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karen is my new best friend | Hotel Hell

my favourite thing about karen is her denial 🥰

Season 3, Episode 3

Gordon travels to Harpers Ferry in West Virginia in the first of a two-part visit in which he tries to save the Town’s Inn, a historic hotel run by retired teacher and junk hoarder Karan Townsend.

Season 3, Episode 4

Gordon continues to restore the failing Town’s Inn in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. After witnessing abysmal food hygiene practices in the restaurant, Gordon is left in disbelief as he uncovers terrifying cleanliness issues throughout the hotel.

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karen is my new best friend | Hotel Hell

#GordonRamsay #KitchenNightmares #GordonRamsayCooking #HotelHell

I’m visiting a historic town in West Virginia where I meet one of the most bizarre owners I have ever encountered it’s like a hoers Anonymous junk on top of junk not only is she unaware of the damage she has done the Wall’s rotten and you just go paint over it it’s

Really solid you can’t just Band-Aid this place but her unwillingness to change or even listen you’re boiling a burger I eat the marfin we’re all pretending that this this is good proves to be the biggest hurdle for me you are seriously in Denial just 60 mi from Washington DC is one of America’s most celebrated small towns Harper Ferry situated between the beautiful pic and shanor rivers is the town’s Inn my wife Anna and I bought the Inn for my mom back in 2007 we wanted it to be a

Good investment but we also bought more with our hearts than our heads I think it’s the type of woman who’s happiest when she’s working so we figured this would be a good place for her to work and enjoy um the season of life that she’s in I’m a grandmother so it’s kind

Of grandmother’s house and I’m here mainly because I’ve retired from teaching I love historical properties and decided that being an inkeeper would be a fun thing for the rest of my life the town’s in is probably kind of like a circus Karen’s the ring leader and you never know what’s going to

Happen next working for Karen is interesting it’s frustrating she’s pretty set in her ways and it’s her way or the highway I think what makes someone a good mom isn’t necessarily what makes someone a good boss or a good business owner k as a business woman she don’t have no experience and is Awful Karen treats this place as both her business and her home but more her home I mean her bedroom was in her office you know she sleep right there pretty much in the dining room I have asked Karen is this your home or restaurant or is it an end you can’t

Have it all three ways and spec to make money par is absolutely a hoarder Karen Hoards her clothes old shoes books baskets don’t even get me started on those damn baskets there’s baskets everywhere you could open a closet in hotel room and see a pile of baskets you

Could walk in our server area open the fridge and I bet there’d be a basket there because they’re literally Everywhere Karen’s in denial of what’s wrong she needs to separate herself from this place or things aren’t going to change we we are suffering we are in debt the customers are going away while we don’t want to sell the towns in I think we’re certainly at a Crossroads of

Just saying is this becoming overwhelming for my mom you know she’s not getting any younger and it’s just it could be a potential train wreck so if the ship is sinking then we want to make sure we get our mom off of the boat before it Sinks Wow look at this place gorgeous fresh food wow nice to see you Karen Townson Karen good to see you I’m glad you’re here gorgeous little town it remind you of Europe isn’t it kind of the quain remind me of a movie set I mean it’s just for that many times has

It really wow okay I’m interest have a quick look around and uh yeah I’ll follow you okay um what’s all this out here what is that oh that’s just watering the plants yeah and we get a lot of hikers and it rains here sometimes what is that who knows it’s

Been here a long time but it’s like Freddy Krueger’s hat who who’s is this it’s just there for anybody that wants to borrow oh I see and does anyone borrow that they haven’t yet interesting another one as well and what are these for sale they are they for sale yeah see

Summer hats how much are these three to three to 20 depends and this is how much H maybe not Mar whatever you want to offer we’re very flexible I’m not too sure if it’s my style and uh oh that’s Dusty that’s a pretty special one why is

It so special because it’s full of dust yeah West Virginia and this is Almost Heaven how much is that one it’s whatever you offer are these secondhand no not bad some things are but not bad is your business are you selling many are you are you busy no we don’t really

Sell a lot of hats I see mhm oh hello you got customers in already hello this is my friend Sarah Sarah oh nice to meet you good to see you are you join us for lunch today or you I have no idea I’m up to whatever I’m here I do what does that

Mean she’s just a family okay right so you’re not customer I’m so sorry right I’m not a customer is this a convenience store or this is a dining room wow I mean it’s very claustrophobic you here bits and Bobs of everything those um freaky dolls where are they for

They are sort of uh souvenirs are you selling lws we do mhm wow they Dusty A lot of people who come here have children they’re looking for something to take back what about this one here Collector’s Choice how much is this one I think 25 Jesus so dusty I didn’t know they

Were for sale you didn’t know they’re for sale how much does this room make a month um I can’t give you an exact figure because record the purchases in with the restaurant sales yeah but I would say 15% of sales 15% mhm who drinks all this

Cider no actually we use that in the restaurant jeez well but we sell a lot of it it’s good in the summer June July and August now my daughter made those right what are they they’re little hats for little children it’s full of dust and hair and what’s this hot pads handmade

Hot pets mhm is that $60 who buys this people with children I hope people with children it’s full of dust inside well you have to wash it before you use it look and what’s this this is Sarah’s Journal so she keeps a journal yeah wow so it’s

Uh it’s almost like a novel it is and she puts sermon notes and telephone numbers and prices and she calls it her brain public bathroom decorate with baskets yeah she decorated the baskets up in my washroom oh oh dear okay wow so um all right what’s that there that is a

Bottle holder you can put like a water bottle so it does appeal to thought a j strap you know what you know it could it looks like a job strap I hadn’t thought of that but you got a point what’s that down there that’s our bread and then

Behind that is a closet where our potatoes are kept but are the are the loaves for sale too if someone asks for them and hikers do sometime but normally it’s um it’s just for the breakfast we have toast are you expecting a lot of people that’s how much we go through in

A few days believe it or not really unfortun they’re out of date as well well couldn’t are you serious 2nd of November okay you’re right today’s the 6th oh that’s very embarrass yeah let’s go to my uh my room what’s that oh these are my famous

Baskets basket yeah I love baskets and I collect them beautiful baskets for sale prices vary from $1 to $30 stop it $30 man some of them are very unique you’re telling me that families come in here and they go for a hike and they buy these baskets on the way mhm to the

Mountains mhm stop this one’s full of bugs I guess I wouldn’t buy that one would you $12 mhm and that’s with the Cockroaches we don’t charge extra wow that was $12.99 it’s reduced down to $5 oh bugs in there as well bloody hell did you get them as gifts

And then resell them uh no I just buy them when I find them places col the hell is that it’s an Easter basket that’s an Easter basket [ __ ] hell poor bunny and how much is $1 y wow can you go any lower nope huh we don’t deal

In cents a Karen you’re starting to scare me seriously you are a basket case that’s a good point honestly there’s dust everywhere up here as well when was the last time this place was dusted uh theoretically every day every oh every day yeah this is my room named after the river

