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clips that turn my blood to tea 🇬🇧 | Kitchen Nightmares UK

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clips that turn my blood to tea 🇬🇧 | Kitchen Nightmares UK

#GordonRamsay #KitchenNightmares #GordonRamsayCooking

For any head chef this would be a walk in the park first order two pigeon mles one venison one BR okay where did the tickets go um well I just put them there cuz we never really get enough to worry about it oh [ __ ] me that’s nice who’s

Doing what who’s doing the fish I’ll do the fish and what would you like to do tonight uh I’ll do ven what I’m trying to say is how the [ __ ] do you organize your kitchen oh take care of the hot starters I’ll do the cold STS you do the

Fish I’ll do the meat we jump on theing together then LE stand here and I’ll do this one and just when I’m not doing anything then I’ll just jump on and help him out you know how to organize within reason within reason okay here we go where did you put red

Bly with the first orders in now I can really see what’s going on in the kitchen what was that I just trashed a load of balls better send the bread for us don’t you yeah never mind fine dining they can’t even get the bread right it’s [ __ ] Frozen get it back in the

Oven are the pigeons ready yes we’re about to put them in the bin because the bread’s Frozen pigeons are cooped and the [ __ ] Bread’s not even out there and if you toss that [ __ ] cabbage once more I’m going to ram it up your ass okay yeah can yeah you

Everything you turn around yeah let’s go come on even when the kitchen’s busy you should be looking to get the startles out within 10 minutes of receiving the order thank you very much these poor souls have waited half an hour for the pigeon breast with mushroom ravioli

And that’s not the only problem Tim you made a r video yes it’s burnt you taste that man no smell it then you honestly can’t taste that burn but now now you point it out yeah get that [ __ ] in the bin this is really worrying a head chef who can’t even

Taste his own Foods burnt he’s not going to win any prizes for his control of the kitchen either and there’s only two of them in here one I need fo okay can you hear that can you hear hold on hold on come here they’re buzzing they’re buzzing in the background that’s the veg

Of the microwave that should have gone with the main cause 4 minutes ago come on Tim get the [ __ ] things out for some an hour’s weight is just too much desperate to keep her staff cost down se’s got a hands full running the bar upstairs and seems blissfully

Unaware of the F that’s taking place in the basement k was a disaster a disaster beond belief the blind leading the blind and the left arm not knowing what the right arm’s doing and you want 50 60 seats filled down there and they’ve got 11 customers in

For dinner and up to eyeballs in [ __ ] I mean real [ __ ] everything’s going in these Cutters for some bizarre reason they think that Rings is the sort of ultimate fine dining experience but superb I don’t understand what the hell’s going on there I don’t know all I know is I’m not

Making money so I don’t know what they’re at or where they’re coming from but it’s Sue’s business and she should be in charge look at the [ __ ] mess huh I’ve ever seen such hard work for 11 guests no doesn’t make you feel good does it no

Really it’s one of the busiest nights of the Year Saturday at half term so it’s a perfect test what is that there are 106 customers booked if they’re happy they’ll spend an average of 30 good each plus wine and The Glass House will take over four grand but their biggest problem is

Coping with lots of orders [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] upstairs up their asses second [ __ ] call away from non-existent table Neil did tell me when the pressure’s intense the kitchen collapses into chaos and you know what it’s true someone answer me someone have a look in the he ends up giving meals away things

Soon go from bad to very ugly no it’s not [ __ ] all right do our tell Yeah for the fat looks horrible it hasn’t been trimmed f f yeah that’s exactly what it is yeah take it to Richard Jay get on the phone now find out where this fish was going going the whole thing has gone pearshaped everyone’s running around like headless chickens um eye off the

Ball and um just a massive breakdown in communication [ __ ] Partridge you I need a bigger piece of seast doing side order got up needs to come back and that needs to be cooked some more you want this [ __ ] part cooking more for [ __ ] sake I need another Partridge

CL yeah Rand have you just been reading the right check it’s really Grim my apologies Chef 36 have had their status we’ve had the order in for 40 minutes yes GL say that’s not good enough where is that big check where’s the big check you break your [ __ ] balls and you

Really do for it yeah you know what [ __ ] why Restaurant Rescue I’ll tell you how you can rescue me restaurant off me [ __ ] B it off me mate then you’ll do me the biggest [ __ ] favor you could I think someone’s about to pissy pants just come there that’s

It one chicken plus chips for four kids one crab one and dive to follow one lo lo of pork two chicken and one rockhead I need some chips for these chickens yeah con be quiet the only person I can hear now is Gary and you’re running the kitchen let’s go okay

Garnish Blakey where the [ __ ] Blakey blanky the window what are you doing 5D yes I need an answer guys no wonder franchesco’s back in the kitchen his family are still waiting for their lunch everything’s out there now everyone’s standing staring at their food two people haven’t got it come on

