come play with Jamie not interested in that and Rick Stein’s French Odyssey bang get

Your coat we’re going down to the charity shop and going to give something back to Lampa reg just digest I don’t know where they come from [ __ ] you now don’t tell me open the car door please for 20 years everything I’ve seen points to Mike trying to be someone he’s not mock

Reviews using other people’s recipes to help him I need to find the real Mike starting with his Italian Heritage who’s that gentleman there that’s my grandfather wow Italian yeah yeah love you from where from Naples and and that’s his parents my great grandparents W again from Naples again from Naples

They were farmers just worked the land it all poor the salt of Italy poor area well say quite an Italian historic yeah tree there and that lady is that’s my grandmother basically who I learned you know a lot of the Italian cooking you know basically that that’s that’s who I

Am you know we’re we’re we’re proud of it there’s been an Italian Community in West Wales for years Mike’s passionate about this Heritage I plan to channel that passion into his cooking by making a classic Italian Dish my starting point a nearby organic vegetable farm Peter how are you very well good to

See you well see wise Mike hello Mike Mike’s from the U fishing anchor we need a good service tonight yeah and we’re going to come up with a dish that can get some traffic through the restaurant without becoming too concentrated and stuck I’m taking Mike back to his roots

Here they grow the very Tomatoes he tasted when he was a Kid so what they called These are called San maano sanano and they’re specifically for making sauces yep when was the last time you came picking tomatoes Mike on my grandparents farming that’s the last time I picked them up ready which is how long ago 30 years ago one

More well these are beautiful this is like being in a candy shop yeah huh absolutely phenomenal look at it everywhere many years since I tasted a tomato like That it’s time for Mike to cook from his heart and not cook books his grandmother’s recipe for spaghetti meatballs explain the perfect meatball good minced Meats yes combination of beef and pork thyme yep parsley yep chili mhm parmesan cheese good could you say was your grandmother inspired you how to

Cook would you say that’s where it started yes yeah cuz you’re quite a passionate little [ __ ] inside aren’t you yeah huh yes Mike’s not a chef yet he struggles cooking for a full restaurant these meatballs are the first step in helping him right the emphasis of tonight’s service is

What is to get the tables speed speed speed yeah speed speed speed multiple portion can be pre-prepared and served up in a matter of minutes I don’t care whether we got 10 booked or 20 booked I don’t want customers waiting that length of time again yeah now I’m going to cook From Within

Myself find you know what’s Within Myself and put that on a plate do me a favor rub off that [ __ ] [ __ ] Tika Masala balty cormer crap [ __ ] [ __ ] off of there yes all off one big swipe there you go go bang cor’s off yes what’s your wife’s name

Karen can you call her Karen tonight Karen yeah no but can you do it in a really affectionate way that you [ __ ] love her as there a husband and wife team because the minute you two start [ __ ] showing some form of affection and respect everybody else follows ah

That was you grunting like a troll looking for your [ __ ] spanner no but serious and I was standing there like that thinking [ __ ] hell this guy’s [ __ ] Bonkers what’s he smoking tonight I’m going to show Mike how meatballs speed up service this place looks like a sports bar so I’ve

Invited the local Rugby Club 15 strapping Lads and they’re starving hungry are you on half turn we get that 15 out yeah that’s over one3 of the dining room cooked for okay come on it’s taken just minutes to serve at the meat boards to the rugby Lads job Done we could even get 12 star that last night that nice yeah SP on nice and spicy very good I think they they look like [ __ ] but they taste like meatballs M it’s called cuisine the kitchen’s starting to come together out front it’s a different story the restaurant’s busy but where’s

Karen sorry two seconds please sorry budy thank you you’re not smoking are you yes or no yes that’s discussing come on Karen please yeah I need everybody’s help tonight come on please yeah ridiculous come on he’s busting his ass off there you’re outside smoking take

The order of six please now now will you eat only 2 minutes uh Karen he told you 2 minutes but do that mean say you’ve got to go out and smoke a cigarette I didn’t know I thought you were running the restaurant I am thank you thank you

Dear oh dear I’m not convinced with her this for me is someone taking the piss like they’re just going out tonight for a [ __ ] game of bingo she’s got to attack it run it and observe it but you can’t disappear every 30 seconds for a cigarette for a cigarette what about

Customers arriving and one of the owners outside puffing away what kind of message is that sending to anybody tar standards are sloppy and it’s showing now there’s confusion over table’s order one one mon fish three harib two St two fill yeah let’s count

This up shall we 2 + 3 is 5 plus 6 yeah yeah yeah seven you’re missing a main course we cooked exactly what you wrote can you go and ask the lady what she ordered please urgently venon oh come on one venison in straight away

Please ven let me ask you a question now yeah without getting defensive and running off in a strop no I won’t why did you forget the venison on the order because two people ordered the Venison and then the both off yeah they both of them canceled it and then and then it

Was the Hal to go back on and then he ordered the venison again like back you forgot to write it on tomorrow we’re having a lesson and taking orders okay don’t get upset I’m not get up we’re in the [ __ ] we look stupid let listen let me just finish

Yeah by the time that venison’s cooked and rested the existing customers around the table their fellow guests will be on [ __ ] dessert right we as a unit look stupid please don’t tell me any different because I’m not telling you any different don’t start shouting I’m

Not Shou you’ll run off in a minute and start smoking no I won’t but you’re always in there you’re always willing to give bloody scream so it’s my fault now it’s not your I just told you it’s my I’ve just told them it’s my fault we

Look stupid yes I do we but you no you don’t because I’ve just told them it’s my fault you you don’t get it do you yes I do you don’t get it oh Gord you just love P that’s all you’ve done for the last two days you’ve said [ __ ] all to

Him but no that’s all it is is every time I come out I’m still not sure about you that’s all you said all you going to run away now no I’m not customers can hear you customers customers can hear you and they can hear you as well is this what it’s

Like she forgets to write a Venison and then shouts and screams and runs off well I I will go as well I have a go you when you do that please stop shouting close the door let’s stop the embarrassment further I’ll talk tonight oh I’ve there

I know what you said I’ve heard what you said what I was trying to say to her is there any ways you can recommend a meatball that’s cooked so we can get it out quickly yeah rather than cooking a venison you have a chance to get it out

Yeah and I can’t even get a [ __ ] wording edgeways at 8:00 this evening I’m sweating my bollocks off trying to get this place up the speed and she’s outside having a cigarette h dingding round [ __ ] two I want him get shut up get it off what is I am not

Being talk back off shut your mouth and listen to me you’re doing the same you’re not listening to me same as you don’t listen to him I told him it would you’re doing it now you’re doing it now you’re doing it now you’re not letting me finish like you wouldn’t let him

Finish and he wouldn’t let me finish you’re doing it again you’re doing it again what he was going to say after he finished any what done the next say is I tell you what why don’t you try and get the sell him the last meatballs to get

It out for the night but you didn’t give it a chance because bang you was there on a throat again now I’d like you to get behind the bar where you should be and get Jane out from behind there she’s not alone behind there right don’t expect me back

