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kitchen nightmares moments that made me spit out my coffee | Kitchen Nightmares | Gordon Ramsay

did i slurp up the coffee afterwards? yes i did. and what about it? (9ò_ó)9

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kitchen nightmares moments that made me spit out my coffee | Kitchen Nightmares

#GordonRamsay #KitchenNightmares #GordonRamsayCooking

Teresa how are you as part of his research Chef Ramsey had reached out to a former employee and her returned phone call could not have happened at a better time thanks so much for coming down you good it’s nice to meet you likewise good

To see you too I have just some things I wanted to share with you and tell you let’s go a stand over here wow wow wow um take me from the start will you please give me some background you quit recently how long ago a month ago I was

Hired for garm and prep and then what happened I ended up being gar prep dishes cleaning I did my own prep list we have no head chef so I’m in there busting my ass he has to have someone always to put his frustrations on to

Scapegoat and so he had only me to do it and I would come in every day and it was just this is wrong that’s wrong and telling me how horrible you know I was being pretty much and I I just couldn’t take it anymore I’m doing much better

Now I’m not crying when I go home I’m not stressing out before I go go to work the reason I quit CU I have too much pride you’re right no I took some pictures this is the stuff that was here that’s meat in a baggie what’s it doing

In a bag it’s blood it’s to be served to be served that’s the chef garden vegetables wow that’s the Black Pearl pork chops oh my God what is it with this guy B preach’s farmed table all I’ve seen is frozen to table the steaks

He buys he goes to a store and buys the tender lines and stuff and he cuts some up why is he pretending why is he playing at it why is he kidding himself on trying to pull the wall over the customer’s eyes you just it’s a chip

Skate he wants to make money the locals in this area he thinks he’s bit at least seriously Dreadful he needs to know that what he’s doing is wrong he needs to get his stuff together in there I don’t see how you’re going to do it well listen I appreciate you

Coming down yes and it was nice to meet you likewise all right thank you on the heels of getting more disturbing information from an Insider Chef Ramsey knows he needs to do a deeper investigation and it begins in the storage realm ah my God half Frozen Blood

Stained sat it’s not even Frozen it’s half soft half Frozen where’s that from no date wow what a mess my God frozen food that’s been frozen since 2009 3 years ago used by 2010 Frozen blue cheese why would you freeze blue cheese farm the table it’s n what is that like frozen

AstroTurf what is that ah Bingo there they are my little Rockefellers full of water wow lesson number One never ever freeze an oyst the worst thing you can ever do to it wow frozen shrimp from Farm to freezer to defrost shrimp of the day he’s showing off his Pampa table

Blowing smoke up my ass about how fresh everything is and look a freezer full of Frozen oysters muscles to Frozen cheeses why would you put blue cheese in a freezer why why why why why would you freeze any oyster wow what a fake I need two tips on gotcha

Gotcha J I get upset when I see fakery from a frozen ravioli a frozen perch Frozen oysters and when you deny it that makes me mad we just talk about that because you’re you’re you’re making up stories I’m not making up stories that’s how [ __ ] deluded you are no I’m not

Diluted we have fresh stuff okay after an unbelievably bad lunch Chef Ramsey was in for another shock have you lost your passion I never had a passion to begin With I I don’t want to be a chef I didn’t think our situation was as bad as I’m finding out minute by Minute that night Gordon observed dinner service I don’t need this out of my mind and although there was complaint after complaint I don’t like at all this is UN it’s not real C the only person who seemed not to notice was Billy Billy customers are complaining about the

Food you can’t walk around oblivious the fact that you think this is good yeah but it’s not bad in everybody’s opinion whatever the next morning Chef Ramsey got up early to conduct an inspection of the walk-in and what he found was a disgusting disgrace the reminiscence of Exon

Valdes oh my God Almighty that there was a clam what a mess when was the last time this fridge was cleaned a week ago oh no no no it hasn’t I’m sorry 21 years in the business I’ll bet every [ __ ] dollar I have this [ __ ] place hasn’t