River wow bloody hell po dear and this is it Wow uh wow we have five rooms this one is 130 oh oh [ __ ] what what happened there you’re taller than I am see how it just lays up there on the on top of the no see there you go the pole is too short my darling look so there you

Go look that’s there and this has been here since 2007 and it’s never falling down oh really flip it now okay oh oh [ __ ] okay let’s leave them there for now let’s get some light in here okay I’m going to unpack and that’s private what do you

Mean it’s private this is my bedroom uh well but this is off limits it’s got a lock on it it’s like a storage closet but if I’m paying for the room I’d like to get into my wardrobe well you’re not paying for that you’re paying for everything else well then really

We’ve got these little things you can put your suitcase on but what’s in here my clothes your clothes seriously seriously it’s very inconvenient when there are people here and I can’t get to my clothes but I live with it um I want to hang my clothes in

My wardrobe 1840 we we use hooks hooks mhm uh why don’t you get me key to open this I need to hang my uh my jacket um you just have to use a hook um once again this is a rental you’re renting me a room I’m here to

Help you and I’d like to use my wardrobe MH can I have a look inside then please cuz I’m just worried in case you put somebody in There there you go these are all your clothes mhm literally all that’s it that’s it well there’s a few jackets in the wardrobe upstairs so you have another right above versus another room in another room that you rent out with a padlock on mhm come on you’re paying $130 for the owner’s

Clothes to stay in the wardrobe that’s the first for me congratulations I feel really uncomfortable at having my Wardrobe full of all your clothes I’ll I can cover it up but it stays locked so you can just ignore it can I just have half of this then do you mind oh okay Shelly

Shell how much [ __ ] can one get into the wardr Gordon want it uh you to bring some of those clothes and things down just put them in my office okay oh my oh my do you see Karen wearing this stuff no Ken wears about two outfits what do you mean she wears

Two outfits I’ve never seen her in anything other than what she’s wearing in Denim and be it’s like garments from the Civil War and do you ever go through this stuff Karen do you ever think wow I’ll change color today maybe a bright color with red or blue seasonally

Seasonally mhm so this is your fall look now this is this is how we had into win in the summer it’s usually denim or a beig okay so no no white after Labor Day then never never okay thank you thank you no problem wow this is crazy I mean

I’ve never met such a basket case like this in all my life I mean the place is clut and it’s almost like her belongings are everywhere you turn left or right there’s either a basket or an item of Ken’s clothing what is That what F pill cases what’s in here looks like a blanket more baskets basket of course my room is cluttered and here look at that in there oh my God look at all this stuff [ __ ] how could you fit all that in there that is um definitely chck skill where

Is she downstairs stairs in the ask her to come up with you please this is insane Karen yes Karen yes look at all this stuff shoes handbags scarves just smell them it smells like my shoes but they stink my darling they wkak you can’t let me smell your shoes

They they smell they smell like um like my shoes yeah they shouldn’t be in my room mhm well like I said in my mind you Ved everything except this wardrobe which I like you didn’t tell me that when you took my money you didn’t ask and what about these those are extra

Sets and linens yeah but why do I want all them underneath my bed now you don’t need to be under the bed do you but we’ll get this out for you and I’ll just put it downstairs right please unbelievable I just want to sleep in a room that’s not clustered oh watch your

Step I have never experienced a place like this before dolls hats baskets full of bugs i w it full of the owner’s clothes to be honest I’m frightened about the meal I’m about to eat what’s that what is that that looks like something that can I buy this absolutely

Chopsticks why would you go hiking with a [ __ ] pair of Chopsticks and a little wooden spoon I’ll take that you can add it to my tab Branda I’m seating um Gordon yes ma’am right here I’m going to start you with an ice water okay okay and Brenda’s

Going to be how often does that thing go through once an hour at least any chance and go go through the hotel no I wouldn’t think so no what is going on Jesus Christ the town’s in of haros FY Almost Heaven certainly not my room that’s for

Surey how you doing how are you all right’s name is l Lon good to see you what did you do a little bit of everything big question where did you sto your clothes do I have any of your clothes in my room oh no no sir no sir

No cuz we’re the same size oh no shoes under the bed I promise toys under the bed none of mine promise me I promise excellent I promise yes sir good to see you nice meeting you likewise all right are you ready nice to see you how

Long have you been here 2 years 2 years how’s it gone it’s a little frustrating sometimes in which way miss Karen is just very chaotic she’s eccentric wow yeah we have to knock on her door when we come in and let her know we’re here and sometimes she’ll slam the door in

Your face or you never know what you’re going to get really yeah I’ve never quite come across and own of those right so out there and all this stuff outside is that a fridge outside that’s our um Kitchen products outside outside yes and this fridge here that is for the owner’s

Stuff they keep their food in there stop it no look he’s going to go look oh my God stop let me move this seriously oh I’m scared what is that what is that what is that I have no idea Jesus I don’t know that is gnarly huh gnarly he said that’s

Gnarly so you have your own personal fridge as well yeah yeah outside well there’s no room inside yeah okay what’s that over there over yeah this is where we store our produce this is for the restaurant yes seriously look at that oh oh oh man I

Can show you the receipts that we buy fresh I’m not interested in the receipts fresh every week or every season don’t touch it I don’t want to touch it you don’t want to touch it but you want to serve it Karen look it’s disintegrated

In my hand I don’t even want to touch it more fridges down there this way bloody hell man how old are these freezers this one that 3 years old no when was last time it was defrosted I don’t know bloody hell and all this stuff stays outside yeah

Jesus what’s here a fridge um so that’s more like a fridge so it’s a fridge operating we use it as a fridge but there’s more bread in here yeah uh this is how much we need we keep running out of stuff you do not need all this absolutely impossible that I’ll ask the

Egg rolls egg rolls M but you’re just hoarding stuff Karen and that do you smoke I don’t smoke it’s disgusting me neither I tried when I was was 17 Sage Bratz this is insane you’ve never smoked cigarettes anything else I graduated from high school in ‘ 67 and that kind of

Marijuana but I took one puth and it made me sick and I Just all right um you know I was hungry but I’ve sort of uh let’s start off with mac and cheese okay what else the fiesta stew okay uh let’s have a trout as well a trout okay I’ll get that going right back my God okay here’s his ticket okay

Look that’s how he ordered it so mac and cheese yeah are these yours yes I bought them oh from my store from your store okay no wonderful I like them so mac and cheese thank you ma’am the mac and cheese that’s mac and cheese that’s the mac and cheese why is it all

Split on top it looks like a soup it was in the fridge and then they microwaved it he’s scared to eat it that is the weirdest and the most plastic looking mac and cheese I’ve ever seen in my entire life there’s no seasoning in there there’s no salt