Tomorrow [ __ ] off just get it done [ __ ] off no just get it done you can’t take it C so you can you I can’t take it but I don’t like being told to [ __ ] off the venison finally gets served I’m deeply concerned yeah for the shouting and screaming you’re screwing the

Business and the quicker you learn to control your temper the quicker you’re going to run your business for the better let me finish okay but I’m not allowed to finish anything I was saying to you earlier that’s what I was trying to say to you finish then have your turn

Is this a competition between you and I Fin and then you have your I don’t know what you want me to say there you go again but I’ve gone there I’ve apologized I can’t do anymore you can’t run around like [ __ ] Shrek in a frock and then expect

Us to pick up the pieces you’ve got to have some form of control Karen you’re more concerned about you as opposed to committed to the business I am not I am not so you’re making you want to go along with this m go along with it right

Oh so you’re throwing the towel in I am not throwing the towel talk to me up stop it why’ you work yourself up like this because I’ve tried to tell you I’ve gone out there I’ve apologized I can’t do anymore out there let me help you

Help me do what run the dining room properly yes you can I’m just asking you not to snap there’s 20 mistakes going on in every Resturant across Britain every night we have to control them your problem is one mistake you lose the [ __ ] plot my dear yeah but if please

Calm down I am because then we can work at it together we finished work go outside and have a nice cigarette thank you get some fresh air I have a cigarette though huh thank you for your help again not at all hey we got through it you’ve sort of

Come like the [ __ ] Italian job where the bus is on the edge of the cliff you sort of arrive just at the right time I’m like that bus ready to go over get some fresh air okay thank you don’t leave me come here just leave it

Don’t leave it look at me look at me I want to be left Al look at me look at me for 30 seconds right just bear with it right it’s hard it’s only one week right and we’re going to get her over and done with right and we’ll be back on the

Right Road just get all over done with right don’t try and be reasonable Mike I KN her right because if you spoke to me like that what would you ask I know that right but I overriding respect right for the man is trying to help us put the business right [ __ ]

Me I’m in Lampa West Wales at the fish and anchor I’ve been here for two nights of Madness and Mayhem with the owners rowing with everyone they’ve gone for each other I need want to let me do again I got it in the neck it’s knocked

Up I just told you it’s my I’ve just told them they’ve even thrown out customers I just get in your car and go I’m heading the streets to find out how Mike and Karen’s rails have affected public opinion what’s the reputation but I used to go there quite a lot but um I

Got put off by the um intense acess here put it that way perhaps it a bit quick tempered maybe with the customers I think the uh the landlord um may not always be the most cheerful of people what I’ve heard and heard of him he’s a

Bit of a tosser if people sort of say oh don’t go there there’s AR going on you just won’t go there the fishing Anchor’s reputation is Rock Bottom now I’ve heard that mik’s got into trouble with the law for round with locals I’m turning marriage counselor to make Mike and Karen realize

That their arguing must stop if it doesn’t I can’t save the fishing anchor well I had a conviction for a public disorder I mean not much more than a a Rob yeah I’m not proud of the fact that I done it whether they’re right you’re right it doesn’t doesn’t

Matter but what I’m trying to say in a business point of view we can’t wash our dirty Linen in public and I don’t know if you really understand how bad the reputation is the only argument that are witnessed is is that it’s all work related you know kitchen stuff yeah

Nothing personal whatsoever absolutely nothing but what I’m trying to say is that the you don’t go at it you don’t go at it in a small manner no I understand what you say it’s the severity of it I keep saying to him there’s people in the

Bar you can they can he you but Karen you’re both as bad as one another I’m just trying to say that we have to turn the [ __ ] Corner how Sur do you want to of course I do and Sur do you want to and I want to change it for the best and

You both need to work at it together and I’ll help you with that you you love each other deep down inside but I don’t get that [ __ ] feeling so I just want it run by a husband and wife that are supporting each other yeah I know I’ve

Got to calm down take a chill pill and just don’t get upset over nothing we want the the reputation as a restaurant and for ourselves to be as good as the food we turn out you know it’s just as important and I think uh Gordon has made

That clear that went really well I mean I’d like to think they both got the message and I think they listen and I want the locals to understand that there’s more to the fishing anchor than just [ __ ] arguments so that has to stop now I can’t change the reputation

Overnight but what I can do is change this place and help give a new identity and put it back on the map in Lampeter my plan is to draw a Mike’s Italian rout and turn the fishing anchor into an Italian restaurant first up get rid of Mike’s unworkable menu it will make everyone’s life a lot easier I’ve also arranged some temporary help from the local catering college to get a new menu up

And running can I introduce you somebody this is Kelly yes Kelly Karen Mike this is Kelly hello hi to make things faster and easier for you I want you to open up and work with Kelly I’ve designed a streamlined Italian menu especially for Mike six starters six Ms and three desserts

Except there’s two of you here tonight and We Go Together the bass salmon monkfish prawns in shalots the garlic it’s rustic easy fish to this new menu is idiot proof he’ll be able to cook top quality rustic dishes easily and quickly you f your prawns in

A tablespoon of pesto add pine nuts over drain off our pasta and look we’re away we’re not [ __ ] running over there running over there just one step away boom these dishes will fly out of the kitchen it will make for a less pressurized service and no stress will

Help Mike and Karen stop rowing so it’s literally 2 minutes to put that dish together you could do that while it clear it absolutely the most important thing from the menu is the speed with which we can put everything together I mean it’s completely defuse any problems

Or stress and strains within the kitchen um of having to try and and you know unlike the old menu trying to achieve something that’s almost unachievable if he’s not stressed in the kitchen we’re not going to be arguing because he’s not screaming or shouting at me and I

Haven’t got nothing to shout at him back forth I’ve got more than a menu to fix the key to any restaurant success is creating a welcoming atmosphere meeting Karen is like coming face to face with an uptight Welsh Dragon she’s got to relax sometimes when

You go to the table your face honestly I mean the only thing is missing is a wasp you know I swear to God you’re like the it’s intense and it’s like what the [ __ ] you going to order what the [ __ ] you going to order so I want you to relax with

It some brave souls have volunteered to act as guinea pig customers it allow me to observe carrying the waitress is closely and lend a helping hand so have you been with us before or is your first time me just like waitress’s andh haded a Mena shine professional courteous Karen’s turn she’s like the

Ice Maiden completely Frozen time for a pep talk when the customers come in greet them as if you need them yes don’t kiss their ass but make them feel welcome take two she’s talking she’s listening but she’s scaring smile I am smiling one last try Bingo a smile how are you crabcakes are very

Good so as the mushrooms a fullon Karen charm offensive don’t man the che he’s not the husband he’s your man yes I was testing you all not to make you look stupid but to make the service friendlier so we’re not like this like we’re still yeah what you want yeah what

Do you want what’ you recommend you’ve got such a lovely smile when you’re in the dining room people want to see you in here push it yes the day of the relaunch of the new fish and anchor but before it can be an Italian restaurant the awful sports bar

Decor has to go I want to bring a breath of fresh air in here we’re leaning towards something in connection with your grandparents Italian so it’s you know a country fair it’s warm it’s rustic and it’s it’s inviting daers are here let’s go while she’s in the good

