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Janet Street Porter’s Bold Horse Meat Experiment | FULL EPISODE | Season 3 – Episode 2 | The F Word

In this full episode, Girls Aloud discuss their perspectives on pop rivals, and Ronnie Corbett engages in a recipe challenge with Gordon. The menu showcases foie gras, rib eye of beef, and berry soup. Amateur cooks from Kent Fire Brigade aim for a comeback at Claridges in Ramsay’s kitchen. As Ramsay’s baby lambs are about to be born, an unexpected turn of events occurs during the birth. Additionally, Janet Street Porter urges Gold Cup attendees to explore a unique superfood – horsemeat.

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Welcome to the f word [ __ ] [ __ ] hell come on Big Boy wake up please yes it’s dinner [Applause] Time for the next two months I’ve got a different amateur Brigade cooking in my kitchen every night give me time now a minute good that’s all shut the [ __ ] up they’re all cooking for a restaurant full of 50 diners and if the customers don’t like it they don’t pay and this

Year the best performing Brigade will return to cook at my Mayfair restaurant clares okay yes now they better be good because that is a big ask on the menu tonight pan roasted fago with rhubarb butter roasted ribey of beef with grilled AR chokes and summerberry soup and floating islands plus janry Porter’s

Mouth gets her into trouble the police have stepped in and said that offering pters horse meat is a highly provocative act I sweep little chef Ronnie cor off his feet in the recipe challenge oh god there a like over there and girls allowed come to dine will I be the

Reason they finally split I’m a vegetarian you’re vegetarian did you not get a message vegetarian are welcome my mother and I my dad but I love my mother and I love my dad I want have all never had mother myad I love I Love gentlemen good evening right faga the livers in ducks like these cost an absolute Fortune yeah 25 quid of pop so don’t [ __ ] it up this is Russell Russell yes how are you big man good good thank you Mark one good to see it Mark three and Mark two wise good to see

You you’re arrived as fireman now you’re my Brigade mark one what you call what you uh what you famous for bit of St Phil it I love and uh I put together like a roasted pepper red pepper sounds [ __ ] disgusting what was I’m a pasta man pasta man the thing is it’s very

Quick and not work very Camp D winon but you’re a bit of a domestic housewife you make your own Jam as well is that right blame his daughter Cooks it keep that one to yourself okay let’s go all gentlem we ready yes six covers 10 12

Yes six Vaga six beef six Berry soup six stop stop stop stop so I call out an order nicely at the end of it to say yes chef so let’s start again cuz that was bollocks I order six c table 12 six fer six beef six Berry

Soup let’s do one together first shall we yeah so f is 90% fat yeah so don’t leave in the pan too long the whole [ __ ] thing will disintegrate yes nice hot knife and we use the hot knife to slice through there very quickly so it’s

Not to break Faro Sal pepper 90% of the seasoning we lose as it roast so we’re going to season it twice we’re going to season it now and then once it’s cooked yes we’re going to season it again it goes on the plate before it goes on the

Plate roll it around the seasoning flat side down first yeah get the color in the paga yes color is absolutely critical this nice crispy Edge on the outside this nice pink sort of succulent sort of almost like a warm butter inside we’re serving rhar yes with this faga

Because rubar is very sharp tart and so it sort of helps to cut through the richness of the faga now that’s just right just knees 1 minute on the side there rubar this time of year it’s absolutely delicious just nice zigzag rocket salad there yeah now

The faga is now rested and look 50 like that and every customer will be paying good okay let’s go can we put the faga in the pan together please yes oil it’s not I’m say hot enough is it smoking it’s [ __ ] hot enough isn’t it why am

I telling a five that come on let’s get it right three in right Mark not even season Mark [ __ ] [ __ ] hell come on Big Boy wake up please yes now don’t burn the paga cuz we burn the paga it’s going to be bitter go on this is let’s

Go right Mark Mark Mark two [ __ ] colored come on big boy it’s burnt my man no stop put it down put it down put it down hey guys hello Mark it’s not funny now cuz I’m not [ __ ] laughing get in the bin yes [ __ ] [ __ ] guys don’t forget yes the best performing