Please absolutely that deserves to put under the bed mac and cheese he said it needs to be put under the bed yeah there you go thank you now we’re off to pest stew Fiesta stew so we have a Mexican themed stew correct and um when was the fiesta

Stew made I can go ask please [ __ ] H hey Jill when was the PS is to made what’s the date on it let me check 111 okay November 1st and today today’s the six today’s the six yes so nothing’s ever fresh M never that was terrible do you want some hot sauce no I’m fine I’ll uh yeah I’ll move on to the next course I want me take that away okay when was this a

Cot yesterday I qu miles yeah yeah yeah all right trout and Jeff said he caught it yesterday so he caught it from the frozen food section correct wow it’s just watery how sad is that okay yeah that’s a disaster disaster disaster trout it’s disaster trout what’s wrong with it it’s watery

And he knows it wasn’t caught yesterday or today Sarah what are you doing putting labels um magnet labels what do not eat no I’m putting ice cream you’re putting labels on a freezer to tell the Muppets in the kitchen that that’s ice cream in that container Kieran had asked

Me to do it and when you work here Miss Sarah did you get paid or you on the pay oh no I’m not on the P all volunteer I visit a lot because I’m semi-retired right now also this is my mini bio wow blood drives I run blood drives every

Two months right Wikipedia editor mhm I’ve done that wow you write art travel tutor acans you teach Greek I do Inspire loyalty you’re a busy lady yes sir and then um and then I run circles around naughty problems I run circles around naughty problems yeah well if there’s

Something that needs to be figured out I try and figure out a way to solve the issue how about circle around Karen I try to do that and may just a quick look at the labels and any other any other labels sure cheesecake just things chicken breasts guacal veggie burgers

Tortillas and you just stick them on the side of the freezer yes let me tell you what you should be making a sign that’s the only thing should go on there do not enter ooh that’s brutal can you put that on a magnet and stick that on each freezer and one on

Miss Karen’s fridge as well thank you [ __ ] Me the town’s Inn is much worse than I expected the owner not only has a hauling problem with her clothes but she’s doing the same with her food um Lamont yes sir why are you taking these uh she wanted me to remove these until she can I only took out one

Bag of my wardrobe where’s the rest of them from oh I have no idea no I just noticed she had clothes upstairs and she asked me to move Lon seriously mhm go get up for me please holy [ __ ] I mean SAR he say he want to talk to you

Okay miss Karen yes is this is this all yours that’s what came from other wardrobe another wardrobe no no no the one that you emptied no I had one bag full of stuff no this is the stuff that was in the black wardrobe in your room but where’s this stuff going now to

His basement till I can sort it out his basement mhm cuz I don’t have any place to store it here what is it it’s my clothes her clothes the things that came out of the black wardrobe that we keep locked up in the phic room you ever ask yourself if you have a

Problem holding on to things have you ever heard of the word hoarder Miss K this is your business this is your hotel not your junk shop mhm can you get the team out from the kitchen I’d like to have a quick word you all in the Terrace

Good luck with that stuff yeah Miss we meet the team on the Terrace 1 2 3 4 5 six six bags you want to check the things for bugs as Well I’m in shock are you joining us Mah or you still writing labels no I’m not running label no let’s go I arrive the facade on the outside looks beautiful I walk through the door and it’s just like a cluster of [ __ ] crap everywhere moldy bread in reception

Freaky dolls up to the bedrooms that’s like just hideous wardrobes packed with clothes from 30 years ago and I had to ask Miss Karen to get rid of the padlock so I can open up the wardrobe and put my clothes in there honestly the place is

Just ridden with with this it’s like a hold is anonymous obviously I needed a place to put my clothes and so that was where I I put them you can’t just Hive off a wardrobe cuz it’s full of your crap like I said I’ve um it’s just a storage area

No but it’s not a storage area just like your fridge downstairs this place is played with junk on top of junk freezers overbearing overfall and as for the disgusting way that the fridge is kept with a moldy salad there salad that’s fested and it’s like it’s almost sort of

Dis grade in the center rotten can I just quickly go on the size of the menu too my kitchen’s about as big as my wardrobe it’s too it’s but why are you telling me that when the owner standing next to you I told her that but we we we

Have told her she won’t listen mac and cheese all separated every mouth was full of grease cuz it was so cooked in the microwave and that’s the way we do it people say that we we’ve got the best food in town and the freshes stop there now you’re

Sounding Slightly bizarre the best food in town are you okay well it depends on how you define okay I’m okay by by my standard but mac and cheese I mean come on you know what are you looking for now are you taking notes yeah you’re taking notes yeah you’re making some good

Points and you’re laughing what’s so funny then help me to understand I don’t have anything to do with the food so I don’t know what you’re doing I’ve got no idea what you’re doing what I ask her to basically so she does what you say she helps me

Yeah Jeff is this correct I tell him to do one thing and Sarah tell him to do one thing Miss Sarah tells you what she just and she said she’s a volunteer she tells my crew what to do and it pissed me off I get I get mad then they blame

It on me she’s got no authority to do that I know Jeff you’ve never talked to me about this this I have told you I have told you about this is this is this true is this way you treat the staff nothing more humiliating to the team

That are on the ground keeping this place open and then a stranger comes in and tells them what to do well she’s not a stranger she’s been coming here to them she is because she’s not exactly qualified to run this place this is so screwed up this is bizarre hey nobody

Hear me what I’m saying and what kind of message you sending the menu needs to be down a menu like this there must be 50 items on there which 49 of them are Ted out of the bloody freezer this place is so messed up it’s a mess a disgusting festering mess oh

You ain’t seen nothing yet unbelievable I don’t know I’m just so [ __ ] in bird I know I know I know So far I’ve learned that not only does Karen hoard items but she’s also a controlling owner tonight I want to see how the town’s Inn operates during the evening how are you good and your name is my name is Tyler Tyler what’ you do um I’m a server okay great Tyler and

Hello hi I’m Gage Gage what YouTu do out here we are both servers come in so I can talk to you where’s the best place to hang this I can hang it for you sir man if we didn’t have these filthy hats laying around I know why do we have

Filthy hats in the hallway looks like looks like a thrift shop thrift shop how old are you guys I am 17 I also 17 17 objectively what’s wrong with this place well I think that we’re not well organized I also think that we need to work on cleanliness cleanliness wow is

It that bad it can be uh so what do you think is dirty well uh honestly probably the kitchen and some of the why you going the like that what what you asked what was dirty so I mean common things that we try to clean every day

That we can’t always keep an eye on show me where the kitchen is please yeah okay thank you what happened here Sarah likes to paint on the walls hello hi what’s this mess here this is a painting and I did a what a painting looks like someone shot

All over the wall is that hygienic you’re painting the walls of the kitchen I I have no idea I you no so why did you do it the town’s in became Sarah’s Town’s in even though she had nothing to do with owning The Establishment K did