Mood yeah can we get it going yeah just in case she turns yeah catch that smile yeah it’s like the eclipse comes around once every four years it’s a fresh start for the fishing anchor this new look will help make for a relaxed atmosphere perfect for welcoming back customers [ __ ] now

Like a breath of fresh air that’s what happens sometimes you down the wrong road and you can’t see it can’t see the wood for the trees and finally Mike’s free of his unworkable menu just by getting rid of what was on that wall that board and removing that from my

Life has been like lifting the world off my shoulders time to unveil the new look to the waitresses an harad and Mena g g has the blue look at the carpet oh my God it’s cream huh nice and light and it’s not dark as it used to be nice man what

You think and oh it’s fresh it’s fresh and cheerful with the restaurant sorted it’s time to deal with the most crucial bit of the relaunch winning the trust of the people of Lampa I’ve arranged a ride into town to promote the new fishing [Applause] anchor right look at you Building Bridges we’re

Down off to Lampa yes we’re going to get the message out there we’re going to shout from the rooftops the style yes what you’re doing where it’s coming from why we’re doing doing it and we’re going to build some bridges and the reputation is going to be changed yes leaflets hay

Bales canop get your ass in there hold on tight it’s the start of a long road to rebuilding this place’s reputation get down to the fishing anchor fantastic rustic Italian food Mike needs to rub shoulders with the locals and he’s using his meat balls to win them over come on they’re lovely

Get down to the fish and anchor delicious meatballs wonderful pastas with no Italian restaurants in Lampa there’s plenty to shout about a classy menu and a new look and most important a friendlier service I can’t confirm that Karen has agreed to stop arguing yes or no yes Karen has stopped scaring the

Customers she’s turned a you leave she loves you all if Mike and Karen start round tonight they’ll UND do all the hard work so I’ve got a plan man if they get stressed rather than tearing strips off each other I’m introducing an anger management prop right services are quite

Stressful yes tonight if we get straighted you and you are on the naughty step bang over there hold on there off you go H there get in there Big Boy come on get some Welly behind it Ken careful you don’t get knocked out one big one good

Girl well done well done well done well done now so you take it out on that yes and you want to scream you want to [ __ ] off outside for a cigarette yes take out on that okay how are we feeling excited yes excited how are you feeling calm

Calm collected yeah and excited okay good right in front of your eyes on that chair is your Chef’s jacket for a man that’s [ __ ] in his late 40s that’s been busting his ass off for the last 20 years this is your chance this is your time now take advantage of it and

[ __ ] do it properly more importantly enjoy it you’re a chef now you’re going to cook like a chef you’re going to look like a chef the Reckoning the relaunch of the new fish and anchor this is the biggest fight of Mike’s life for this xboxer it

Carries the promise of a huge reward to finally call himself a chef the people of lamper are coming to give the fishing anchor a second chance a gold opportunity for Mike and Karen to redeem this place’s reputation try this one all do is lovely one antiy two and

Basel one smoke salon right yeah good the kitchen’s feeling like a professional setup with Mike taking control like a chef call the girls ready for service the new menu is doing its job with this she’s flying out of the kitchen and going down well looks quite simple quite plain in that respect it

Tastes lovely Jason thanks the meat out front waitresses and Hadad and Mena are keeping the orders rolling in crucially Karen’s Charming the guests you’re going to be a good boy you’re going to be a very good boy all night re what can I get you just two

Days ago she was shouting at anyone in earshot now she’s like a new woman smiling chatting welcoming the restaurant’s now at its capacity Mike’s Under Pressure another order then starters and table four clear come on Mike give me an answer please start the table clear they’re clear yeah

Just check now the orders are stacking up and he’s panicking whoa whoa you’re going too fast Listen whoa stop this is where it really seriously matters now I’m still unconvinced that this guy can do more than one table at a [ __ ] time the menu is so idiot proof straightforward

Easy country Italian fair and he’s [ __ ] stressing out out front the food isn’t hitting the tables quickly enough we’ll be we’ll be drunk before the food comes I’m starving hungry I’m working all day and there’s nothing happening it’s just graceful I’m just not getting saus like

That under there I’m have to use the same sausin over and over Mike’s teaching on the edge dress it where’s the dressing gun this doesn’t bode well for the future Le can have some spoons big spoons I’m Gutted and then the night takes an unexpected turn watch out watch out watch out waitress Mena has slipped on the floor she’s unconscious it could be serious an ambulance is called the night’s service stops she want to see you like that right stand up I need the food Tak out of the way

Fine uh sad ending um bad fall she slipped on the floor and um hurt her back slight seizure and went into some form of shock taken away an ambulance um thankfully her parents were there she stayed really calm and she’s in safe hands I’m convinced she’s going to be

Absolutely fine but it was a tough Night I’m back in West Wales it’s a month since the fish and Anchor’s reopening night ended so abruptly when waitress Mena slipped and was taken to hospital [ __ ] watch out she recovered and went home the next day first of all I’m very relieved the fact that Mena is back to 100% Fitness

I’m dying to find out what’s actually going on in the fishing anchor because on the launch night we were halfway through and just struggling to keep our neck above the waters has he changed back to his old ways and they got a problem with each other I hope they’re

Not washing their dirty Linen in front of their customers I don’t [ __ ] believe it he’s painted the bloody thing it looks inviting that’s one bit of good news hey hello how are you okay hello it looks great out there how are you my Dy very good you yes yeah menu d i turn

Around and look at a Blackboard no no no written menu written menu sty of food is half Rick Stein half Gary rhods no it’s Italian figure wise where are we comparison to last year well uh customers we’re doubly among the customers dou among the covers yeah and

As OPP po to something like a four four and a half Grand loss we uh broke even this month asking news that’s very very very positive rowing stopped stopped must have been one somewhere it hasn’t no no we’ve taken Venice off the menu now anyway yeah yeah yeah H yeah I look

At Venice in a completely different [ __ ] way now I don’t about you a month ago Mike and K’s constant RS were driving the customers away I can’t believe they’ve completely stopped a quick flick through the reservations book gives me a hotline to recent customers now I just want some [ __ ] uh

Background time to find out whether Mike and Karen have truly built Bridges with the locals hello is that Roger yeah hi it’s Gordon Ramsey how are you hi fine how you what was the food like it was brilliant What was the atmosphere like in the dining room completely changed

Good and the million dollar question was there any arguing no none at all one mil to the fishing anchor sorry is that Sue M how was dinner it was lovely was the service warm yes anybody shout at you no why no no I’m just asking 2 nil hi Tony

It’s Gordon you sneaked into the fishing anchor recently yes good nice me there I think there was 10 of us 10 of you they serve 10 main courses all at the same time yeah you didn’t have to take a twoe holiday in between courses [ __ ] 3 n there’s got to be some negativity

Somewhere do you hear any shouting screaming no no no why is that usual there is it well no I’m just asking you you’re the customer you are the critic thank you my Dy big kiss for me it tells me the reputation is spreading and it’s spreading in a very positive

Way the word’s good seeing is believing Mike’s a changed man a month ago he was running around the kitchen like a headless chicken now he’s mastered my menu big boy can finally call himself a chef ready for this service here on minute girls the dishes are flying out my God so quick