Brigade come back yeah and not cook here but they cook at clares and so far you’re [ __ ] [Applause] Useless we really do enjoy the cooking it’s all the part it’s all about being in the kitchen being together creating something and all sitting down afterwards and actually enjoying what we’ve actually cooked you know we work very well as a group but it’ be quite interesting to see how we actually work

As a team when somebody else is telling us what we got to do around it something we’re not used to doing I cook for the whole watch which can be up to 14 people I taste it how can I taste it without putting a spoon a firem we work

In temperatures between 8 and 900° so working in Gordon’s kitchen doesn’t compare the for us I mean we are going to wipe the floor with this competition this is a simple dish qua rubar he and salad you can make this at home tomorrow night even [ __ ] Angley

Harriet couldn’t [ __ ] this one up yes boy let’s go four away now Mark please yes on yes sir salad dress salad’s coming good you take your TR with you up let’s go t five JP right we’re ready for the first three come on let’s go go go

Go you e oh my God there’s no way I could eat that it looks really wrong it looks like someone’s brain oh my ladies good to see you to see nice to see you both hey girls are loud on the f word I know it’s good isn’t it you’re

Aware this is a food ch right yeah we are and we like food while looking how skinny you are you don’t eat food do you like theard did you like it I’m a vegetarian you’re vegetarian did not get the message vegetarians aren’t welcome but you didn’t tell me you’re

Vegetarian if it’s lat seriously no no hold on if I known you’re a vegetarian we got the [ __ ] All Saints on enjoy the potatoes I’ll come and see you later yes thank you vegetarian bloody hell the r Barb and the Fara together they compliment each other and they were

Great they’re absolutely fabulous saying this substantial bit of gu that makes it you know really delicious there’s so much softness inside the crispy outside okay results in yes yes 50 diners out of the 50 diners how many going to pay for the Frogger 31 people paying for the

ST1 like it 19 you refuse to pay for it yeah that’s correct why um too long uh too fatty too fatty mhm too fatty my it’s a liver which is full of words yeah they’re too fat there is a delicious delicacy that in small quantities yeah yeah yeah Christ almighty the main

Course is I want 50 all paying for the ri ey let’s go unbelievable next the menu my lands are about to arrive or are they you want to come out I’m afraid Janet Street Porter finally loses the plot bring your mother into it and girls allow tell me what they

Think of their pop Rivals what do you think of Lili chick with a dick chick with a dick welcome back to the f word now tonight’s main course is a beautiful butter roasted ribeye steak served with grilled AR chokes braed carrots and sauteed new potatoes ribeye this is the new Philip

It’s a chef’s Dream It’s got this wonderful casing of fat separating the chain and the ribeye so as it Cooks this fat just imparts more and more flavor it just melts in your mouth delicious wrap nice and tight set that in the fridge and when I come to cut my

Portions they’re exact they the same size and more importantly I haven’t wasted anything fridge after chokes look they’re nice and firm they got this really nice sort of SLC stroke nutty flavor to them this time of year perfect cut off the stalks remove leaves you know when to stop when you start seeing

That really nice light colored Leaf inside take your knife and then just peel down through the stalk now that’s your AR choke preps lemon that stops them from oxidizing basically going brown and just cut them in half look at there that’s the beautiful celebration of spring water lemons salt white wine

Vinegar pepper olive oil watch let the knife do the work and look at that that is beautiful hot pan cooking the ribeye you got to be quick olive oil salt pepper get all that seasoning soaking up now look at that beautiful Garlic Crush Rosemary into the

Pan that’s the noise you want to hear that sizzling you haven’t got that get it back out of the pan look that color there absolutely phenomenal butter and this is where it starts to take the steak to a different level this butter is really bringing out the

Texture and the flavor of the meat out onto a plate and just leave it to rest griddle olive oil take out your eyes chokes salt and pepper Into The Griddle pan perfect turn them over hard chokes off car and that is a dream come true RI eye of beef griddled AR chokes

Done yeah RI is quite robust so it needs a little color on there not [ __ ] black in it but color there’s a big difference yeah obviously the Well Done ones they’re going to take longer the rare are going to take less and the medium rare are going to take normal

