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we’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty | Kitchen Nightmares

vroom vroom get out me car

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we’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty | Kitchen Nightmares

#GordonRamsay #KitchenNightmares #GordonRamsayCooking

There was nothing wrong with that elk chewy Bland raw in the middle you wanted a medium rare oh paying $35 for it I thought I deserve that excuse me so if I got the medium would they have tasted better they would have been more consistently cooked oh I have been

Eating elk for 30 years do you have it on your menu seasonally you explained to me with the game season this so it’s when game is at its absolute best this is back in back in Scotland where New York New York yeah New York let me tell you something you’re not a

Chef stop pretending to be one did I tell you I was a chef you told me you training with the best chefs in Europe I get [ __ ] tell you that I am self-taught by old school Europeans Master Chefs that had a liking to me who

Is the chef here it’s my kitchen I’m the chef you just told me you’re not but now you are I’m not a certified Chef like no I know that but who cooks I do right so you’re the head chef you write the menus you dictate the special features correct

Let me tell you something you’re not a fine dining beastro you’re a small man with a fake beastro you’re shooting way above your station you’ve totally misjudged your Market because of all these pretentious ideas that you think are going to work are screwed what are you referring to here we go make it

Easier for you I know you’re store-bought chocolate cake garnished with fake flowers you don’t even cook you just prance around behind the line throwing raw bits of carrots on top of raw pastry I’ve never come across a beastro anywhere in the world with nature in the world in the world we’ll

Research that you are so [ __ ] arrogant you don’t even listen to your customers let alone your staff you have a gifted young group of servers that told me more problems and issues with the first 20 minutes of meeting them than you have done all [ __ ] day

Yeah yeah now it’s funny yeah from a fake fireplace to fake garnish yeah you want me to blow [ __ ] smoke up your phony ass I don’t want you to blow smoke up my phony ass wow it was petite micro carrots that was not just about the carrots carrots is just a [ __ ]

Example of 20 things that have gone wrong you’re buting my balls because you’re in [ __ ] denial you want me to come in and change your carrots and make some fresh [ __ ] chocolate cake for you yeah I’m lost for words I I I I don’t know what to say do

You know what we could do for me impress me with your dinner service show me how you function Chef you want to see what comes back our elk does not come back I’m deeply sorry your feelings are hurt my [ __ ] feelings feelings ain’t hurt oh you can’t hurt my feelings you’re ignoring

My advice I’m and you’re going up against me no I’m not ignoring your advice I feel like Christmas has come early defensive ignorant and in complete guess what if I’m all that you’re my twin what yeah cuz I’ve been called you here many a times so let’s get over to

[ __ ] I can cook Joe when you have the arrogance to stand in front of me and charge your locals 35 [ __ ] dollars for Entre that are inedible have a look at yourself man people seem to enjoy it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Off hi Mom what’s going on I talked to Gordon this morning and I decided to close that business I cannot do it anymore it doesn’t work is that what you think yeah all right fine Jesus Christ is that all you have to say well Mom it’s your restaurant you’re the one

That has a decision on this but I think we should still keep it open that’s my personal opinion I I I don’t want to give up I know we can hold out and do it I cannot put any more money in this place I’m willing to fight

To keep this restaurant open do you have some suggestion how we can do that we have an expert in the restaurant business we can ask him you really want to do it yes absolutely hiy Chef Ramsey hi how you doing so 54 years in the making mhm and

The Business is on the brink of closure you’re part of that failure yeah do you understand what that means yes I do Chef it’s got to come from you Nino I’m want to commit take control Nina I shall no more excuses just be on top of everything I’m willing mom the business

Is going to have to become a new priority number one number one at this point I believe Nina really wants to turn his life around and he wants to do what’s best for the restaurant and the family Well Nino says he’s committed to change how don’t jef Ramsey feels it’s important that he shares this news with his brother and his sister okay the lack of commitment with Nino has been going on for far too long and your mother stepped up and told him i’

Had enough and Nino to his credit turned around and said Mom I want to do this I’m committed yes I don’t believe that you know you’ve been in denial for a long time what your responsibilities have been you made so many promises to all of us over your life and this time

You need to be in charge he’s committed to that this morning and this is the new Nino maybe for 3 4 weeks but then he’ll revert back to the old Nino I I’m asking let’s get out of the past what is it we can do from this

Point to move forward and treat each other with decency and walk away shaking each other’s hands okay no more excuses no more denial I need you to be the big brother that you’re supposed to be to this family um so even though we’re here to help we

Appreciate everything the r has done for us I need to focus on going in a different direction becoming independent we all just need a little bit of schedule where we’re not here 7 days a week every single one of us but you know you’re still too young right now you

Still child for me you’re only 19 years old there is a rule here this a familiar rule is not like what you want to do you have to hear first from your dad and your mom and then you can do it on your own I think this going to go as well as

Chef family thinks it’s going to go my dad is not an open-minded person like at all I am here to help you at the moment and I’ve been here fulltime every single day non-stop but as the time comes I kind of want to go my own way and do my own thing now I’m going to let you go on your own and you still sh

