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Seafood Sensation: Gordon Ramsay’s 10 Exceptional Fish Recipes 🐟 | The F Word

Join Gordon Ramsay for a delightful cooking experience as he creates 10 exceptional fish dishes. Cook alongside the acclaimed chef for a flavourful culinary adventure.

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Monkfish toil this is the most amazing tasting fish five spice paprika salt pepper mfish tail in roll hot pan olive oil in feel the color of that now absolutely beautiful base OU rest citrus vinegarette lemon apples shots season tablespoon of white wine vinegar 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil Taragan Slice vinegar EGS can’t wait to eat it spiced monk fish with Citrus vinegarette done herb crusted fets of Cornish Brill this is a very sweet delicate fish packed with flavor but very robust in texture salt pepper olive oil hot pan we want to color the fish not boil it 1 minute each side

Take it out of the pan onto a tray and now we’re going to make a really quick tomato and basil salsa Tomatoes shots and you can hear the tomatoes roasting in the flavor of the fish Basel cool and now for the exciting part bread parsley parmesan it helps stick the crust together and more importantly gives it a really nice color Blitz that smells like provance beautiful salsa be quite generous on top of the brill really pack the breadcrumbs on there bake 6 minutes that is [Applause]

Beautiful olive oil balsamic vinegar basil herb crusted phets of Brill with tomato Sala done saer marinated philit of sea bream a nice sweet delicate flavor and the skin once it’s crisp is delicious score olive oil saffron place the fets skin side up and just leave that to

Marinate in the fridge sweet and sour Peppers slice the thinner they are the quicker they cook hot pan olive oil season and the secret now is to start the caramelization sugar red wine vinegar that gives it this sour flavor out onto a plate cool bream most exciting thing about the

Sea bream now is that it’s changed color hot pan skinside down lovely season Once that’s in the pan take your peppers basil and all you do is just mix that fresh basil through those wonderful sweet and sour Peppers baste olive oil and that has to be the

Perfect way of eating sea bream with sweet and sour Peppers saffron marinated bream with sweet and sour peppers done dool with a brown shrimp butter very robust slightly sweet cook simply on the bone is the best way flour season coat the fish lightly dust off any excess flour pan olive oil season olive

Oil butter turn into the oven 180Β° 8 to 10 minutes shrimp butter everything has to be ready before you start because the butter changes from brown to Black in seconds hot pan butter can and pepper shrimps Capers then lightly season it now the Butter’s just starting to catch lemon parsley sole

Out e nicely colored shrimp butter over dool with shrimp butter done halber absolutely perfect this time of year the season runs from April to November and it’s a great alternative to Cod fade rust but it’s got this really nice snowflake appearance it’s bright wide full of flavor and packed with protein

Skin hold it towards the tail and just tug the tail beautiful look all you do now is just cut nice big thick slabs of halib but into the fridge to firm up now we’re going to make this really amazing fresh tandori paste starting off with some ginger garlic

Cumin coriander seeds and the spices here we got chili turmeric paprika and garam masala basically a hot Warm Spice roast seeds salt and that sort of intensifies the flavor take a small knob of Ginger anti-roll Thompson size knob peel great at Ginger into the PESA morar three cloves of garlic toasted seeds

In salt spice lemon that starts to turn the paste into a really nice sharp vibrant fresh flavor which you never get when you buy a tandori paste tomato puree and then a couple of tablespoons of ground nut oil mix the color is extraordinary you don’t

Get that color when you buy a paste done absolutely beautiful now marinade in Hal yogurt paste lemon sugar just to sort of chill the flavor of the heat with all the spices mix look at that color now beautiful halib in it goes spoon the marinade over the Halibut hot hot pan

Ground the oil straight into the pan leave that cooking nice and gently for about 2 and 1 half to 3 minutes each side we’re going to serve it on a bed of cucumber peel look these wonderful strips almost like papadeli pasta beautiful cucumber into the bowl season mint chop yogurt lemon absolutely amazing

Cucumber in the center of the plate you halibut is ready to come out and watch smells amazing Tandoori spiced halber with cucumber OA done black green this has to be a bit of a chef secret delicate sweet amazing flavor they taste phenomenal fill it all

The way down just cut from the the tail and let the knife run all the way up to the top of the head and then just come off it’s dainty delicate and it tastes fantastic bone run upstairs and Nick your wise little tweezers and these are perfect for pulling out the bones

Score C film really nice fragrant Basel leaves salt pepper olive oil and place the bre on top of the Basel wrapping something lift that one cuz it keeps all that flavor in there and look we’ve got a beautiful little parcel and now that’s ready to start poaching in lightly

Boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes hot pan olive oil baby onions quite chunky streaky bacon into the onions roll it over you think of the flavor the sweetness of the fish and the bacon and onion how well that goes Together fresh time peas don’t be scared of using frozen peas the peas just give it that real nice summery freshness absolutely delicious seasoned this is so simple peas onions and bacon the smell of the bacon and onion beautiful fish slice in under the fish and just

Lift it up look at it quality of that bream is extraordinary and these Basel leaves a little drizzle of extra virgin olive oil black green with peas bom famam done lemon salt for me one of the most flavorsome flatfish twice as much flavor as the DOA salt and more importantly

Half the price skin side down skin just nip at the end grab it like you’re sort of almost pulling hair and let the knife do the work season Dill Dyan fish go brilliantly because it’s got that really nice sort of fenel flavor that sort of aned flavor and just roll almost like a

Sausage leaks carrots spring onions garlic it’s a very delicate dainty fish this so we don’t want to overpower with garlic and then something to sort of weight them up a little bit time rosemarine the time goes brilliant with the Leakes and the rosem goes fantastic with the

Carrots baking paper if I had to put them on my board like that then they’re going to curl up so I turn the paper almost Inside Out ad veg we’re looking for a bed like a nest of vegetables season and then just dink drizzle generously with olive

Oil it looks delicious now it’s not even cooked second piece of paper that goes over the top wrap you get the top right hand corner and you just fold that over and then over again fold and push and just follow it round fold and push we left almost like a little snout white

Wine what the wine does as that salt is steaming there it makes a really nice Aroma with the vegetable the olive oil and keeps everything really nice and light and fruity seal pen on there and push down and look just seals the paper hot oven 20

Minutes and this is the bit of magic in and just look and look at that absolutely delicious and the perfume of the herbs extraordinary Solon peon done monkfish it’s quite a difficult fish to get R because there’s a lot of water in M fish curry powder and salt and the salt start

To extract the water so when we come to roasting it it doesn’t boil and get a really nice color on there leave 5 minutes muscle broth time bay leaves hot pan muscles get your lid ready in this hand white wine in now shake it this turns the muscles around almost

Like being put in a tumble dryer so they cook evenly 30 seconds and go [Applause] look that’s Gold Dust shell muscles lovely look at that so beautiful celery carrots leaks garlic saffron salt curry powder but the secret behind it is that really nice little pinch of saffron that

Gives it that little bit of lift strain muscle juice Reduce add muscles bring it up to the [Applause] boil 100 Ms double cream coriander back to the fish the water has come out pat dry amazing lovely color the fish is too hot to slice so if I started slicing all the goodness will run out of it leave you to

Sitting there for about 2 or 3 minutes so it relaxes some nice big chunky slices monkfish with curried muscle broth done br razor sharp knife fill it nice long slices that’s the first one off [Applause] up Brill bones and turbet bones are the most sought after in any kitchen that

Will make the most perfect fish top skin and just pull this little bit here is called the skirt that’s lovely inside a fish pie it really is delicious season both sides red wine thyme bay leaf garlic salt pepper and olive oil Poach the sauce shot um it’s a bit of a sort of cooks thing really because onions are far too strong a shot it’s quite mellow butter and get some real nice color on there want this nice real nut brown flavor on the [Applause] Shot sugar really starts to caramelize those shots beautiful shine on there raspy vinegar in and it just sort of wakes everything up a little bit add poaching wine [Applause] reduce 50 g of butter shake it into the sauce fish slice onto the plate Brill and red wine sauce done Seabass in French lud that means wolf of the sea fill it just run the knife all the way down one knife’s long Swipe there you go one fill it off easy pepper sauce rather than cut the peppers in half and take out the seeds just cut around it leave the seeds in there and do the job once it’s almost like it if you’re peeling an orange shots nice hot pan olive

Oil stares the an flavor goes absolutely beautifully with the sweetness of the peppers salt basil white wine vinegar [Applause] Burma reduce it gives body to the sauce nice glossy syrupy 200 M of water simmer it’s fresh it’s vibrant and it goes brilliantly with a SE bass Blitz absolutely beautiful Bass score

Salt time it just so perfumes the Seabass olive oil skin side down in it goes fingers on top for 30 seconds 90% of the cooking time will take place in that skin but you’ll know when it’s cooked when it starts turning bright white now it’s time to turn it over

Just finish it with olive oil SE Bass with pepper sauce done