You see the mess in the kitchen she’s painted the wall let me show you something just here yeah yeah have you seen it yes it’s one of my favorite things you don’t like it’s one of your favorite things no seriously I’m live maybe not well did

You see the mural in the dining room that is a children an assist in guest That’s Unique isn’t it what is that well it started as a crack in the wall and I asked Sarah to make a Vine is there anywhere else you’ve painted there is a

Uh in my room can you show me please what have you done to my wall this is so weird you paint over cracks look at this here I know and this apparently is something new that is falling apart wow I mean must be wet wet it’s soaking wet the plasa is just

Whoa these a bits of card that’s correct it was a temporary fix so it’s not a mural it’s business cards you put your cards on here and then you paint over the cards you should make a label for this decaying wall do not paint over it I

Mean what what the Wall’s rotten and you just go paint over it it was meant as a temporary effect the wo is rotten you’re right and you just paint over it you can’t just go filling cracks with tacky painting look at it down here you’ve gone over cracks and holes look

Jesz what’s that in there um I put some sort of a mesh because it was a hole and I didn’t want any to come through it Jesus I wish you wouldn’t use that word what ho what you me sing [ __ ] Hallelujah that’d be better can you get me Karen I can get

You Karen please Jesus what your language sir what in the [ __ ] Miss Ken oh my goodness the whole thing just started coming off the wall needs repairing and she’s just painting over it and then secondly she found found a big hole here started putting a cards on there and then painted over that but inside the hole oh Jesus this is not a paper

Mâche what is she doing to your hotel it doesn’t go outside I mean it’s not a hole to the outside it’s not a hole to the outside no what does that mean the stone wall is out there we’re sleeping on the inside we’re not sleeping on the

Outside right so you’re not going to get any cold r or anything through there so just like I don’t get to use the Wardrobe and the holes on the inside not on the outside and we can just do whatever we want she’s stuffing it’s really solid it needs to

Be we can’t just paint over that well you can we did but and then stick Brill pads in a hole you can’t just Band-Aid this place oh my good God just wash my hands order french bread as an app all right um what is that that there sports bar are these

TV screens what are those microw microwaves how many microwaves have you got well there’s four here and one in there that’s five five microwaves there’s one in there and Two Chefs Two Chefs oh my God everywhere turn there’s just junk everywhere well this is cooking stuff trust me I know what

Cooking stuff is this is not cooking stuff okay how does this kitchen function give me a little tour it’s very challenging it’s very very challenging what’s that in there that’s a burger yeah I’m heating up a boil yeah you’re boiling a burger I’m just heating it

Back up what you say heating it back up why are you cooking it from fresh we make them ahead of time this is what we got here we don’t a boiled Burger are you aware the burgers are boiled um no do you think a customer would want a

Burger boiled in water they seem to like them just taste the water do I have to I going say it’s funny you won’t taste it okay well I just tastes like water with beef in it that seems okay when they fix it up on a nice kaiser roll with lettuce tomato onion

Come on I need T please I [ __ ] no this is a joke this is terrible boiled Burger I’m a p to learn that the town’s Inn boils pre-cooked Burgers well just show me the table with the burger and what’s more frustrating is how Karen doesn’t think there is

Anything wrong with that come with me two seconds and quickly show you something perfect for me absolutely so that’s your burger out of respect as a customer uh I’m not going to sit and watch you that sh let me show you so this is the chef yes you just

Explain how you cook that we pre-cooking start from the top please I’m not going to let you eat that we um pre-cook them you made the burger when um GI when we done burgers made yesterday I believe yesterday just explain how you reheated them for the gentleman I reheated them I

Put I put water in there and I put the burger in there were you expecting a fresh burger or some [ __ ] we e from yesterday I will give you a fresh Burger my apologies thank you I’m sorry sir okay this ticket refused their food okay young

Man had respect for I guess take the ladies outside and show whether we keep the freezer SK ladies and gentlemen just bear with us for 2 minutes but she going to show you something I like you to see yes so just follow me this is just right down

Here watch here out here yes um right here next to the trash yes um fish this is our lasagna this is our trout we got more sausage ice cream these are your egles right there so I just from here yes yes ma’am yes ma’am we’ve got two freezers and then

Everything is scattered very cluttered I mean Karen has always uh at this as her home obviously it is embarrassing but it’s a serious situation that needs to be solved you okay yeah I’m sorry yeah it’s okay but I think I I just cancel my order my apologies I discovered that

Today and out of respect for you as customers I can’t sit here and fake you eating that [ __ ] so I’m hoping that you can skip around the menu and order something a little bit more thank you keeping my apologies thank you thank you so didn’t you have purple glasses

Earlier they are they are oh that is so cool because they look like they’re dark brown or black oh they have that is so cool this is insane yeah Sarah claims to work at the Town Z here’s a free postcard for everybody when I go to serve tables she’ll randomly show up

We’ll talk to tables um I’ve seen her frustrate people sir know sir is someone calling me I have to go yes sir they don’t need to hear your life story they want to sit and have a romantic Dream On The Terrace leave them alone okay I’m I’m living in in and out

There are other tables man okay we’re going to need a rotiss chicken I believe that’s the rotisserie chicken you get it from the freezer y disgusting exp playing the rotisserie chicken please show the table yeah this is the dish of the day it’s our retics

Chicken it was roasted 6 months ago in a grocery store and we’re serving it for $12 on the menu it’s got rotisserie chicken yeah buy them at a grocery store yes mhm and you freeze them and you reheat them in the microwave not in the microwave it went in the microwave what

Is going on here well we have a menu and we just do it I mean no this is pathetic how many of your guests tonight think that their chicken’s been roasted in house maybe half let’s just let them come in let’s let’s double check check ladies and gentlemen so sorry just have your

Attention for 30 seconds how many of you you going to order the roast chicken this evening would expect it to be fresh roasted inh house could you raise your hands please I think it’s Everybody a lot of people say it’s it’s good I agree that it these guests have come out of their homes to come and eat what I’m not going to do is attempt to pull the wall over their eyes cuz they deserve to know what’s going on with burgers were cooked yesterday reheating

The pan boiling them in water and I’m flabbergasted so you need to take a real good look at yourself and stop bullshitting customers immediately otherwise I’m out of here I’m so sorry but you as customers deserve better and this nothing to do with a TV program I I

Promise you now it’s based on the bad practices that’s going on in that kitchen so my apologies but I’m not going to allow you to eat you’re not going to act responsible for it I will we’re shutting it down we’re shutting it down you just sent everybody home stop stop

That is possibly the worst thing I’ve seen so far how did you reheat that in the microwave in the microwave doesn’t even hit an oven but we used to cook and fresh right so what what changed I wasn’t here yeah so what happened stop I’m not serving any stop

What happened ask Karen I ain’t the one that bought the chickens I have rather have a rotier thing back here I can have French chicken we need new equipment this is what it’s resulted in this is what we’re Ser you can’t buy this from a grocery store you can’t sprinkle it with