Sam what you have got to stop doing is making them feel guilty and because the restaurant is not making money they’re having to wear that jacket of burden and it’s not your daughter’s fault that this is not working I want them to understand that every day someone have to be here

But it’s driving them apart you have to understand when the time comes we all have to do our own thing what can I say what see let’s get yes him um I’m I’m here to help you but if I’m going to college can’t Be hey come on I promise you they’re all here for you and as well as this is tough it’s really important for them and I’m here for you as well and yes you’ve got every pressure every bill every Demand on your shoulders but we can’t continue like this buddy okay okay come on

Seeing my father cry Hill is really hard for all of us but how to do it how to tell him the truth straight up I know I’ve been here every day for the past um four 5 years I don’t always make it seem like I hate this place but I

Do but when to change this when to turn this place around I’m not going anywhere for the short term I’m going to be by your side let’s go boy we argue we fight we kill each other here all because all because nobody cares enough to try to try to do something about it Dan yes sir do you buy them like that in milk no we don’t buy them like that why they like this it’s they water because unfortunately those are frozen ones I know sorry Tom I mean honestly why are you doing this to yourself those what they were why are you doing

This just smell inside there just smell inside there smells beautiful ocean fresh it smells beautiful ocean fresh Kevin can you get me Andrea please Andrea help back please are you kidding me right now so Andrea come around please you got two seconds the scolars were serving they’re frozen ones he’s in

Denial I have to do no no no I need to talk it’s nothing wrong I eat myself if you pick up this bag I pick them up myself this morning if you take this bag they’ve been in the freezer for 1 day or 24 hours and pick up this one you’re

Going to find the same Seafood product disagree go ahead and smell this one and smell that one tell me what the what what’s the difference you are trying to convince me that serving frozen food is better than fresh there not a frozen they were in the [ __ ] freezer you buy

Them in in the bulk fresh you put them in the bags you weigh them out and you freeze them and in the morning you take out 10 bags you get them defrost they sit in their piss like that and then you cook them yes I do that but you will

Criticize with the milk at the smell there not smell any difference that one from this one and I say they smell like awesome FR and they do so they smell the same once they’ve been frozen depends if you got it for one year in the Freez one day all right you

Not clue what you’re talking about they smell fresher once they’re defrosted [ __ ] you’re [ __ ] loopy they smell fresher after being frozen oh come on anybody’s in a restaurant business what no matter who he is rule number one when studying to be a chef fresh food doesn’t smell taste [ __ ] better once

It’s frozen shellfish is something you never freeze and now here you are leering me that that [ __ ] thing is fresh SN while Chef Ramsey continues to explain to Tom how his pre-cooking is having a negative impact on the food fresh food doesn’t smell taste [ __ ] better once it’s frozen Tom remains in denial no it doesn’t matter if he’s Frozen or not it doesn’t matter if he’s Frozen or

Not no he’s trying to convince me that this idiotic setup is acceptable do you honestly think that your customers will be happy to pay for Frozen [ __ ] being defrosted rapidly they are under the impression in your [ __ ] dying room that what you’re cooking them it’s fresh

So you’re not going to convince me that this is better than serving it fresh what I’ve just said does that make any sense does it does thank God you’re not as stubborn as your dad if you don’t like my food don’t even talk to me I don’t want you oh my God

I’m extremely embarrassed my heart is like breaking because um this is something that I’m really proud of and tonight just showed that I really shouldn’t be proud of this thank you really disgusting my dad his mindset is not allowing us to go up from here I need to

Dr I don’t want to talk to this guy when he comes in here come on everybody outside uh introduce me to who’s who this is Joe Joe this is osar how are you Hi how are val hello sir valeno how are you to meet you likewise good to see you

Too um I don’t know where to start I’ve just had one of the most disgusting lunches I’ve ever had I stopped a dessert tray full of moldy desserts and the tortillini grainy Bland and the potato was just Dreadful the meatballs Frozen dry solid yes they’re disgusting

I don’t eat them but you can’t make meatballs every day you get 20 lbs of chopped meat you make the meatballs fre freeze the rest do you know how long it takes to make 5 lb of Meatballs 10 minutes this what we’ve done all our lifetime I haven’t just started this yesterday the

Meatballs are always done you get away with it 1967 it’s 2012 John does anyone have standards here we’re not in control of the menu whose menu is it it’s my menu I’m embarrassed to do some of the things that we do here you kidding me we make

Pasta fresh and we freeze it like are you crazy but why are you doing it I don’t have a choice who sto you the menu my menu why don’t you listen to this man he’s spoken more sense of the last 5 minutes than anybody has since I’ve been here do you listen

To your staff they’re not paying my bills I’m the guy paying the bills oh cuz you make the pizza and so they can’t have a voice you should be nowhere near this business I don’t agree with you I think we should close the doors I don’t

Think this man actually gives a [ __ ] I didn’t I didn’t call you because I want to put the key to the door if I need you to tell me to put the key to the door I would have done that you coming here it worked before why can’t it work now but

You’re running on Nostalgia it Stood Still and yet outside these four walls the whole neighborhood has overtaken you you’re in love with the Memories John I don’t know what to say thank you for your honesty I need a shower my [ __ ] stink of plant Juice