Time right let’s go yes Russell mark four beef away listen to me two medium one rare one medium rare okay go get the beef cut yes four beef two medium one rare one medium rare yes yes yes medium one R rare one medium rare one on let’s go one in here quickly let’s

Go wait get these under way right now look at me don’t panic no good just remembering which ones [ __ ] which yeah we cook them all first normal medium rare take one out one take out then you continue cooking the two medium and that one’s on its own yeah cuz

That’s going to take the longest okay then after that what come down the ladder what comes next medium rare no well done medium medium rare medium rare is less cook medium is more with no blood yeah good don’t startop [ __ ] laughing warning you may want to turn your volume down here’s Janet Street

Porter because the bird FL BSC it’s increasingly difficult to work out what kind of meat we can eat safely now I’ve come to rural France to look at another kind of meat which we in Britain are very very sentimental about but we should consider eating it because it’s very good for

You we Brits think of horses as Grand National winners or Posh Pets but we’re too blinkered to see it as a fantastic tasting meat in France they’re really passionate about their food and interestingly the only red meat that’s going up in sales is horse meat well that does tell you something about the

Fren so I’ve come to this horse farm and I’ve seen that all the horses which are being bred to be eaten a free range they’re all healthy animals and they all seem really happy I think I’m going to choose this one okay like give this hor the name the

Name yeah Janet no doesn’t look like me you know who it looks like Gordon I’ve chosen a horse it’s now going to be slaughtered Gordon then it will be posted to me in England after it’s been butchered and I shall eat it I’m having a bit of a problem with it

But I’m trying to overcome It although it’s perfectly legal to eat horse meat over here in Britain just about the only way to get hold of a good bit of horse steak is to order it from abroad the roast bit Roy Goron that’s a very impressive bit of gon isn’t it hello GL I haven’t seen you

For years years am I allowed to kiss you yes can not many people can but you horse meat has got no fat in it compared to beef I was always told there’s more more vitamin put H advises me to fry Gordon with shots garlic and Thyme well

You taste it first first of all perfectly cooked fantastic it’s tender firm M but it’s not stringy it tastes like beef it may taste like beef but horse meat contains half the fat and 10 times as much omega-3 well I’ve been persuaded that horse meat is really good for you and

It’s very tasty and there lots of very very good reasons why you should eat it so I’ve decided to come to CH them and see if I can convert a few panters but it seems there’s a problem the police have stepped in and said that offering pters horse meat is a highly

Provocative act and uh may cause a disturbance it’s a bit pathetic but you know I’m not going to let it hold me back to keep PC pla happy I set up my barbecue on some private property down the road hey you lot do you want to try

Some of this what she going try this p no I don’t want to why it’s cuz it is isn’t it it’s horse meat I never you after a cautious start I’d made my first convert and then they kept on coming garlic on that not a problem all right

All right I’m at this hole oh yeah got you believe me it tastes okay yeah in a world of mad cows and bird flu we should be opening our eyes to new possibilities I think that horse is a really good source of protein and one we should take

Seriously so I’m really begging you out there to give it a go Gordon I’m sorry about calling the horse Gordon I can’t believe you did that you know that anyway you’ve eaten horse I have and can I just say it’s the first time for a long time that we can

Completely agree together I think it’s a world first I’ve never agreed with you about anything have I but this horse yes Gordon tasted really good pre range Gordon I can’t believe you near got arrested at the race call actually spookly enough Gordon most of the people

That tasted the horse meat yes at the race course liked it it’s slightly gy very lean for you very packed in protein so nice that we can agree on something finally come over all funny and you’ve had to wait till you’re 60 till you do

It oh [ __ ] off God it’s St going on about my age I H we can moment Without You reminding me that I’m a [ __ ] pensioner I just can’t stop me saying the word 60 what your problem my mom’s 60 that’s don’t bring your mother into it don’t bring your mother into it

Jesus Christ Al Mighty God Almighty clean the place M before we start saucing yes sh hey customers going to pay for it yeah then you send it on a dirty plate sorry big boy but that’s [ __ ] yeah I’d like to say I washed him

Out but I didn’t say that again I said I thought say I washed them out but I didn’t mark I set you up with a perfectly clean kitchen okay don’t [ __ ] [ __ ] me for beef away are yours this [ __ ] chippy oh yes sh yeah why why someone trying to teach you