Pasty and expect to call yourselves a restaurant I know what you I know what you’re saying and you just like a butterfly fly around just painting all little bits of [ __ ] over holes this is insane I’m done I’m I’m upset I’m I’m feeling sick and I’ve never seen such a

Disgusting mess in all my [ __ ] life this embarrassment to you you you you and me and I’m not going to stand there and watch you serve [ __ ] like that and take customers money what is this I eat them often the rotisseries you eat them often mhm what does that

Say I guess it just that I don’t what does that mean to you you eat this crap often come on you’re running a hotel the burgers were cooked yesterday well when I ate them and I always tell them they tasted good to me oh God where’s the burgers that you

Cooked down here sir get them I my understanding is he patting them out and then put them in the oven how long for for about 15 20 minutes 15 20 minutes in an oven how many of your customers expect Burgers to be cooked like that baked in the oven for 20 minutes so

There’s no color on there cooled down stuck in a zip Locker bag out bow in water should we go and do another survey what’s 80% Chuck it’s just you’re denial you are seriously in denial Miss Sarah would you like a bite no thank you why not it’s not cooked right well should I

Boil it up for you and get it warm what color is that it’s white that’s what frustrates me we’re all pretending that this is good I thought that’s what the cooks I mean come on on not I me I’m not trying to blame it on the cooks but you can’t

Blame it on me because ain’t nobody hearing me I’m amazed you’re not shut down frieza’s lined up next to a dumpster what lives outside in those passageways next to dumpsters bat rat and Al bats rats and mice you are in denial you have a big problem you’ve got

No idea that this place is crumbling and you’re just going through the motions Mr Ramsey my guests want to leave your guests want to leave that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day can I [ __ ] join them are we serving food at all should I let them leave and we’re in danger I’ve

Even been shut down by the health authorities and there is no [ __ ] way I’m going to stand there and watch this [ __ ] being reheated and served so sorry we’re not moving Forward I travel to Harpers fery West Virginia a small beautiful town outside of Washington DC that is where I met Karen Townsen good morning welcome nice to see you Karen ton Karen good to see you a woman who has a wacky way of running a

Hotel which is also her home let me tell you I never expected to see the things I saw oh [ __ ] W the dusted do you sell these we do a convenience store complete with hideous dolls in the dining room who’s that uh oh these are my famous baskets there were baskets everywhere

Including ones with bugs in them they were even up for sale y that’s private I found her clothes locked up in a wardrobe in my room it’s like G from the Civil War the thing with Karen is the person she trusts the most spends her time painting murals over destroyed

Walls and disturbing customers and she’s not even an employee didn’t you have purple glasses earlier leave them alone okay what is she doing to your hotel it doesn’t go outside I mean it’s not a whole to the outside you can’t just Band-Aid this place Karen was so

Confused to why any of this was a problem including the food that’s a disaster disaster trapped which was Dreadful it looks like a soup it was in the fridge and then they microwaved it from the fridge to the microwave everything was frozen you’re just hoarding stuff K this is how much we

Need we keep running out of stuff and the kitchen was a disaster area are these TV screens what are those oh my God everywhere I turn there’s just drunk everywhere no organization whatsoever you’re boiling a burger why aren’t you cooking it from fresh we make them ahead of town after

Learning the burgers were boiled I honestly thought it couldn’t get any worse that’s thetis chicken if you get it from the freezer disgusting but then I saw the Frozen store-bought chicken that was being microwaved that is the worst thing I’ve seen so far I’m done

And I had to stop the madness I’m so sorry but you as customers deserve better you’re not going to act responsible for it I will we’re shutting it down as my journey continues at the town’s Inn the staff has finally had enough Gordon this is the worst report I

Ever worked in in my life I need Karen to start opening her eyes because my time is running out to help her you don’t even think there’s a problem that’s what worries me the practices are so bad I’m just so [ __ ] up you have to take responsibility I’ll do what I

Can do look at this [ __ ] look at this I am you’re going to tell me that this is a good chicken I’ve eaten it like I said yeah this is crazy you canot go to the store and buy stuff and resell it cannot aren’t you aware of what you’re doing do you actually

Care yes you do care which part of this hotel do you care every part this is how delusional you are that this is a good chicken what’s in this one here stop that we M yes yes what’s that eggplant so everything’s just reheating the microwave yes yes we’re in danger of

Being shut down by the health authorities I’m sorry folks basically I take responsibility I’m sorry I’m very ashamed and I am fed up from that being heard it doesn’t matter what I say Karen is going to do what she want to Do what’s going on is I don’t have no help man I told her she won’t listen you can’t perform like this I can’t I I got only I can’t you can’t you just you got to get [ __ ] arrested I won’t get arrested put in jail for

Killing some damn body I Gordon this is the worst restant I ever worked in in my life practices are the problem right the sort of the way that everyone’s walking around in denial they are but I’m not but there’s no standards though you’re not maintaining a level that they

Deserve yeah I know that I know that sh so why have you become like a zombie and following her emotions I’m not I I’m trying to fix it have you given up no I have not given up I have not given up you’re just as bad as she is if you

Don’t put your foot down and say no I tell her no no no no no no no and she keeps on doing it someone needs to draw a line I have drawn a line it doesn’t matter I can only do so much G this is not my place my apologies ladies and gentlemen

I’m so sorry sorry what a joke have you seen any of this stuff going on here do you have any idea what’s going on what’s this pre-cooked bacon precooked from when it’s stated they they do it every day just about no they don’t when was that cooked that’s not today if they did

Honest ly let’s see what it says 1031 we’re in November the 6th now this is insane look at that in there don’t you drain that or it just sits there in it’s blood and in here that’s a freezer the hell what is that what’s that noise that’s the fan what

Night hey Karen you’ve got no idea that this is going on like this what is that in there that’s dish water no there’s french fries in there fries why is the water so dirty nobody didn’t change it sorry nobody didn’t change it sir but you’re cooking fries from there tonight in that

Water I saw them fill up the fryer twice it sucks where’d you get the ham from she bought it at the store holy crap it’s a spiral cut they cut it and put it in here and then uh use it for side of hand for breakfast when was the last time this was

Clean uh last year when I cleaned it Chef last year when we cleaned the oven we’re in November last year yes sir I was car I said car we need to shut down so we we we got to we got to do maintenance look at the

Mess why have you let it go like this I didn’t know that they were doing things that were not parent that no but let listen to me Jeff just stop bullshitting the guy okay let’s tell them the truth here okay I asked for some new equipment I can’t get no new

Equipment why not I’ve been here for 4 years I’ve been asking for new equipment I can’t work with this [ __ ] here look look at that I’m [ __ ] pissed I’ve been asking for ask for new equipment how long do you think this shit’s going to last ain’t going to last