Huh and he’s in control of his kitchen where’s all these orders in girls did I hear right there you’re screaming for orders yeah these are going out now in a minute and I got nothing to get on with out front the atmosphere is exactly what I was aiming for relaxed and welcoming

Thank you darling you can come again now I’m a little bit nervous yeah well it’s going really well yeah he’s got five tickets on yeah there’s Harmony everybody’s smiling the customer happy what’s going on nothing the you thought well the change in him is um unbelievable he’s proud of

Himself for again for getting things done and quickly and nobody’s complaining you look very relaxed I am I’m enjoying myself actually good you know those cookbooks we got rid of they’re gone they’ve gone they went to a good cause gooda yeah now I think it’s about time yeah you put your own book

Together here we go yeah not too sure about you sue chef look at it carefully and then start filling out your own rustic recipes and cook from here yeah cook from the heart yeah and then print it and flog it put it alongside yours on

The Shelf see we go take care S I think me and Mike have reassessed our marriage I really really feel like going on any Moon again you know just go me and him going away for a sloppy daed weekend somewhere so we may just draw that really happy to

See it actually working and for me the most important thing is we fixed the menu that means we fixed Mike and Karen and if they can stick to that they’ve got a happy restaurant happy customers and more importantly a happy couple I’ve never had a facial before I

Had these lines at 21 so what was the pointing in a facial Karen do you snore yes you do do you bottom burp no never ever ever do Karen is that your tummy why is that my goling plug hole okay so relaxing this could be my biggest challenge ever I’m checking into the

Prior 100 seater restaurant desperately in need of rehab [ __ ] at its best it serves the most disgusting food I’ve ever come across what’s in here that served broccoli soup looks like vomit with one of the worst kitchen brigades I’ve encountered hello Muppets and one of the most naive owners I’ve met you

Have got to get real I’m so [ __ ] annoyed with just 5 days to turn it around there’s rabels going cold turkey and today we’re stopping we’re shutting it down and we’re starting Again heywoods Heath a wealthy town in the heart of West susex close to London it’s flush with young fashionable commuters and Rich professionals looking for a flash meal out a really exciting vibrant little town everything’s here Banks restaurants Brands I have to say absolutely ideal for a local good renowned Restaurant but the AG of PR isn’t attracting the young and hip it’s more Saga holiday than Club 1830 the restaurant stuck in a Time War turning out oldfashioned carv every day for the past 20 years like a sausage yes just one please there you go my thank

You at home you know you never have a big joint and it’s really lovely to have something of a a really nice big joint former it consultant Scott hon brought the prior 6 weeks ago for 300 Grand he’s acquired a business losing 5,000 a week but what the hell he’s

Ended up with a beautiful building I’ve always really wanted to to be a restaurant I guess this place has got so much character so much charm that you know I don’t think I can fail to ever Tire of walking through that restaurant with those windows you know it’s just Amazing set in the chapel of a 19th century Convent the prior certainly is a Heavenly venue than guys are swearing girl is beautiful very Gothic sister Wendy is about to jump Me Fu me look at it it’s beautiful here’s the Vicor hello Scott Scott nice to see you it’s a pleasure to meet you and you are the I’m the owner owner good to see it what a beautiful place thank you very much amazing it is magnificent isn’t it

That’s beautiful and the C’s been here for 20 years yes so it’s almost sort of the heartbeat of the restaurant yeah it’s the tradition around here if you talk to people uh about the PRI in h teeth and they will you know they will say yeah I’ve been there but they’ve all

Been for Calvary never been to a Calvary for ages last time I went I think it was um back in 1982 called The Bernie in and it was a Sunday lunch and it was [ __ ] ghastly the praie food must be denture friendly this place is rammed with a

Blue rinse Brigade I’m the youngest here by miles it’s almost like they’ve opened a soup kitchen for the elderly and it’s that sort of glamorous old people’s home but my age concern is explained when the golden oldies keep turning up with suspicious looking vouches from the local

Papers we offer 2 m Sur price one was $9.99 for is that for that’s for your Carver you put a discount on $9.99 we do so how much discount um it’s buy one get one free um so 50% so you eat here for five um yes I’m starting to feel left

Out am I the only one here without a voucher did you bring you coupon yes I did yeah two and did you bring your voucher today yes yes did you bring your coupon that’s what we get I mean it’s cheaper to come here than it is cooking at home oh yes

Yeah for two just really marvelous value you must have dementia to only let half your punters pay no wonder this business is losing money the food’s a bargain assuming is up to scratch Toby’s the prior’s head chef his claim to fame was a stin at Planet Hollywood he’s the Starship Trooper in

Charge of the cry I don’t very much eat roast Den run home nowaday D them every day but I still eat them as you say never trust a skinny Chef do you his sidekick Bob is the part-time Calvary Chef right what have we got you got

Turkey here yes right you got um gam River Beef Pork and lamb so these are done every day these are every day Yeah what what what stuff is that peach and nut found with an orange juice and it’s rather nice they sell us Peach and man with orange juice that’s doin wi L this is a throwback isn’t it I have a little bit of the doin wi okay holy

Mackel Jesus and all that for a fi yeah just enjoy it Gordon [ __ ] hell R potatoes cooked a [ __ ] and stuffing that was like sort of trying to cut through a silicon implant and it I’m do it yoran pudding well soggy and turkey well H it’s just so dry

Pasty even the quality of the beef it’s dry that was shopping we’re still stuck in the doldrums here and all I’ve had today so far has been [ __ ] [ __ ] at its best stiff Scott certainly got himself a Celestial building but that pitiful excuse of a Calvary is a mortal

Sin okay right who haven’t I met I haven’t met hi Matt Matt good to see you and you do general manager general manager owner general manager and you must be the kitchen manager was problem no ST and what are you Budd uh I generally do the general cooking of the vge and

General right the kitchen okay this man we met you look so different with your health yeah good to see you buddy I’m Tom Tom and what do you do I’m a training Chef training Chef excellent good and you’re studying uh cooking good and this is Toby Toby Y how are you I’m

Not bad good head Che yeah good and you’re completely responsible for y everything it goes on the whole food mat Cooks sometimes so you’re a chef as as well uh I’ve trained as a chef yeah ago yeah so proper all around general manager oh I’d like to think so yeah I

Was really excited when I walked in I was seriously walked up the stairs Christ it’s quite breathtaking walking through that door and unfortunately the car it was dry it was hideous it was overcooked and it tasted of nothing sat alongside plastic York and puddings that I wouldn’t even use as a [ __ ] ice

Hockey pot I mean you know as a chef to Chef let’s be honest you can’t call yourself a chef if you serve that [ __ ] and I’m not just blaming you I got to bring in the general manager yeah yeah on board to blame of course I do yeah

But you know it it it it was bad I mean the whole experience was bad then you look around and you look at the customers half them would be them for nothing uh yeah on yeah on the buy one get on three vouchers that have been in place historically to attract people

Through the door the spend per head is very low because more importantly they’re dying off aren’t they well yeah I the youngest one in there by 40 years today first time I’ve sat in [ __ ] a dining room and felt so young we’re going down quickly yet no one seems to