Something no no no just get on with it you think I’m here to make you look like a dick no I just want you to get it right so you look good they pay for the [ __ ] dinner and then you walk out on a high okay I’m buzzing but I’m buzzing

In a way that I don’t like your [ __ ] attitude let’s go right Mark how on for the four please right it’s ready to go really I’m just no give me time now no a minute I need to know one minute good that’s all I need to know shut the [ __ ]

Up let’s go 1 minute 2 minutes I’m waiting for you I just need a call normal one medium three normal is medium rare that’s right come on let’s go cut the one medium do I put but [ __ ] me hello do I put my butter with the AR

Chokes yeah of course you just to finish it Olive all first yes that’s look hello nicely colored yeah drilled nice finish with butter we start with butter what happens going to bur it we’ known that one now come on good free joh that Mark I want you to understand

Something [ __ ] yeah don’t get [ __ ] chippy with me I’m here to help you to make you guys look good yeah but I can’t talk to [ __ ] four at the same time what I need right now it’s just a little bit of [ __ ] intelligence you understand yeah yeah so uh yeah cool it

A little bit Yeah 2 minutes on the medum that’s right thank [ __ ] someone’s thinking right let’s go that is most amazing be it’s only been down for 5 minutes and I’ve already finished it compliments to the cheets bath table [ __ ] critical ladies ladies ladies ladies run me through a typical dinner um typical

Dinner what kind of things you cook freshly McDonald’s McDonald’s I cook good spaghetti bolones I get myself there spaghetti Boles what’s the secret behind the good spaghetti bolones tell me oo cute oh Jes um are you drinking tonight yeah yes you’re lying you’re like didn’t like my

Liver not drinking that means you have a baby on the way in the kitchen is it true yes or no I can tell his way now um I seriously like okay girls with a bit of spunk yeah and girls are loud a little bit like me there’s always somebody out there

Knocking me down whether it’s the Press radio you name it they do it so I’ve got a little test for you yeah okay these are past quotes that individuals have said about girls alow tell me yeah exactly who said it okay I’ve got a book of them this thick okay I’ve stopped

After Michael Winner AA Gil yeah all the food critics I’ve I’ve I’ve given up on them but my book’s this thick so yours is yours is only this thick okay first one okay right who said this and who are they talking about yes I haven’t resorted to wearing short skirts and

Dating a footballer to get to the charts now have I Dean B yes it was and he’s on my Hit List who said that de no and it’s called CH Charlotte Church oh she wasn’t on about me she said she either talking shade oh she talking about somewhere El

Yeah what do you think about AR Jesus Christ put your pen down for God’s sake she’s pregnant like you relax your hormones are changing relax relax relax relax okay next one who said this yes and who were they talking about that Jordy girl she’s crap she doesn’t sing a

Note in tune I’m amazed she got through who said that Simon Sim he’s a bit of an icon actually like Simon so I’m not gonna say anything bad about I like him I just think his tits are too big Garden right nobody really wants to look

Like Cheryl they just think they do who said that I bet that was um ly Allen what’s her name ly Allen yeah well done everybody wants to look like a chick with a dick yeah what do you think of L chick with a dick Che

The no don’t put that on that was him take take some more water um really good to see you both yeah saf R dessert yes yeah wild berry soup with floating islands yeah it’s delicious yeah think about a fi shake from McDonald’s you like it more okay I’ll see you off

Dessert yes all right holy [ __ ] this wasn’t why I asked for the medium to well done and it was very rare very pink I find a lot of meat is often really dry that was really nice cuz it was all in its own juices so couldn’t fult it at

All okay guys come around please let’s go results for the main course let’s go how many customers tonight we are for men course we 37 people paying 37 that’s so 13 aren’t paying yeah uh why 13 the main reason is uh too long again too long yeah not the right ciss

For the meat say again not the right um the the is been cooked into too rare yeah was it the same 19 people 13 13 people it’s the first time for these guys in a professional kitchen for God’s sake huh yeah not bad yeah not perfect

13 decided not to pay for the main course you know 12 quid for that you know is a joke to be turn honest tip [ __ ] now make sure 50 out of 50 pay for the dessert yes y next on the menu Ronnie Corbett and his misss have a