Been cleaned in years I’m disgusted put your hand down there everything’s coming out and this place is going to get cleaned instead of taking responsibility bil went outside to pout but Chef Ramsey was not about to let him off the hook I’m [ __ ] pissed off and I’m upset on

The kind of [ __ ] that I’ve just discovered in there time to drag me through the mud some more it is what it is you don’t seem one [ __ ] ounce bothered about it Billy you can’t just stick your head back in the sand ignore it Billy sure you can you’re a weak Man

Billy I really justad had enough finished can you least talk to me no Billy can you talk to me please no I have nothing to say Billy I wouldn’t talk to my dog the way you talk to me go [ __ ] yourself that’s right he doesn’t have to act like a baby

He’s telling you the truth though Billy great there ways to go about it 46 years old never been talked to like that by anybody and you know what the only thing that’s keeping me from [ __ ] hitting him with a [ __ ] baseball bat is that I’d go to [ __ ] jail for it I’m done

And you’re not the man everyone here thought you were Billy absolutely not so help me God I will not open the door tomorrow and you can all go [ __ ] yourselves and I don’t care if it’s all for nothing what a weak Man Billy walked Billy leaving his wife Carolyn holding

The back let me help you I want you to help me but I don’t know what to do I have a job that I have to work so I can pay my morgage sure okay I don’t know what to do first of all let’s find out

The truth how long has it been slow at least a good three years and you in the kitchen you cook my job was in the dining room all my life I ran the restaurant in the kitchen I learned I picked up how did you buy it my mother

Gave me the money and me and my brother end up buying it together okay so it’s literally a 50-50 business everything’s supposed to be 50/50 right what does that mean help me out Anthony has been in and out of the restaurant over the 13 years and what happened

You know I’m hooked on pain kills I took money got in trouble went to jail the whole nine yards I work this seven days a week by myself Frankie got left with the whole [ __ ] it got to him got depressed he got burnt out money went down every year

Naturally I did damage to the business but you cannot get over the P if you can’t put the past behind you we can’t go on when you’ve been burnt six times it’s hard to say yeah okay that’s in the past Anthony is trying to make amends everything he’s done is being criticized

Every little thing is being nitpicked he’s because of the past because of the past you know everything is Anthony Anthony I think he doesn’t take any blame for anything that happened anywhere is that right what what do you mean to blame I was gone the business it was like

Abandoned and nothing was done Anthony you’ve ruined the business you’ve destroyed it I never want to be in a restaurant by myself I mean come on I’m mad I’m pissed I’ll [ __ ] tell you to go [ __ ] yourself for the [ __ ] you put me through oh my God fine Anthony

Never apologize never it’s like kid don’t you understand what you’ve done you put me in the position I am now but I like to [ __ ] beat him up and the problem I think he doesn’t respect me for anything because the past everything and I don’t respect respect him because

I think he Aid down and [ __ ] died wow Sarah Sarah no sorry sorry Lisa wait a minute wait a let’s talk real yeah we’re talking real listen to me listen to me I’m I only mentioned that because who F that after all yours no it’s yours you expect everything to be done this

Business number one is not under my name it’s under both of your names that’s why you need to listen to what I say I’m not disagreeing with that I’m just saying there are no rules Rita so don’t blame us for that because there are no rules there are no rules because nobody

Respects what I say like what let me just go down my list and you’ll see where I’m going with this number two says Point number two nobody sitting here can take criticism actually Rosa can she does like 5,000 things wrong a night but when you tell her she says she’s sorry but

Doesn’t really do anything about it Doug why can’t you take criticism I do you don’t you definitely don’t you don’t you don’t take the way I see I do so you think different how about seeing it the way the owners see it Doug when I say

This dish sucks you need to own it why can’t I do if I don’t agree I don’t care you make another one that’s your job you cook as if you don’t want to be here watching the way you perform it’s a man that’s just turning up for the check