Forever I’m just so [ __ ] fed up with every damn thing I can’t get no help me and Jill pulled you out of this and now I ask for some help for some equipment that you can’t spend on it but but this is working and that’s look at this [ __ ] look at

This TI of the damn line I’m just so [ __ ] fed up with every damn thing look at this [ __ ] look at this TI of the damn line you can’t expect to work in this are you greedy with the money I’m in debt I’m bar breaking even let’s get

Real they’re at their wit andand they’re done they’re finished and they’re spent Force I’ve been cooking for 20 years and I never had this problem we have to step up I mean look at the kitchen it’s atrocious look at this here would you work in this I do um it’s so funny with

You no it’s not funny I do off look at the mess can’t do it all you own this place but I delegated the restaurant to them but the bottom line is you have no idea how to run a restaurant and all you’re do now is blaming the star you

Put in there no but they’re taking the Heat and your problems aren’t their problems but they become their problems because look at the mess well you don’t even think there’s a problem that’s what worries me practices are so bad that’s what I tried to say

Why is it got this bad you have to take responsibility you’re ignorant oblivious and delusional I’ll do what I can do it’s not good enough I’m going to my room I’ve seen enough [ __ ] for one night oh man [ __ ] hell thank God somebody else sees it

Other than us this is what we deal with on every day it’s nothing damn hat it’s in there I’ll find it I know where you throw it you know we could have done this without ramsy I mean anybody can no not with the I don’t have what do I

Spend on myself now I’m doing the best I can I borrowed money and went out and bought more refrigerators then oh we need freezers I know I car I know why why didn’t we just tone down the menu the menu is what you all do you could

Have told me that these are the things we need to do and this is why I will tell you you Jeff I have no stake in that menu I thought that’s what you and Jill wanted no that’s not I agree to disagree then you get your way you work

Hard I agree but over the year you have averaged 44 hours a week and you’re PID for a manager no no I’m just many hours no Karen I’m not even talking about that yeah but that that’s I’m listening Jeff you’re not hearing me Karen

What a mess I mean one of the worst stes of a kitchen hotel in I’ve ever seen in my entire career also a owner that is delusional and she’s convinced herself that the place is run properly and you know I’m really uneasy about just being in here the smell is appalling

Everything feels dirty and just and I’m not convinced that even the bathrooms are that clean run a quick test quick bacteria test there’s a cunial bathroom that I am uncertain about when this thing reads 30 it indicates that it’s a sort of um a decent level of hygiene basically

Is clean anything over 30 then it gets into the danger zone this is where the smell is really bad in here there’s crap everywhere it’s just so unhygienic and do that I just want it doesn’t feel clean to get a good reading rub the swap underneath the mat the

Smell under here is appalling in these crevices there’s dirt that’s gross that is gross that is disgusting snap it let the liquid go down give that a shake in holy crap no no I’m unconvinced that this place is clean everything smells it’s very difficult for you to identify the

Smell but in here it really stinks so just it’s just the smell from here stains everywhere and what scares me is the fact that the kitchen took a year to get cleaned God knows but this T so pretty gross now pop that in there I’m UNS sure when this place was clean properly

In oh my God Karen is Karen in here Karen just come upstairs please 2 seconds please let’s go quick come in I’ve just done a swab test with the carpet I told her the smell is gross anything above 30 you’re in the danger zone for unhygienic practices then it’s

Not fit for customers what do you think the reading is 100 100 50 50 60 70 70 83 83 oh my God oops 83 oops burn it that’s that’s NO3 wow this is just the carpet you can’t be that bad we get a lot of bikers bicyclist and hikers you’re paying

$130 to get out of bed and step on a disgusting stinking carpet it smells like there’s crap all over the floor floor probably CU there’s crap on the floor probably could be what does that mean could be my first shift here you were in the bathroom and I think you had an accident

On the floor on the mat I’m I mean yeah there have been times when I have had diarrhea but it doesn’t happen very often that um no I I didn’t realize that there was that problem [ __ ] out all day both of you have been in denial not one of you told me

About the problems not one of you taken any form of responsibility you’re happy to serve that food to me lunchtime you’re happy to Mose you around and piss around on the walls and paint silly pictures this is a travesty this is shocking your staff knows it but you two are

Oblivious but the rest of the room is dusted and clean it is he’s not FOC he’s not talking about the room it’s not about the rug it’s not about the food it’s about the whole picture look at the Gage you’re yelling am I not allowed to yell Sarah because someone has to

Because you’re not he’s trying here to help us stop being in denial it’s not about the rug and this perfectly dusted thing that this is not going to make the difference the whole picture the whole thing what are you scared of Karen admitting well I’m working 16 hours a

Day and spending every time and money these are rooms too that I get positive feedback about oh my God I’m I’m serious a lot of there you go again no you can’t be that no no I I want I am not sleeping in this dump I’m done I’m out of here oh

Man you can’t leave I’m not staying in here Ramsey don’t Go Karen this is a travesty that you’re paying $130 to get out a bed and step on a disgusting stinking carpet you’re in the danger zone for unhygienic practices then it’s not fit for customers we get a lot of bikers bicyclist and hikers what are you scared of Karen admitting well

I’m working 16 hours a day EXC fall back on that these are rooms too that I get positive feedback about oh my God I’m I’m serious a lot of there you go again no you can’t be that no no I and I I want things I am not sleeping in this

Dump I’m done I’m out of here oh man he can’t leave Ramsey don’t go I’m not staying in here is this your office in here that’s my living quarter is in my office what I live there you live in here yeah let me show you what I saw the office sign on the

Door but you live in here right here this is my bed I just um sleep here like this are you kidding me every night you sleep in here yes is there a mattress there no these just quilts cover on them cheets you sleep on a board mhm in the winter I could go

Upstairs but I choose not to I choose to stay here and which bathroom do you use and shower and use the ones upstairs mhm what’s the room next door there oh that’s the beverage area and then beyond that’s the kitchen the beverage area M The Keg is right on the keger Raider

Is right on the other side there and then that’s the beverage coer right there oh my God so I I sort of sleep in the kitchen this is crazy I love it here there’s no place in the world I would rather be you’re not doing one thing right you have lost it

Completely and you’ve convinced yourself in amongst the chaotic mess that you live in that is all right it’s not it’s absurd this is no way for a lady to sleep and live and eat you shouldn’t be living in a kitchen there’s not even a fan or an air conditioned room and it’s

A tiny cupy hole Yeah cluttered with your junk are you okay I think so I mean this is not normal what’s normal in what’s normal seriously I can’t even start to think about helping you when you’re in such denial M what the [ __ ] the next morning I woke up not wanting to give up on the town’s in seeing how bad the kitchen was and learning that it wasn’t clean for over a year I hired a professional cleaning crew to not only declutter but to scrub down the kitchen as well crap

Everywhere good morning uh morning thought about being good um well could be better could be worse yes so were you were you sleeping ah I was I’ve got a headache I don’t know why you got heada I got a headache since I’ve arrived uh I’m still unconvinced where I’m going