Domestic do Inn the recipe challenge oh and for God’s sake I told you not to be Indiscreet I knew he would worm things like I’ve got a fast food solution for every night of the week and the Brigade get behind Russell as he makes the hardest call out of his career I can

Hear you I’m on onee S I’m On One KNE actually at the moment you welcome back to the f word now sorry did you jump Jesus sorry too much down down Jesus welcome back to the f word time for a pint size recipe challenge the rules are simple a celebrity chooses

Their favorite dish and I have to beat it with my version right are you ready I’m ready you know I hate losing I know there’s your section over there nice and Cal we’re going to have a nice cam Ambiance so what is the name of your dish Linguini with what Linguini with

Chili and crab chili and crab just very simple straightforward yes well have the sh can you reach the work service what’s the matter I’ve been Savage charged oh no come on there were two shots here right and some red chilies and some dry chili I mean what s of kitchen Ronnie

Ronnie Ronnie Ron look seriously all right all right I’ll get already I’m already I’m 2 minutes in front yeah sorry Ronnie so Ronnie’s making a fresh Linguini with chili and crab sounds quite interesting and I’m going to do a very uh simple straightforward torini basically fresh

Rolled out pasta and crab meat in the center with some lemon zest some Basel salt pepper and a little bit of Ginger Ronnie’s using chili I’m using Ginger cuz I’m going to beat it and I’m using a few shalots as well oh sorry have you actually ever caught crabs yes I have

Whereabouts uh pit and weam cadik an Str the whole of the five Coast does an know that you caught crabbs uh I love the way you stop working you’re so cool and calm with I’m looking at you polite of speaking to them we’ll be here all [ __ ] night at

This rate be be here when all night Ah that’s better language Gordon please language Gordon yes where is the darling heart put my 14-in frying pan what you looking for my man tell me what you like big 14-in frying pan 14in frying pan God

De we having a bath in it oh there we are it’s all here now that de I dear now the love of food where did it come from well my grandma mother was a cook housekeeper my father was a baker in uh Edinburgh for 30 years at M vites so

There’s a lot of cooking y in the family and I’m now going to take the crab meat out handpicked crab for Ronnie corit oh this is beautiful I mean this is lovely this crab it’s running with moisture and whiteness want to get on with these Linguini of crab and chili

And right I’m going to start rolling out my pasta now now secret behind the pasta it’s keeping it really nice and thin too thick a pastor of course the whole thing gets chewy not nice at all so Ronnie how we doing fine doing very well yes when you’re at home cooking in

The countryside does that never help you in the kitchen an is very supportive in the kitchen very supp very sweet she opens the wine pours the wine watches East Enders and offers me a crisp offer you no Ann is a very good cook as well

Is she yes John Baptist can you ask an please quickly come through the kitchen I’m going to sort of ask her to help with my talinis I’m running behind oh you what are you going to do chop par for me no look watch your blows dear and

The and the lovely they’ve given me a beautiful bunch of flowers look at that wow wow right my darling put that back and my are you going to yes my daring are you going to chop help with my torine I’m just going to show you show me so the mix inside

Okay is with some lemon basil fresh crab meat yeah and we’re just going to sort of bind it together little parcel though right yeah around there like that yeah only on half only on half cuz I’m going to show you why I’m going to fold them

Through right watch my D very easy so you just fold that over there like that squash it together squash it together and then from there yeah you nip them together get all the air out yeah nip them together get all the air out very quickly look just from there left to

Right right to left oh that that is Cle no see I’m not going to find that easy but I promise you little hat little darling let me do it with you once though little darling Oh look I can do let me do this one you see when you have

To cook in restaurant everything has to be rushed and I can’t bear that you see in our kitchen it’s all calm and I sit there like this I go that’s very good Ron yes it’s lovely and I have another glass of wi now this is a bit I don’t

Like hang around my little finger down there down there and push together push together like that hang on it doesn’t look like yours that’s it left to right right to left yes and then you pull it off see it’s good that’s fine you do the rest because you’re going to lose you’re