Realize how quickly we are sinking [ __ ] me there’s some cobwebs that need blasting here I tell you the PRI is a 100 seater restaurant in an old Convent and it’s full of bad habits the venue is Heavenly but head chef Toby’s food Straight From Hell rookie restaur Scott Hinson bought

A business losing a fortune with food given away in vouchers I’m the prior’s last chance of Salvation it’s my toughest task yet tonight the rest is going to be absolutely packed with the two for1 vouer Brigade so Toby’s going to be busy and it will give me a chance to see him

In action how can professional chef struggle to get a simple Calvary out twice a day what the [ __ ] is he doing eating Toby’s lunch was like chewing carpet but it’s no wonder when all I can find in his fridge are old half-eaten joints set to be used

Again what are we going to do with that feel that it’s R hard yeah I know and it usually goes in the Bing cuz we don’t get so many covers at the moment so how many them do you put in the bin roughly three a week maybe so right now you’ve

Got a meat mount in yeah I use it up with sandwiches some it is any good we put it back out [ __ ] me what’s that those we won’t use but what’s that lamp lamp look it you know you’re meat don’t you especially when it’s [ __ ] rotten look at

It I think you’re not being very honest with me now you know that they don’t go off that turkey breast is still warm and that’s 3 hours ago what happens when you wrap things in Clin film when they’re still warm come on it still carries on bacteria and all

The rest of it that’s right so it cools down and stays hot inside cools down the outside and festers and the bacteria grow then you put it back out on the calvary not very often no but some of the time yes we do [ __ ] hell this is page one of Food

Hygiene even my most Junior Chef would know that this is dangerous practice if this stuff goes out we’re all dead meat but how are Toby starters what’s in here that’s a broccoli soup that’s broccoli soup no it’s not broccoli soup it needs to thicken up I haven’t got round to well I

Didn’t thinking it up yesterday looks like vomit I’ve not finished the whole thing so you are a lazy [ __ ] you know that oh yeah I’m saying I haven’t had time to finish it well no all right I did have time but I never got around to finishing it off do me a big

Favor [ __ ] ditch Toby’s incompetence is Flushing the PRI down the plug hole I’ve never met such a gormless head chef if his prep is this bad Lord help us with the rest of service right so Toby your cheese sauce explain the recipe that was out of a packet out of a packet

Bastard sorry no not you my oven so all the veggies prepped no just the carrots and the potatoes coming prepped up this is more expensive this way yes are they hot inside uh I’ve put them in the oven you steamed them where why are they sunking wet look at the

Sponge there honestly it’s like King Kong’s [ __ ] condo look at it this is [ __ ] horrendous personally I’ve never quite seen anything of that [ __ ] bad the [ __ ] meat is cooked for hours then stuck in a hot cupo to go dry run up to the [ __ ] Calvary the sauces are from a [ __ ]

Packet the Yorkshire puddings are frozen and then the chef is totally oblivious to what he’s [ __ ] serving upstairs the meals and wheels Brigade aren’t belly aching but then who would when they’re giving it away nice to see you again you yeah I have a dud

Two meals for the price of one out of tener that’s got to be less than it cost to put it on a plate Matt’s the general manager and knows the prior is in Perry he thinks restaurant novice Scott’s mad to have bought the business it’s got so many uh

Potential failings in it and huge cost to keep it running if you’ve never run a restaurant before then this probably wouldn’t be your number one choice but uh it certainly wouldn’t be mine but Scott’s drowning parading stiffly in his suit and tie he’s more Bank Clark than passionate restaurant her this man’s in

Way over head I don’t think you quite understand how bad it is you may have one of the most beautiful [ __ ] stunning dining rooms in Britain today I’ll agree with you on that one but [ __ ] me this is one of the worst kitchens I’ve ever been

In and then I’m [ __ ] looking at you thinking how can you let all this go on under your nose with the Instinct that you have for business and not understand that this [ __ ] place is going down the path there’s so many things in this place that I’ve looked at and said this

Is all wrong it’s where to start right now it’s worse than hospital food and we’re not cooking we’re not a Calvary we’re a [ __ ] mess tomorrow morning I want to see you and your team at 9:30 because I can’t go any further unless we make some radical

Changes it’s now my second day at the prior and I need to act swiftly after the horrors of last night’s service I decide to raid the kitchen before the staff arrive God Jesus Christ what is that bloody hell [ __ ] hell [ __ ] hell how old is that it’s been there since [ __ ] 1981

Look at it oh [ __ ] the smell Bingo [ __ ] know past nips look at them [ __ ] hell what is that what’s that for you can’t cook in this you can’t even attempt to start thinking of a new menu the only thing to do now is to condemn the [ __ ] kitchen [ __ ] disgusting

Shut it down no way anything is going to be [ __ ] cooked in here I [ __ ] ate here dirty [ __ ] lazy pigs I mean got It out you’re going to learn the hard way big boy it’s [ __ ] closed Calvary my [ __ ] ass I’m covering my ass where are the [ __ ] coming this morning condemning the kitchen’s The Last Resort but for this clueless Bunch it’s a kick up the ass they need but it won’t be as half as

Painful as a bollin I’m about to give them it’s amazing have a good look round Matt Scott here you go back there that came out of there who threw all the veg in there like that last night not rat pnip that you could tie a knot in [ __ ] cauliflower that’s got mold in

It what’s going on guys we’re all responsible for what we put in the fridge yeah can’t just hold my hands up say just me that’s not good enough Toby you beet your [ __ ] fat head outside your ass and start understanding what the [ __ ] is going on

Here Scott I’m not your voice I’m not here to blow smoke up your ass this is your responsibility you’ve bought into this and you you’ve taken this on your shoulders absolutely we’ve I’ve had this conversation with the guys a couple of weeks ago about cleaning this kitchen up

But getting it ready for service Scott you have to get real you have got to get real I am so [ __ ] annoyed this is disgusting Matt you may come in one day a week two days a week whatever but give me something will you you’re you’re a chef you

Trained as a chef yeah rumor has it the food’s [ __ ] 10 times better when you’re cooking that’s the rumors well I’d like to think I wouldn’t leave the kitchen in that state no no I’d love to go around and get 50% of those customers last night [ __ ] knock on

The door this morning and [ __ ] walk them in this kitchen then where would we be I just can’t understand why you guys left it like a [ __ ] hole knowing that Gordon was coming back this morning that wrecks my head even more than anything I’m getting some fresh air cuz I feel

Sick unfuckingbelievable I mean absolutely [ __ ] disgusting most shfs I know would be [ __ ] embarrassed what I’ve just done to that kitchen and Toby well he didn’t even [ __ ] react Scott well that guy’s just sunk 300 Grand into this [ __ ] [ __ ] he’s oblivious and as for Matt well he seemed to be the only

One that actually cares he’s deeply embarrassed cannot believe the [ __ ] in that kitchen it’s time for a meeting with a bank manager Scott’s only been in the restaurant trade for 6 weeks but he won’t last long at this rate I’ve been running restaurants for 15 years and to

Succeed you must have passion I need to inject some into stuffy Scott the house how worried are you yeah I’m very worried because it’s my it’s my livelihood on the line it’s my career it’s my family that I’m putting on the line for the success of this business