With you and this business however I want you to do something all right something you haven’t done properly in a long time and take that yes and start packing ah where I going to I’m I’m not messing around I haven’t got time to mess around okay but we’re don’t worry

About that I just want you to start packing up quickly I’ve got enough boxes I’m you know how important this is yeah I do n time is of the essence I need you to start packing and I’m I’m starting start packing quickly I’m worried about K not

Listening to me and I don’t think she realizes just how bad the business really is I reached out to a son Jason the majority owner of the Inn who has the most to lose if Karen fails to turn it around Jason how are you I’m doing well thanks yourself yeah very well

Thank nice meet you take a seat uh first of all what a beautiful place yeah I mean it really is gorgeous yeah I fall in love with this area uh beyond belief um unfortunately I haven’t fallen in love with the in I’m shocked at the setup and what’s happening to your mom

Currently yeah do you have any idea how bad it is I think I have a sense but obviously I’m not here on a daily regular basis so don’t appreciate the announce of it she’s in denial I’m trying to explain things to her uh in a very calm way and she’s just refusing

Point blank to understand the logic I think her her vision has been both her blessing and her curse in the sense of it’s what’s allowed her to drive through this and persevere but it’s also what puts her in denial have you seen where she sleeps yeah

Does that make you feel happy not at all not at all I mean we bought this with two main motivations to let her develop this in business but also have it as Grandma’s house and it’s not we went into this looking at it as as obviously

We want it to be some type of investment but we didn’t have a particular game plan Beyond just rent out the space to Mom and we want to see it do well not just to make money but so that you really can have a life here it’s just

Been triage since one that’s no way to live no does this become a burden on your family now or yes it has it’s because we’re concerned for for her uh it it it’s a financial burden this lady wasn’t your mother and she was renting from your property you’d be a lot more

Severe in the way that place has been handled we all bought this in part with with our hearts and not just our heads and it’s it’s that balance between wanting to respect her desires to to make this business what she wants it to be but also realize that if it’s not

Going to be a a profitable business and if there’s going to be a cost not just financially but physically and emotionally we need to we need to shut it down now this is your mom you know this is not a cousin or niece or nephew

This is your mom so um she needs to hear that it’s affecting you personally financially you could drag your family down you’re not her safety net I need you to have a word with her and how we’re not prepared to move forward unless she’s going to commit to

Change and I’m talking long-term change mhm she needs help and she needs help urgently Oh my I think I overloaded this one after spending time this morning with Karen’s son we both agree in order for the business to succeed he needs to confront his mom that a major change needs to happen well Karen um first of all um I spent this morning catching up

With Jason oh okay good and just trying to get him up to speed with what I’ve been discovering mhm you know I’m not happy and I think deep down inside that you can’t be happy in this current existence so I want you to listen to Jason as you know we’ve been talking a

Lot about what’s going on here why we’re here what we want with the business you’re my mom but you’re also my my tenant and so I have two main goals and objectives with this place and uh one is is a financial one uh for your sake for

My sake for our family’s sake and then my second objective is to um encourage and support you and your life you’re not just an inkeeper you’re my mom you’re you’re a grandma and for us to enjoy all those things we have to I think make some changes here it’s not sustainable

Financially emotionally and and physically I just don’t see the business in such a Negative light as you do I I look out my window you realize most people do yeah I I look out my window and there’s the bomic river and the train station you

Can’t see out the window my darling Oh I can place is full of okay but even even the bags of clothes yesterday and now the boxes of clutter people don’t live like this you have to get out of there and you have to start living your life completely different to what you’ve been

Doing I’m not here for 3 months Karen I’m here for a short time to give you everything I’ve got to get this place fixed and if you can’t listen to Jason and you’re not prepared to listen to me I’m not asking you any longer we’re all working for the same goal here I’m

Listening I’m telling you it needs to stop for your sake for my sake for our family sake I can’t keep renting the house out to you if we can’t get a business that is consistently profitable the place is in Jeopardy and there’s not one element functioning properly and

Your business is gonna take Jason’s family down if you don’t sort this Out um I don’t want to burden my children at all so that that is something that is high priority for me but you have to come to terms with yourself that it’s broken it’s wrong and you have to change and I’m willing whatever you propose I’ll try otherwise it’s game over let’s move

Forward I’m agreeing to help I’m going to put a plan in place but uh you can’t continue the way you’re doing it you know that thank you Jason thank you thank you do you know what his plan is I have an Idea after c packed up her belongings I had my team start the renovation process while I found a place close by for Karen to move into hi Karen are you well I’m very well thank you good let’s step inside something I’d like to uh all right show you come in

Please what a lovely place do you like it I do what’ you like about it um well it’s not cluttered it’s not is it yes I like that when I saw where you’ve been living for the last 12 months mhm I was AED you shouldn’t be going to bed on a

Piece of wood I know you shouldn’t be doing that if we’re going to make a change then you have to step back and I means step back from the business and that means giving yourself some space so I’ve done something and I’m paying for it out of my own pocket

And I’ve rented this space for you for the next couple of months two months two months okay that’s great give yourself a break you can relax watch a bit of TV I haven’t had a television since 1993 so this is really a big change yeah so since 1993 even if you’re not going

To watch t read oh relax I can do and just taking the view and if you decide to move back in there and you convert one of the rooms and it’s got a onsweet bathroom that’s all fair and well but then it’s a good boy you need to

Separate the difference not in a box I like this I feel comfortable here have a look upstairs there’s a beautiful bedroom there and a full-size bed all right there’s a unsweet bathroom and a wardrobe to yourself big bathroom very nice I could go to sleep right now wake me up in 2

Hours we got work to do okay all Right that that was comfortable um Karen you need to you need to start thinking about being a boss being an owner with that comes certain responsibilities what was it like for you to be an owner what’s the important well the important thing was serving the guest and trying

To nurture a good relationship with my employees right that means setting an example yes yes and being the face of the Inn yes right what do you think is the most important thing about being the face of a business having a presence yes standing out like an owner okay you need to walk

This historic town looking like an inkeeper polished now I feel bad about asking a lady to glamorize herself so I’m not trying to be detrimental it’s just I’m going to send you off for a makeover okay when was the last time you went and had a facial got your hair done

And bought a new dress with a a bright color I don’t think I’ve done that since I was 13 years old when was the last time you went for a blow dry never I mean I I have a blow dryer but I I never go to a salon right where last

Time you had your nails done never mm- never correct that was never a priority for me but you’re you’re but we’re going to make we’re going to make it a priority because it’s about you mhm it’s a business you have to front it and that that comes with an image yeah I’m glad

You’re up for change I want you to feel better I want you to enjoy your life or to appreciate what your team can do for you and hopefully just break the mold a little bit 100% you’re happy with this I’m ready to enjoy it thank you so much