Going to lose this no no it’s fine they’ll go straight to the star canteen it’s fine thank you my daring lovely P does Ronnie cook every night yes seriously yes what’s the most romantic food romantic he hates that sort of word it makes him really embarrassed oh and

For God sake I told you not to be indiscret I knew he would worm things old who stole some of my Basel not I’m not touched your Basel no okay so I’m going to Blan the torinus here got some fresh tomato a little bit of Ginger schot yeah and a little bit of

Vinegarette that’s just ready now little vinegarette so that looks nice you’re not going to serve it like that all that [ __ ] around the outside AR You Can I taste one of these with with what’s left in the bowl look can I finish serving them first please Ronnie what we’re ready

Right John bmti where’s my little French fighter pilot make sure you do not get them mixed up no than you come back with the good news H yes I will let’s go Ali depa hey hi how are you good pter so this is the first Dish Dish number one

And this is number two o crab and green I think do we know what it is or do we have to guess we’re going to have to taste time to introduce the lamb to my own flock the big days arrived my lambs have been born and at 6 weeks are at last old

Enough to travel up to London with their Mothers they’ll be driven by may he owns the RAM and use our breed my Lambs from and hates leaving his beloved flock well you know what they say about welshmen listen listen listen listen the Lambs are arriving today yes yes so we’re going to start getting their new

Home home ready for them Jack we’re going to have to get rid of that go put it down the side somewhere Nice ready I had a sheep house constructed a farmer maze specification it’s a luxury home for the Sheep they’re 5 minutes away so I’m going to set up the fence yeah the electric fence don’t purposely miss that will you may also advise me to put up an

Electric fence which is the normal way for keeping sheep first I had to test it on my own flock ready J hold hands quick hold hands hold hands otherwise I didn’t [Laughter] get here they are hello M hello how are buddy how you got it good to see you come through guys come

On ready guys ready yeah up yeah [Applause] y right quick P back up quick okay ah [ __ ] yeah hold on man you got to take the plug off the sheep have to get used to their new surroundings especially the fence oh B my Lambs are a crossbreeder of Welsh

Mountain and French charet so I’ve decided to name them after my favorite Welsh couple Charlotte Church and Gavin Henson charlot chur happy M yes T and I don’t want our kids growing up into total Urban softies we feel it’s important that they hear the full story of the

Lamb’s birth it’s not all as straightforward as you think it is delivering Lambs okay a press play please make 6 weeks earlier Charlotte was born okay but there was a big problem with the birth of my second lamb oh it’s not very at the moment he’s alive at the moment but

Is he didn’t want to come out I’m afraid no it’s not what I’m afraid oh sh he’s live at the moment but he won’t live for long he’s just developed a big belly as some of them do not very often but uh some of them do minutes later the lamb died so may

Selected an orphan for the you of foster instead rub it rub it in her lamb just to get the smell the same and also rub in her a bit of after then she’ll think it’s her own she will she won’t realize that her her lamb has actually died that’s extraordinary we just put

Her in front of it Gavin’s Foster so we’re going to look after him and give him some special love yes yeah Special TLC tender loving care it’s already clear that raising my own sheep is going to make keeping pigs look easy got to get these 50 customers yeah

Paying for this [ __ ] desert yeah up on okay the lemon juice side stabilizes yeah the egg white so it gives it some strength yeah makes it really nice and firm yeah okay stiff peak yeah yeah nice nice stiff peak separated to two teams yes and let’s get cracking yes time for

Dessert some Berry soup with champagne and closing Islands this time of the year absolutely phenomenal well those wonderful berries it’s thickened with natural Greek yogurt and then finished with the most amazing champagne milk this is a little bit of Magic the fresh vanilla seed flatten it

Down all the way open it up scrape out the seeds in whisking the vanilla mint gives a really nice sort of fresh and even more fragrant perfume to the merang bring that up to the bow the merang three egg whites make sure there’s no yolk in that egg white

Whatsoever and whip up your egg white lemon squeeze the lemon juice in Sugar Whack It Up full blast look these one F nice rich merang milk just come off the bow get your spoon in the egg white and then with another spoon Corel then into the