You’ve just you’ve treaded water the last two months yeah I accept that but again you know it’s my my lack of understanding of the business if I was a already a successful restaurant her I could have come in here and said right now I understand the business this is

What I expect a restaurant to run like you run with me or going for another job but but it doesn’t stop you going around and looking at [ __ ] things and checking under the [ __ ] fridge and asking the chef you know what the [ __ ] going on because you can’t just walk in

Like a Vicor and be nice to everybody Welcome them thanks for coming up to work uh yeah I’m [ __ ] paying you my house is the security that’s guaranteeing your salary I pray Scott’s sins will be forgiven but to save the prior it’s his staff I need to Pardon a confessional was used by the PRI Catholic nuns and perhaps a few Hail Marys could help the kitchen crew Purge their sins what the worst thing you’ve ever

Seen here ever was thing I’d have to say meat getting taken out of the oven dropped on the floor picked up quickly put back on the hot tray put in the hot cupboard I just don’t want the Cy to collapse or the PRI to collapse it’s a good it has collapsed yeah and

It’s losing money between 4 and 5,000 a week so I don’t know who’s telling you pork is but the calvary’s [ __ ] and the prior is in the [ __ ] does the Cal frustrate you sometimes yes cuz it’s just the same thing day after day it’s mundane that’s probably half the problem

Not nice is it no jumping in and out the freezer for Yorkshire pudding why aren’t you trying to do anything about it cuz I’ve just gotten a rot I so desperate we to get out that rot and I Ain big boy hey I’m here to help you right with the kitchen Sinners absolved

General manager Matt needs to unburden himself he’s also a cardinal sinner in my eyes how did you motivate staff as a general manager probably not very well at the moment cuz I’m probably demotivated and deflated myself in all honesty how hungry are you to make it work very much very much indeed I’ve

Always said I treat this like my own business which sounds really [ __ ] stupid sitting here mhm uh in the in the state that we’re in at the moment M you wanted to succeed though don’t you yeah I do yeah I care about it and I I don’t want to

You I don’t want it to uh go the way it’s going gone the Prairie staff are so stuck in a rut and it’s the caly that’s the problem I need to relight the fire in these guys with A New Concept that will excite them and appeal to the

Younger wealthier crowd to fill that 100 seat of venue how you would see is packed with aent individuals the place is littered with restaurants but what it has hasn’t got is a good honest Grill personally ditch the [ __ ] calv get rid of the fering meat and out with the

Old in within you and get hold of some good local honest produce and cook it simply nothing more than That this local Farm Supplies my restaurants with beef and it’s going to answer our prayers I’ve invited the team along to breathe them on my idea that the prior should become a grill some people people just can’t help putting their foot in it Toby watch out

For the cow Pat I’m not worried about those you can’t [ __ ] miss them look at them aren’t they Beautiful this is some of the best home rared beef in the country and we have got it wrong at the prior what we need to do now at the prior is to ditch the CV and turn that restaurant into a grill so supplied locally with phenomenal beef that starts

At the top of the menu I’m hoping that getting hands on with this Prime stock will motivate the team right who’d like to ride it Toby you go first to help me Inspire the guys I’ve invited a Meek expert to test them on their cuts of beef so the siron is

Where down here isn’t down there sewerin basically starts there and you count back in one two three ribs of the of the 13 rib rib cage that is a SE Toby where is the brisket here comes from the back end where s of about there your brisket runs

For the first five ribs parallel underneath it leg Matt where would we get the top side from embarrassingly so I haven’t got a bloody clue have an educated guess well I’m hop it’s going to be up the top somewhere for a start these guys are more denser than mener

But at last they get into grips with great beef Scott think about this one yeah I know you’re not a chef you’re an IT consultant yeah show me thank you where you would get the oxtail [Applause] from I roll my sleeve up 100% accurate 100% accurate back at the

PRI I’ve thrown out the old kitchen and had £6,000 of impressive new grill kit installed along with a new chipper we can now hit the ground running and start making money wow look at that beautiful a proper grill a proper fryer there’s no excuse now Scot the suit should be

Embracing the grill with gusto but face to face with it he loses his bottle his attitude is getting to me what you got to understand is I am you know you do understand I’m new to the business so it’s a radical radical change for what I’ve seen has been here already for 20

Years the caring it’s it’s been the cash cow for the business to kind of suddenly cut it off is obviously is a concern but Scott what we got to do yeah you’re losing five grand a week There’s no cash cow this is what this is this is what

You bought you’ve bought a head [ __ ] well I wouldn’t put it in those terms but yeah okay I understand exactly what you’re say okay so a restaurant that’s losing five grand a week four grand a week what is it then it’s it’s a business that needs

Turn it around it’s the same phrase but just used in a polite way it’s [ __ ] Scott you can’t have it both ways you can’t step in New Territory and evolve and and become somewhat dynamic in what you’re trying to do yeah and still fight you’ve got to Matt I need a bit of

Support here I need 100% of the bill being paid so as we don’t don’t come in with a semi deluded Insight that our business is functioning yet we give him 50% of it away you don’t have to sell that to me good seriously don’t help me out no

I’m going to give you 5 minutes on your own because I don’t think you get it see you later okay I can’t believe Scott he’s such a [ __ ] slippery eel for God’s sake embrace the grill get excited about it grab it and run with it it could become [ __ ] phenomenal there’s no halfway

House here yeah change or Die I’m at the prior in haywoods Heath I’ve ditched their carv and installed a brand new grill I’m desperate to reopen tonight but novice restaurant her Scots lost his nerve now he slept on it I hope he’s embraced the idea otherwise it’s game over are you well hi good morning yeah good

To see it yeah have a seat have a seat thank you now You’ had a chance to sleep on it yeah yeah first thought this morning when you woke up excited yes or [ __ ] yourself uh a little bit both bit of both like being told suddenly your wife

Says she’s pregnant right loads of excitement thinking great news great news and then suddenly the realization of okay how the hell are we going to do this what are we going to do where we going forward so yeah yeah but yeah really really excited today massive

Opportunity to move on the Fright is now on the grill but tonight it’s a dress rehearsal yeah exactly a very simple menu and let’s charge for three courses 20 quid now that’s not expensive and tonight for the first time in the history of this [ __ ] restaurant we’re not given anything

Away these chefs aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer so for this bunch I’ve deliberately chosen a trial menu that’s easy to prepare and can be turned around in large numbers first started mackel salad with some fresh chives yeah yeah mixed in at the end I smoke mael fets Bang

Three so basically vinegarette round and bang Bingo booot salad feta pine nut and Rocket what’s that in there b that’s right over dress the beetroot something fresh simple fragrant how can we [ __ ] that up can’t really the main cses will be ribeye steak salmon and spatch got chicken

Toby’s on the grill this menu and Grill don’t take this the wrong way but it’s idiot proof right can you do that yeah are you anxious I am yes good that’s healthy CU I want to [ __ ] it all up no I don’t want you to [ __ ] it all up either

Matt the general manager heading up the front of house he’s a trained Chef so he can see the advantages of the grill God knows about the rest of them I am anxious that it is all going to work out and it’s completely diverse to what we’ve done before uh it’s what we need