I have a security posit here so it’s a rental no murals all right we’ll leave it the way we found it thank you see you shortly all the best to you do you want me to turn on the TV for you or not not

Yet I’m going to take this one step at a time YouTube um I’ve seen a few things on YouTube yeah M Instagram never but my granddaughter is teaching me selfie taking a picture of myself oh never uhuh Tinder I don’t even know what that is welcome to the Dark Ages

Enjoy this was one of the toughest makeovers my team has ever taken on we had not only moved Karen out of the town’s Inn but packed up all her clutter before transforming the space good morning how you feeling excited excited excited the sun is shining there seems

To be a new bright breath of fresh air on the town’s in we’re missing somebody K we are she’s been busy over the last 24 hours I’m hoping you notice a change oh my god oh she looks beautiful I don’t even dress like this to go to church do I now

Somebody’s looking like an owner of an inn you look amazing someone with an Amish minight lifestyle yeah I look radically different you look amazing she look so different Ken you look good really good are you ready to go inside I’ve been dreaming at this moment so

Follow me let’s go come on all of you my God oh my goodness it’s beautiful what’s missing my bed Ken’s bed isn’t this what a Inn should look like a tiny little convenience store that is bright and modern and everything is on view and even if you’re not

Staying in the Inn guess what come in and buy stuff you can sell stuff properly as a proper little Boutique um oh well um it looks amazing amazing wow what Gordon has done is phenomenal the store here looks great it’s like walking into a whole another place please all right gone is the

Dust oh my goodness well done look at that beautiful design beautiful when I walked in this dining room first off it was dreary and Laden with junk and now we have a proper dining room yes oh lovely look at the All Day menu the menu hangs on the wall and is written daily

According to what you’ve got available Jeff yes and when we run out we run out now we tear it off and we start again if you turn around you’ll see the custom artwork on the wall please do not paint over that I will not I will promise you

No problem I love it that’s the only mural we need on the wall just that an F is an F yeah right you ready to see upstairs as you come up have a little look at the hallway first please oh wow G to the baskets anyone wants to do a

Little bit of work a little bit of writing sit here absolutely beautiful wow jump in everything’s gous jump in oh my oh my God that’s right oh my God what a I can’t believe it’s the same room new sheets new bedding and a new carpet it’s

Beautiful W oh my God no more murals on the wall we have a nice stunning wall I love it no more Brill pads in the wall they’ve gone I love it and you have your very own wardrobe no pad loock on it how nice is

That yes you can use a wardrobe it is exquisite my family thinks I’m so set in my ways that I’m not going to like any of these changes and I’m going to go right back to the old way I know that’s what they’re thinking and they couldn’t be further from the

Truth my team has spent the last two days cleaning out the kitchen by getting rid of the microwaves refrigerators and freezers I’ve created a much smaller menu that is manageable for the kitchen staff to execute please take a menu and pass them on what do you think could it be more

Beautiful in a peing isn’t it mhm now let’s be real the kitchen is Tiny so a small Dynamic menu as the seasons change we go through to Spring and some of them will increase on a daily special only according to what business is about that makes sense and so we’re not buying

Unnecessary and we’re not adding 10 more appetizers and Entre on there just because we want to look busy no keep it plain and simple keep it plain delicious and simple let’s go through the dishes a High Street Burger no water no water uh beautiful Pate wonderfully seasoned a

Griddle in there to sear and cook them to order chicken pot pie little modern Twist on a salad Nas but we’ve done it with salmon homemade granola seasonal berries cheap and easy to put out that tiny kitchen and then of course the mac and cheese it does not go in the

Microwave what’s that I know the sports bar of microwaves is gone yes um visually what do you think it’s beautiful simple and fast and it takes a big load off in the kitchen yes and we’re not buying Frozen it’s all fresh right knife and fall and have a little

Taste oh man that is good oh my that’s like Mama’s macaroni and cheese people will drive from Washington DC to come here and eat this way so tonight the town’s Inn relaunches the inn and the restaurant right how are we feeling good are we ready absolutely tough week but it’s

Been instrumental let’s put this place back on the map okay push the freshness of the menu I don’t want anyone panick in there’s nothing we can’t do on the menu any issues we talk about it if we talk to each other we prevent mistakes happening if we shut down things will

Happen without us knowing Karen you’d like to say to the team thank you and I’m looking forward to moving forward there you go great good luck let’s go guys let me help you down the stairs good to see welcome to the town I get that D checking in it looks like

Immediately the guests see the changes in the dining room and the rooms yeah it’s beautiful yeah wow look at this very nice I love this bed this is pretty nice oh look at this got a nice armir and throw our stuff in here how do you like the changes looks good I can

Definitely say this is way better than this is definitely an improvement yes restaurant town indeed that’s a burger with french fries BLT and a mac and cheese great the kitchen is functioning more efficiently with a smaller menu and is preparing the dishes cooked to all and Karen is overseeing the Inn as an

Owner and successfully treating this place like a business for the first time that’s everything so far I heard you like this order in please yes I got five minutes on the burger sh and we got two orders of fries F nice and crispy the fries and seasoned beautifully yes yes

Sir Chef well done started outstanding so now we have a place to come in the winter time good so going to come back yeah we’re locals what does it mean I small little local beastro to the town how good is that for you actually it’s huge uh we need more local beastro

Like this we’re really excited to have it good to see you take care good night thank you guys good night thank you take care good night happy customers wow I’m off thank you man you’re welcome don’t lose that passion yeah continue enhancing this kitchen and stick together yes you strong together you two

We will okay I love yeah take care right see you soon look out each other we will okay tonight proved that this place can work the potential is incredible the locals are dying to see this place at the Forefront of this amazing town the area is historic make sure you’re in

Follows down that line Karen I know changes are going to be hard I know you’re going to resist but you cannot afford to go back you’ve got to go forth I know how much this means to you and I know what kind of Jeopardy is at stake

If it doesn’t work so think are the consequences it’s not just you it’s your son your son’s family and the Legacy that you want to continue with so I’m leaving you all the tools push forward promise me you’re not going to go back to your old ways no no this is

More fun and more effective and I just have seen the positive response from everybody you you did them the the ground work here so thank you you have an amazing in yeah okay amazing location beautiful do not move those clothes back in from a Lamont’s basement get rid of

This stuff let it fly off the shelves and start getting this place back on the map and enjoy that lovely little cottage take time out and spend time with the grandkids and just let the business breathe yeah promise me yes promise I promise yes thank you all right Gordon’s

Visit has been extremely educational this is good this is real right this is what it should be thank you oh I want the end to be successful and I think it will be now take care now thanks Karen good night wow that’s it that’s it wait come back come

Back I want to see him Go since my Vis it Karen has continued to lease the house I had previously rented for her and has been listening to her staff to make positive changes that is awesome and her son Jason has gotten involved with the business to help Karen meet their goals and both are happy to

Report business is heading in the right Direction