Come on Steph let’s go this is a [ __ ] disaster okay chicken how long Stefano H long you know this is for it’s for the boss’s wife you know that touch it it’s Stone Cold yeah get another one in hey he owns the place and I’m not

Going to serve that let’s go look for the chicken got it chicken ready let’s go bring it together let’s go nice and hot this time send it the food is late and cold Stefan can’t organized chips for a 4-year-old okay right come here just stop everybody yeah

I mean stop come here you come here shut up shut up I’m talking that was a disaster complete disaster the food standing hang around the past nothing happening and you’re over there and then just you I’m sorry but it’s not good enough you’re not nothing’s coming out

Okay stop now okay you take over and see if we can pull ourselves together a little bit and get ourselves out of the ship because in 15 minutes this place is going to be the biggest [ __ ] hole in Wales you shut it okay back in your

Corner and listen to what’s going on do you hear what I said yeah do it right let’s go little clear down yeah clear down first okay Gary you know where we are yes and the brill you decide exactly what you want doing in your mind 2 minutes before you dress you turn around

Address the Brigade and tell them exactly what you want yeah uh one bra beef one venison sausage one Grill one tuna away hey let’s give it together hey we a team and I don’t want it back in here telling as we can’t [ __ ] do it again

Okay so bit of teamwork now yeah if you can’t hear you then don’t scream for that okay cuz we’re not a oneman band check ONN two covers one pigeon one oysters the follow one Riv one duck go can you go with the scholars Sal one Pleas J is a real arrogant little [ __ ] but at least he can speak unlike Stefano they can’t even run a [ __ ] bath let alone a [ __ ] kitchen I need a tunip first off you please and you got three chips yeah yeah we need three chips and one Tom salad please

Wait good well done good okay well done well done I main course it’s bloody difficult to get out like that you know Well Done yes Dre in a few more people how’d it go for you not very well thank you for being honest I thought it went terrible

Yeah huh really bad you really do have a problem talking to individuals you know that and today was a disaster yeah I’m sorry it really was a disaster if you ever get your own restaurant one day make sure you haven’t got any more than [ __ ] five seats

Because you weren’t be to manage you know that and so we got to Now work on this in the next couple of days and stop you being a cook and look at the important role of becoming a chef there are two people in the dining

Room let’s see if their lunch is as bad as my dinner almost everything seems to be deep fried and the oil smells like it hasn’t been changed for months when you walk through the restaurant the first thing you can smell is like um tainted sort of fried smell fried smell almost a

Little bit like hospital food yes Chef why ISO the saladas he’s like kind of saladas but he’s yeah how many new potatoes around uh only one one new potato yeah [ __ ] hell for £950 any olives no nothing’s ready here no beans cooked no eggs cooked what the [ __ ] is

Going on are we just in the [ __ ] cuz we got two customers for lunch this kitchen is a nightmare Mark was brought in to update the food but I can’t see what he’s done how can he get away with a menu like this and how would you um how

Would you describe the style the food um it’s um the the the the alak cart stuff that we do is very um it’s very much here’s a steak and three sources you can have with it it’s not a great it’s not a massive detraction for what they were

Serving before here and three sources are what uh Brandy and mushrooms Stilton and bacon and peppercorn Jesus those three sauces sound a little bit burish well they are I mean this is the thing it’s a bit it’s a bit 1976 you can say that again little nuke sauce straight out in

The microwave til in the mushroom it’s an insult to cooking oh in a bag damn no wonder we need so many [ __ ] microwaves thank [ __ ] I’m not hungry parley hey come on we be the same without py come on get it on there there you go good old Bernie I know you love

Your parley and so far they need a [ __ ] rock up their ass because if they continue the way they are doing now it’s going to go down like a sack of [ __ ] and quite frankly I don’t think they actually care about customers and every dining room needs to care about

Customers otherwise they don’t come [ __ ] back check on one ctail two parmesana one soup first table’s in so normally Alex Goes Like This Jesus Christ guys then everyone gets really dizzy first table oh [ __ ] D slow down here I want to really make sure that you stay nice and calm yeah

And show some composure now yeah but the kitchen’s only half the story for the evening to run smoothly the dining room’s got to be well managed by the mat D specials sorry excuse me but the m d is Alex’s best mate it’s Gavin’s first job as a restaurant manager and I don’t

Think he’s got a clue we have like a couple of portions left very nice I did have that for din before I started highly recommended okay it doesn’t help that Gavin supported front of house by Emily Alex’s girlfriend the chicken was cold 70° when I appr it what do you want to do

Anything nothing wasn’t cold her only experience of serving food comes from seven years as an air hostess that’s why I probe everything you are the Maj aren’t you you’re running the place you’ve got to get some Authority around you know that you got to get some presents look at those per rolls over