To do um and it’s the only way forward out of this uh car situation so it’ll be fine it’ll be fine I’ll keep telling myself that the first customers are arriving for the dress rehearsal dinner amongst them a group of rather spiritual special guests I’ve invited the bishop of Sussex

To head up a VIP table of local clergyman if the kitchen stuff up at least they’ll Grant forgiveness I’ve asked him to bless this kitchen and how he may wish that we never see a broccoli soup like you made last week anywhere near the building Heavenly Father we

Thank you for the gift of food to Delight us and to feed us and we ask your blessing upon this kitchen and these guys uh working here give them a sense of Serenity in the midst of the pressures they are under and we pray a special blessing upon Gordon we know he

Needs it and we ask you to bless this kitchen in the name of the father son and holy spirit amen amen thank you sir thank You okay first order big deep breath fill up those things fill them up fill them up up here fill them up and let it go right two covers one seat of salad and start a one smoke mackerel two ribe eyes one medium rare one medium two chips two corett yes

Chef Bingo come Bobby I need you tonight you know that yeah I know you’re waiting on a HIIT replacement but [ __ ] me hey I’m waiting on on the [ __ ] smok mackerel salad yeah right Chef no because you put the Bal vinegar around there and it’s just what the B that’s

What oh [ __ ] me I can’t believe it Bob screwed up the dressing on the first dish all Stuart’s got to do is fry corett and chips but this guy’s on another planet right what’s going next where’s the corett Please what excuse me hello look tell now corett are [ __ ] Raw I honestly didn’t realize taking chips could be so [ __ ] difficult and as the orders Mount It’s the Return of the zombie on the grill Toby can’t run a kitchen and cook at the same time again again [ __ ] season them salt pepper

Olive oil tray you can’t just throw a chicken on a [ __ ] Grill and expect it to [ __ ] hey cook you haven’t season them again oh [ __ ] sake try not to throw it on there we’re [ __ ] cooking we’re not playing darts with Toby screwing up he’s now way

Behind with the orders and 2 hours into service tables are still waiting for their food first thing they did when we came in was take our order and then half an hour later we sat down we half an hour for our start we hope that we uh make a virtue

Of patience so hey absolutely we’re not unhappy it’s one of the fruits of the Spirit yeah exactly tonight’s menu is so simple any head chef worthy salt should be able to cope there too much oil on there too much oil on there what the [ __ ] would you seriously

Eat that hey would you eat that seriously no where are you at in in the F perfectly honest I don’t [ __ ] know I’m going down very fast I haven’t got a [ __ ] clue at worst I’d hope Toby would muddle through tonight but this guy clearly isn’t a head chef it’s

One Calamity after another big deep breath hey hey hey I’ll do the pass yeah I’ll Stand alongside you and cook hey look at me can you do it give me 5 minutes 5 minutes 3 minutes 3 minutes yeah yeah [ __ ] hell look I mean just burnt [ __ ] everywhere just going in

Pieces don’t know what happened there right where’s [ __ ] Toby come on you can’t throw the tow in I can’t believe Toby’s walked out he’s letting everyone down three be salad two chicken one salmon no answer hello Muppets the kitchen’s now even further behind with the orders and the night’s a

Disaster he’s got his sauce we waiting for sauce here at the start and no salad and he hasn’t got the main Scott’s getting it in the neck from the customers in a minute for the soup yeah I understand that sorry about that new menu it’s the first night so I

Understand it’s it’s been challenging for you guys you’re not going dinner yet 30 people out there who do not want to pay for their dinner oh well I [ __ ] up that one so so we’re not doing 30 out of 50 we’re doing like 30 out of

60 that’s what I’ve got up there telling me is not going to pay for their dinner 30 people at the moment start main courses and desserts for 30 people ask the [ __ ] Bishop to take the place over and help get him to hold a service here on Sunday we be more [ __ ]

Successful tonight’s been a [ __ ] disaster that was bad watching the first [ __ ] 50 minutes the way you organize your kitchen as far as I’m concerned [ __ ] midnight now mate you’re not capable of running a [ __ ] bath and then you disappear because you’re pissed off off I’m really sorry but tomorrow we’re

Going to readjust if this place has got a chance to [ __ ] turn around Matt I want you running the kitchen tomorrow you have to concentrate tomorrow night and all I want you to do is cook yeah there’s such an amazing opportunity here [ __ ] to turn this place around

And for everyone to pull on the road and I get an attitude like that where’s your spunk and [ __ ] possessed that you got all this [ __ ] new stuff in here the roller coaster week we’ve been on and and and you just want to [ __ ] jerk off out the door

Cuz it’s [ __ ] up tonight we cannot give up we stay United 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight of you have to come in here tomorrow morning as a team just a [ __ ] Dynamic team to really want to do something [ __ ] different restart thank you tough on that one last night Scott’s

Going to have to understand if he wants to turn this place around then he’s going to have to invest in proper staff Toby is not the head chef of the grill I’m going to focus in the kitchen today with Matt and get some sort of power in there some assertive strength hopefully

It should be a vast Improvement on last night’s service cuz that was a [ __ ] nightmare with tonight’s launch only hours away I can’t afford another disaster like last night the stakes are even higher as I’m introducing a bigger menu rum steak RI by Philip chicken lamb

Tuna salmon so we’ve like almost sort of doubled with Matt at the helm controlling the kitchen it’s a Gamble and I’m hoping that the potential I seeing him will pay off I like your assertiveness you command a lot of sort of you know power it’s nice spread it

Around offload it on them okay yeah yeah tough job with a prior menu completely revamped we’ve got to get the message out at the railway station hundreds of City Slickers are returning home they’re just the wealthy crowd I want eating at the prior every week now that the car is

Finally gone take sandwich come on don’t be shy I’m going to Temp them with some Prime Steak and it’s Scott’s job to market the grill and keep the campaign going anyone heard of the prior this is a relaunch of the PRI try one of those what do you think that Stak fantastic

Fresh new Innovative fantastic food and we want all you guys in there eating at the car review mhm that a lovely pie of be littlear oh [ __ ] you’re what how can you do that it’s launch night and the marketing efforts pulling in a younger hipper crowd to the prior these are the people

Who will help the business grow there’s 80 books so we need to impress them to keep them coming back so it’s time to put a rocket of these Space Cadets before liftoff are we ready guys yeah big night yeah I’m watching you like a [ __ ] HW yeah I’m going to be a

[ __ ] CCT camera up your [ __ ] yeah show me the grill there show me the grill one more show me the grill one more show me the grill as show me the grill one more show me the grill one more show me the grill that’s it excellent Matt yeah too smooth to

Move too smooth to move too smooth to move excellent good luck make it work yes excellent check on table 11 two covers one mackerel one meat one new potatoes two chips one corett yes chef yes sir good tonight I’m leaving Matt to it there’s no more babysitting and these

Guys need to show me they can step up to the plate I want that Medium looking pretty Raw on the sides of me drop the [ __ ] griddle yeah right threee macel please Tom yeah I need those next yes sir JY I really need those sides Buba watch’s your