I’ve been working here for no for the check then why don’t you say to me and Lisa you know what I want to make a special today I did it I did it the fili the other stuff just don’t sell it don’t sell because they suck those are not

Specials the vibe in here is oozing negativity beyond belief no one gives a [ __ ] from the chefs to the waiters no one gives a [ __ ] I’m sorry I disagree wow don’t take this like a personal attack I’m just saying Point people out just don’t say taking everything

Personal okay just one more thing I don’t want to be the target whenever guys you mention something I know you’re a good waitress you’re efficient you’re fast but I’ve had servers actually tell me they don’t want to work with you what’s that supposed to mean it’s

Supposed to mean to me that you are a money grub and you hog all the tables I see the people you guys the ones who see the people when I triy to rotate them did you not were you not the first one to complain be honest let’s let be honest

The boss you want to rotate why you just rotate without asking I’m sorry because she’s not willing to make less money shall I give an example when I hired you you were told you need to pay him 20% of your tips I TI 20 more than

20% this BS boy has never seen 15% from you and that’s he has seen it no he’s not no sorry sorry that’s not true ask there he is have you seen more than 15% from Sarah yes or no no I’m not going to tip I’m not going to

Tip sah listen to me nobody’s talking about when you make 15% on the charges you know what I’m talking about when you made $400 and you gave him 40 that’s what I’m talking about that’s right you absolutely did you absolutely did when someone’s breaking their balls like this

And they leave with $40 they got [ __ ] right up the ass they I was working my ass that day so was he if I’m here I need to make some money this is my job you make me pick and choose Sarah and I no Sarah comes in

Gets the best station Sarah gets sat first gets sat last Sarah’s making all the money it has to stop like it’s ridiculous sorry I’m going home thank God this is a waste for it’s time for you to [ __ ] hit the road how what’s that this uh chicken that we Ed for

Oh my God just touch that I mean how the stickiness of that Elise Elise what what I I don’t know what to say just touch that just touch it uh-huh sticky at least yeah come on it’s old I’m not even using this I don’t know it’s old that’s the

Second thing you’re telling me you’re not even using it what about the danger zone of even just been in here garbage jar 2 seconds please this is in the fridge Peter how long has it been in here uh probably 4 or 5 days that doesn’t go like that after four or five

Days come on four or five weeks we don’t even we no way we don’t keep food longer than that so beef stew with mold on top have you touched that that was the fat of the beef don’t you dare don’t you [ __ ] dare I’ve that wasn’t fat this

Chicken is multicolored sticky and and you’re saying it’s 4 days I don’t know how long it’s been in there you don’t know I need you you and you outside what about let me just show you one more thing over the Flaming cheese what the [ __ ] is this it’s just old chicken another old

But we’re not using that are we no but so why is it here it’s 86 do you know what really [ __ ] me off so no one’s caring there’s so many things wrong and yet everybody’s in denial let me just show you something here I don’t want to do this anymore

This is so embarrassing he’s really going to blast us like that okay well hello look at the refrigerator I mean [ __ ] why do we keep stuff that needs to be thrown away I don’t know it needs to be thrown away but I’m not the only responsible one I’ve never seen this

Before every [ __ ] fridge it’s full of fresh stuff and old stuff unfortunately the old stuff’s tanged the fresh stuff so what you think is fresh is no longer fresh and those poor [ __ ] out there are eating this can no you can’t I’m not going to let you cook anymore yeah

That’s right you want to continue cooking you think it’s funny do you no atast if anyone can walk past rotten food in a fridge and continue cooking fresh you shouldn’t be [ __ ] anywhere near food and then when I hear oh I’ve never seen that before then open your [ __ ] eyes

Just don’t believe this you know what happened to check things I don’t know what happened what the [ __ ] is this do you guys like this [ __ ] to drink it don’t leave that is in there for so long look look in there that’s embarrassing but we don’t use it I can’t keep up with

Everything I [ __ ] babysit you like kids and you still [ __ ] me I don’t need the babysit if I want a babysit I go babysit my granddaughter