Milk when you spoon the milk over the mer it stops them from sticking together and just leave them poaching there on the side for about four or 5 minutes the most exciting thing about making this soup it’s like the ultimate smoothie blackberries blueberries raspberries red currants and the secrets to allow the

Fruit to go overripe so the flavor is extraordinary mint yogurt cream and this is where it starts to get really exciting champagne off 300 mil in [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] everywhere Ready Steady [ __ ] who was that if you don’t want to use champagne sparkling wine 2

Tbsp of sugar and that gets rid of that sort of very strong acidity flavor lid on Blitz pour into your bowl beautiful color carefully lift out your merang and just sit on top of the soup over there summer Berry and champagne soup with floating islands done [ __ ] me it smells

Delicious four soup mar mar Russ and mark four soup away yeah table one table two yeah soon as the egg whites go in there it’ll cool it down so bring it back up again yes more champagne you taste that champagne just bit more champagne yeah what’s been the most

Embarrassing or peculiar no you’ve been on a call out to a girl and a guy they they claimed that they claimed that they wasn’t boyfriend and girlfriend but they was actually handcuff together do they have clothes on well she had um a dressing gown on he just had his Fox sh

Standing there proud very happy of himself we did have to actually cut cut them free we obviously go to more important things than that but bloody hope so Christ almighty oh [ __ ] great [ __ ] hell call the fire brigade Jesus Christ Almighty TC yep I need you cuz I reckon

These are done he got to be served are big I got four coming at last these guys are realizing that great food can still be fast food as Brits work the longest hours in Europe and we’ve also become a nation of long-distance commuters not good but I don’t care how many hours a

Week you’re pushing paper there no excuse not to cook I’m making it my business is to prove that fast food can still mean good food I’m off to meet a hardworking commuting couple who eat packet salads every night so I get home at about 7:30 and Louise because she’s got a new job

Probably gets back a little bit later say about 8:00 we don’t really know how to put simple things together so we always revert back to our favorite Choice which is just get the salads in with Louise working over 12 hours a day it’s not exactly a recipe for marital

Bliss it is starting to annoy me at the moment getting home and and finding that he’s sitting on the sofa eating his salad and that he hasn’t actually been into the kitchen and and prepared anything so I’ve come to show Paul had to make five far simple recipes Each of

Which takes less than half an hour Monday to Friday is the problem yeah yes y I’ve got five ingredients okay basically Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday now this is not laborious 2 and 1 half hours in the kitchen this is quick fast food that can

Be done within sort of 8 to 12 minutes max okay first ingredient eggs bacon peas ghost cheese and finished with a little salad sounds good okay bacon In how many times have you cooked for her um none you’ve never cooked for your wife in 18 months no I’m surprised you’re still here right and Madam’s on her way home okay and she’s going to be happy I’m telling you now wow recipe number two it’s a stir-fried chicken and it’s finished

With really nice egg noodles first fory your chopped Vegetables then cook your chicken in a hot walk cook your noodles in boiling water and then Add we go a step further a little bit of fresh ginger a little bit of fresh coriander but get the basics right first mhm it’s so healthy m the thing is it’s so simple that even I can make it right recipe number three Linguini put theas this is a classic Italian sauce

Made with garlic tomatoes and Anchovies plus shalots some chili a handful of Capers olives and basil I’m ashamed to say that my grandma is Italian so she’s spent most of her life in the k Italian grandmother you buy that should be Mortified right recipe number four hearty perfect steak sandwich done with fet steak and meal on its own do you think she’ll be impressed I think she’ll be overwar with it to be honest with you fast food doesn’t need to be long is it no add olive oil and

Time to your chipata how much you spent on salads a week roughly 50 quids something like that 50 Co a week £200 a month yeah 2 and2 Grand a year on salads yes yeah that’s Pathetic recipe number five pan roasty salmon with a fresh mint pea puree right mint fresh frozen peas so it doesn’t have to be all fresh produ frozen stuff as well I use frozen peas all the time just season it salt and pepper and going to cook it SK inside

Down so why did you do that we need the skin on there okay to prevent it from going Dry and then the pure hello hello how you doing we’ve got a solution for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday yes excellent no more [ __ ] salads yeah you couldn’t teach Paul how to do AR and cleaning as well could you oh [ __ ] next on the menu who comes out