Salmon yeah Table 9 it looks like it’s [ __ ] being Mike Tyson yeah he’s are going cold Toby but yeah well I’ve just [ __ ] the S haven’t I hey hey big boy that’s no way to talk to the [ __ ] gent where where where’s your respect oh I’m getting that Groundhog

Day Feeling Matt really needs to hold the kitchen together upstairs in the restaurant the food is getting out but there are glitches sorry about the tuna who who was it damn was it way over cooked yeah is that se what that one this one no nothing is on the grill that one no

Nothing on the grill should I call that and confuse you no I’ll keep it for a moment should I yeah I’ll keep it for a moment despite Toby’s Tantrums Matt has a firm grip on things and I’m impressed with how he’s keeping his cool and Matt’s control of the kitchen

Is paying off in the restaurant at last The Grill menu is going down well and D what did you have I have salmon salmon it’s very nice are you missing the car no we’ve been coming here for on and off for the last 10 years living H and I think it

Run it run its course the car it’s time for a change is excellent well it’s very kind I’m glad you enjoyed it and please come back 5 days ago the PRI was churning out plates of crap car for a Fiverr tonight with freshly cooked food from the grill the restaurants making

Money and the Vic was almost enthusiastic £3,200 we’ taken we did 80 covers tonight um you know working it out through 80 covers that’s £40 ahead spend you know clearly the concept um of a grill works you know I think it’s going to be very successful so that’s very

Good so I’m really you know kind of buzzing I’m tired from the week but you know very excited Matt’s been the prior savior tonight his strength kept the kitchen going despite his flocks obvious flaws if you weren’t in the Kitchen tonight nothing would have come out you are the

Sole key individual that can be instrumental of turning this [ __ ] business around and I really mean that thank you and so don’t let go of that strength I swear to God cuz if you let it go they’re all [ __ ] now we’ve done this tonight this is this is where I

Want it to go you know this is where we are this is where we are going as far as I’m concerned well done good thank you cheers I’ll see you in a month yeah and [ __ ] me I can’t wait to come back I’m dying to find out who’s going to be the

[ __ ] head chef all right good turnar around um the difference from the calvary to the grill night and day um Fu me Scott has got an asset in Matt and if he lets Matt do his job then resta the kitchen Focus menu’s there run with it because it’s hardly [ __ ] rocket

Science it’s 6 weeks since I was in Haywood’s Heath I left the prior grill with a packed congregation making a healthy profit I’m back back and I can’t wait to find out what the score is I’m hoping that Matt has still got a grip of the kitchen and Scott has been pushing the

Business forward and getting the message out there hey how are you big boy I’m well you yeah than you how are you yeah not bad not bad you’re still in the kitchen I am good news very good news Toby where is he day off Toby’s gone Toby’s gone y

That’s uh that’s a positive decision Toby was sacked for preparing chicken that was off he disputes this but left anyway so has the business taken off how’s it been uh not busy enough ready seriously not busy lunch and dinner or um we’ve probably done about 230 covers

Or thereabouts every week is that all 230 Christ yeah we were doing on cver I supp about 7 700 as an average Christ so from 700 you lost 500 covers comes down to advertising we’re not advertising what we’re doing you know we haven’t we haven’t said we we’re not a Calvary

We’ve gone back to CV on the weekend calvary’s back one day a week guess an appearance I just think it’s a massive massive golden opportunity that we have potentially [ __ ] up so far oh [ __ ] so frustrating unbelievable the car’s back and the business is failing what’s the

Vica gone and done Scott how are you yeah well thank you I wasn’t until I heard the news we’re down by 500 covers the message is still not out there and the CV’s coming back I I I I think you made a big mistake you were sending a

Conflicted message by having a carv on a Sunday why can’t you just have a simple roast and plate it because that isn’t what the customers around here are telling me that they want I get I’ll get you’re losing confidence Scott no no no it’s not no it’s not about that Gordon

It’s a it’s it’s a dinosaur that [ __ ] thing what message have you put out there about a grill taking place I’m not going to I’m not going to stand here and say we’ve got it all you know everything sorted out and we’ve got it going are we

Ready to bring in 80 covers and do it well I don’t think we still are he could cope with that on the back of doing 80 in front of me with a [ __ ] handicapped [ __ ] Brigade you know no disrespect to Toby but you know he didn’t have the [ __ ] strongest

[ __ ] influence in the kitchen I’m more confident 6 weeks down the line you could be doing 150 on a Saturday night I just think it’s a missed opportunity I’m infuriated with Scott he’s so weak willed and he’s forgotten the lesson of the marketing campaign I started at the rail

Station I call meeting with his staff to shock him into action your asset is driving the [ __ ] business marketing selling your [ __ ] business and standing there like a [ __ ] salesman driving it and you’ve got to loosen up and embrace your staff listen to them and move forward together I think

Sometimes that you’re so [ __ ] worried about your persona in front of them because of your weakness in the industry I’m seriously trying to help you do this Scott yeah seriously there is no other you know ultimate kind of thing that we we’re doing is to help do this and make

It run more smoothly we’re going out the streets today and we’re going to [ __ ] drum up some business and ties a band why what’s wrong with being smartly dressed and turned out nothing being smartly dressed if I want to wear no you’re not let me finish let me tell you

Yeah before we get all [ __ ] angry and take a swipe and [ __ ] me and I quick there’s a level of casualness when you got an open neck shirt rather than an office point of view with a [ __ ] shirt and tie on are you worried about the tie it’s a nice

Tie on or off off on or off off on or off off yeah you can off as well is it coming [Applause] off look that’s better all right I’ll take my toil freed from the shackles of his suit and tie Scott’s got to rev up his marketing Drive is what he should have

Been doing 6 weeks ago and now we need all hands on deck ready big smile Mr rer Le the way let’s go ladies yesterday they had seven for dinner tonight I want a full house yes come on man get in there what you come on get in there come

On it’s the young and Wealthy Scott needs to attract they’re the future for his restaurant and we’ve got a booking for you tonight you’re going to come and visit so we can show you a real good time and you you know it’ll be buzzing of us at 7:30 7:30 fantastic after less

Than an hour the prior’s 100 seats are filling up for 7 at 8:45 we’re nearly fully booked for tonight and you still look unhappy I’m loving it Absolut no I love it I love it I’m not unhappy spreading the good word on the streets has paid off and tonight the

Prior is full of customers has Scott finally repented for his marketing sins yeah I’ve learned from today that it’s the you know it’s the marketing that’s the most important thing a lot of these people have never been here before and they they’re now raving about it so yeah it’s absolutely

What we need to do now they’re young they’re vibrant and it’s exactly the kind of customers that you deserve yeah drive it thank you very much yeah and I mean drive it and don’t stop driving it yeah no exactly it’s not a one day thing

Is it’s ongoing no no no no and do me one more favor yeah undo another button good night good Lu Scott now just needs to drive it business doesn’t just come and sit on your lap you got to go looking for it and if you don’t you’re going to

Fail as a cocktail what’s it called I need a name for it a nun’s nipple a vica’s Tipple come on Andy yes or no a funk funk I said fun a Mon’s bu oh my God