There that’s how big your bollock should be that big now find them and [ __ ] use them just a drizzle Alex yeah ni and come oh yeah I actually Alex isn’t doing too badly but it’s not long before Gavin’s we out his depth he should be taking orders now

There huh what is he doing out there Gavin’s managed to get 60 people booked in for tonight but he’s allowed 40 of them to arrive at the same time I think we’re going to be in this [ __ ] in 10 minutes time you in a [ __ ] do sh any manager worth his weight should

Know he’s got to stagger the bookings to keep a steady flow of orders coming into the kitchen you okay now yeah yeah good you don’t look it [ __ ] scrape off the little bit bit yeah okay put it up there and call it out what call it what is it tell me what it

Is [ __ ] hell here we go again turns let still another one under pressure all Alex’s bad habits come flooding back [ __ ] first time in his entire career he’s actually had to cook properly and it’s pretty obvious he can’t do it go away completely in the [ __ ] and lost it big

Time which one next nothing together she has and he’s just clammed up and and I got a good mind to get that number plate off that [ __ ] car and stick it up his ass sideways start Alex and Gavin are like two little boys playing at Running a

Restaurant I’ve never worked like this I hate saying it but so close to Cowboys you know that quit now yeah put the rest up for sale I can’t wait to see this team of jokers in action all right so we get going CU they’re hungry immediately it’s clear

Who’s the mum in this kitchen I’m getting you a chili pepper cuz you ain’t going no just the one can I take the seeds out at least shita talks to them like they’re her children and she’s the only one cooking anything from fresh I need to start

Cooking up these now okay shita all of the second uh party you’re in all right okay two potato skins onion R cornbread two pieces can I get some jumala heated up please for Brian and 80 it’s just an elaborate Heating and plating up exercise mouns of messy food School

Dinner style a D minus must try harder that’s hot gravy y yeah on hot turkey yep served on cold plates y with cold salad yep what’s he laughing at this is serious you weren’t going to break sweat there were you oh you are he’s about to kick off

When there’s twice as many Star as there need be this should be an absolute Breeze but should we just killing herself trying to do everything we got everything in the basement yeah everything’s Gone [ __ ] paying two fully qualified chefs to dress and send a plate of nachos come on that’s a sure fine way to break a business [ __ ] that was painful very very painful tonight on several occasions you’re standing here cooking away in a world of your own yeah and these guys standing there just

Almost playing with themselves because they’re waiting for something from you if you are the head chef yes then you’re going to have to start taking the reins yeah yeah I want to try and get through a busy night without pissing your pants with Laughter 2 hours pure concentration

Without laughing okay and I bet you can’t do it I can do it you [ __ ] smiling already if there was ever a case of too many cooks this is it one of them will have to go the pants F already I said no smiling no laughing serious okay set a

[ __ ] example and do not be scared to get rid of baggage scal sh freezes four as every plate Journeys around the kitchen each of his seven chefs adds another flourish and all this unnecessary fussing is wasting time and money hurry up now yeah all done there’s so many hands going on

Around the kitchen the pl is that normal for to go around can they not finish anything need my sauce the same for the lobster I need my sauce okay you put the plate under the grill and I sauce okay service please service oh one is missing no no no it’s okay it’s okay

Sorry yes [ __ ] now it feels like we’ve done 250 and we’ve cooked in the last um 2 and 1 half hours is um 10 please I felt that I wanted to just say stop what you’ve got at the beginning was just enough for me you prefer something more simpler simple because the ingredients

You’ve got are phenomenal he needs to let his food speak for itself his approach feels outdated and pretentious is it easier if we maybe cook a dish and like cook the scallops and look at the difference and and and go through it together that way right now what should we do

Sculls um now now whatever um I’ve got two things to do first okay for a guest tonight and I’ll be with you uh okay if the restaurant was full I could understand his arrogance but it’s Heming cash and no one seems to care it’s almost like um

The barricades are up and you know nothing’s going to get through because all I want to do is do the dish together and look at the different stages we’re taking out to make it more appealing but it doesn’t seem to sort of sink in I

Only want to be part of the team just let me in being hard ass is you know nice but when you’re in this situation with over complex food and no direction I [ __ ] grab that kind of insight if was in his shoes you know trust me completely I can

Do what I want whatever I want so it was a deal between us C blanch on whatever I do Lu’s behaving like a spoiled brat so as a last resort I’ll try his Brigade is there something you can you know work closely with yeah cannnot make your food

Too complex you can help us as well I’m sure I want to help definitely let me [ __ ] in yes first I’m going to tackle the language barrier I’m going to have to get you Bing fluent Scottish D we Basta D we bastard no f d we bastard it’s getting there D we bastard

Sorry it’s fluing in Scottish now all right so when someone upsets him in the High Street that you with bu oh piss off oh peace off no piss off piss off out of my way oh [ __ ] man [ __ ]