Top in the recipe challenge oh God that’s a like over there and will Russell get the answer he’s looking for so remarry me welcome back to the f word now time to find out who’s the world’s greatest chef and who’s a short pensioner colors it’s good isn’t it it’s quite

Tough the pasta yeah yeah it’s slightly undercooked is it I haven’t rolled it enough it’s bit bit too oily going to try the next slightly bit dry isn’t it looks a bit dry that’s quite spicy quite got better flavor I think it’s quite light is okay

Good um they were happy very happy yes obviously one clear winner one very clear winner good quick come on okay it’s 4 to1 4 to1 of course it’s 4 to1 I’m surprised it’s not 5 nil yeah it’s 4 to1 and the winner is well done I’ll get out I’ll piss

Off don’t be angry darling yeah hey but for a [ __ ] Linguini crab well but it was the little bit I’ll get 41 well done a great boy thank you Gordon oh my God I cry hey joh Baptist come back in 2 seconds don’t just disappear

What did they say um the uh the um yours were uh the pasta was too thick the pasta was what yeah too thick to thick a bit too enty perhaps I’m not putting words in your mouth are you crying cuz you’re happy or you just cry with emotion cry with emotion it’s

Extraordinary what the pel Dente it was there a bite to it little too I got beaten yeah oh Gord by somebody half my size and twice my age hold on oh God Almighty oh God what a like up there well done 41 yeah well done oh thank you

Very much Jes God hope your job hope your job isn’t at risk yeah well now do me a favor yes and [ __ ] off out my kitchen please do do I do Sal No very nice just yeah thank you and now you’re the only single Farm at the group yes oh I’m not married no no no a little baby Lola she’s just turned up about a year ago or so I think it’s about time you actually made a yeah

Made a honest woman of her I think you should go on a mobile telephone and [ __ ] ask her to marry you that’s you must want to marry surely yes you don’t want to keep waiting any [ __ ] longer jump get me a phone please any [ __ ] mobile telephone get me one yes yes yes

He will right guys I want you to come around here yeah leave that for two seconds yes I got a phone coming through I have on don’t do it you don’t want man R don’t do it son R make a good woman you want to do it or

Not you love it to bit okay right no way after be nice in quiet please there something major going on at the moment yes no R quiet please I do we only just moved hello Susie yeah I’m so sorry D were you sleeping no no um it’s good Ramsey here just calling

From the f word kitchen um Russell’s had the most amazing day um there’s something there’s something there something he’s been dying to ask you um and um it’s taking this moment to realize that he’s been wasting time for The Last 5 Years okay right Russell I

Want you to shout down the phone to your beloved Susie sus can you hear me I’m here I can hear you I’m On One KNE s I’m on one knee actually at the moment Su you marry me are you talking don’t for real go for

It joking AR you s I’m not joking I’m s I’m standing all the lad are behind me please say yes Golden’s dragged it at and he said it’s far too long now please say yes ask me again so do you marry me oh [Applause] will get some CH congratulations get some

Ch ch look the girls want to say [Applause] congratulations just engaged yes listen I’m so happy for you you know that huh huh Hey listen just the best thing I ever did was getting married trust me good good it’s really nice it is really nice results for the desserts okay John

Baptist yep hopefully good news yes 31 out of 50 starter 37 out of 50 for Maine yes how many customers are going to be paying yes come on J for is it okay we having tonight um you need 38 to beat last week’s Brigade come on thank you 28 oh good

Why why why why too long again too bland too bland it’s a beautiful ripe summer Berry soup floating islands but that’s what it champagne champagne that’s a grand total of 96 yes out of 150 yeah sadly you will not be coming back in people who can for

To pay for dinner good good luck with the wedding yes good get a drink chill stoy nickers you big Fanny I’ve got it you can be the next F next week on the menu fast food breaks the sound barrier a brigade of loud mouth languish your lasses take over my kitchen oh God

Thanks [ __ ] my R not North and I challenge top gears James May to a culinary Jewel oh [ __ ] you disappoint me Ry remember if you think you’ve got what it takes to become the next big female TV cook then send me a video see you next week don’t be late for your table

So it’s good night from me and good night from him can’t believe I lost