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Gordon Ramsay Makes a Pasta Dish with Household Ingredients in Just 10 Minutes

The king of the of the 10 minute clock returns! As Gordon is putting himself to the challenge to make a delicious pasta in just 10 minutes! Using mostly ingredients that could be in your refrigerator, Gordon is taking his Ramsay in 10 Style Cooking to the Next Level! Watch closely Gino!

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Kosher salt
1 pound dried spaghetti
4 ounces pancetta, cut into lardons
1 tablespoon grapeseed oil
Freshly ground black pepper
2 large cloves garlic, sliced
1 fresno chili, sliced
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
½ cup frozen peas
1 bunch chives, roughly chopped
1 bunch parsley, roughly chopped
1 bunch basil, roughly chopped
¼ cup vegetable stock
1 head green leaf lettuce, roughly chopped
1 lemon, zest and juice
Chili flakes, for finishing
Grated pecorino, for garnishing

1. Place a large pot of water over medium high heat and bring to a boil. Once boiling, salt the water generously and add in the pasta. Stir the pasta to make sure it does not stick together and continue boiling until al dente, about 8-9 minutes.
2. In a large skillet over medium heat, add the pancetta and grapeseed oil and cook until the lardons begin to caramelize, about 3 minutes. Season the pancetta lightly with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
3. Add the garlic and fresno and continue cooking until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of butter and continue cooking until the butter has melted completely.
4. Add in the frozen peas and continue cooking until they begin to soften, then add the chives, parsley, basil and vegetable stock. Season the sauce lightly with more salt, and add another 2 tablespoons of butter. Continue cooking until the butter has melted completely.
5. Add ¼ cup of the pasta cooking water, lemon zest and lemon juice to the pan and stir to combine.
6. Gradually add in the cooked pasta, tossing between additions to coat the pasta with the sauce completely.
7. Serve the pasta with a sprinkle of chili flakes and freshly grated pecorino.

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Gordon Ramsay Makes a Pasta Dish with Household Ingredients in Just 10 Minutes

#GordonRamsay #GordonRamsayRecipes #GordonRamsayCooking #NextLevelKitchen

Richard Blaze I hope you enjoy that welcome to Next Level kitchen where I’m going to be showing you some more exciting recipes full of tips and tricks to help take your cooking to the next level I promise and today I’m putting the challenge out there because I love

Pressure and more importantly I’ve done it many times before now this is the next level dish in just 10 minutes that’s right I’m going to show you how to make a delicious pasta dish in just under 10 minutes Richard Blaze watch closely right let me take you through

The ingredients shall we so I’m going to be using a spaghetti capalini will take 4 minutes this spaghetti takes sort of 8 to 9 Minutes in boiling salted water a nice little bit of uh peino to finish and then from there we’ve got some beautiful uh little lons it’s um sort of

Cured Panetta frozen peas um some chili flakes a little head of lettuce a CA lettuce some fresh herbs fresh parsley chives Basel and then there a whole chili and a couple of cloves of garlic a knob of butter and this a ladle because we’re going to be using the pasta water

Into the final dish cuz that is where the magic is it’s the starch from the pasta that helps thicken the sauce this can be done without the bacon and literally can be just done with the fresh peas but the lettuce for me is what gives it the vibrancy this is a

Dish that I’ll sort of eat the night before a big run because it’s just hearty delicious and more importantly so easy to do right let’s have 10 minutes on the clock please Richard watch carefully right when I say salt that water I mean really salt the water okay

It’s almost got a like Taste Of The Sea because you’re sort of basically you’re you’re making the pasta taste delicious that’s supposed to Bland now Pastor in okay straight in get your tongs lid on straight in and then just twist it like that literally the minutes in and that

Helps break it up and stops it from sticking together lid back on and that’s going to take 8 and 1/2 minutes now pan on nice and hot let’s start this amazing rendering process this is just chopped bacon and I want to put it into the pan and start literally rendering the fat

Out okay already you can smell that really nice crispiness so get your spoon and just literally push that down and these little lad on start taking on a little bit of texture and CR but more importantly that Fat’s rendering down a tiny Touch of grape seed and that will speed up the process

Now we got the momentum in the pan and literally give that a light seasoning okay it’s almost more pepper than Salt okay now from there you can hear that noise that means all the water is evaporating which is great we get really nice and crispy in the flavor now get

Your garlic again just slice them nice and thinly to little shards okay the beauty of this dish is that it’s almost ingredients that you’ve got just hanging around starb pasta garlic in the fridge and a little chili garlic goes in open up those shards and that’s why I don’t slice it too fine

Because it burns quickly okay and then I want to get that really nice and toasty toasty basically I mean caramelized flavor on the bacon onto my garlic okay now what I’m doing at the bottom here is just wiping up with this spoon so I’m just lifting off all that amazing flavor and

Look that’s really starting to work betiful for chili I like a little bit of heat with this pasta pasta’s quite dense and so I’m going to keep the seeds in nothing wrong with that okay A little bit of heat and then from there literally back in to My Pan and now I

Start with my butter if I put my butter in too early okay it boils the bacon so really nice tip is that you get all that fat rendered down and then you add the butter and because the oil has come out of the bacon the butter won’t burn it’s

Really important so this is where we start the process of the sauce okay now look at that the chili the garlic and the bacon doing beautifully now how do we freshen this thing up okay this is a really simple pasta to do in literally under 10 minutes now you can see the collection

Of the butter and the oil frothing away together nothing’s burning so I can intensify the heat check on my pasta with 3 minutes in just give that a nice little turnar around stop it from separating really heavily salt that water it makes a massive difference when you cook pasta in salted water look

Beautiful now I’ve got my frozen peas they go in right now need you to defrost okay and need to cook so again mix that in get the ratio right I’ve got sort of 1/3 peas 1/3 bacon the rest is garlic and chili again a little touch of butter all

The way around and now I’m going to freshen up this mixture with some really nice fresh herbs first off are the chives and I want the chives sort of left into nice battern I don’t want them chopped too small more chefs are obsessed with chopping chives so fine

All the goodness has gone so I keep them nice in the hole and they go in it gives that really nice light sort of onion flavor The Parsley I just hold down and just chop through roughly but not not twice the same Leaf again that goes in

And then finally my Basel roll it up into a big cigar slice through keep it very robust and again in now the flavor profile in here is off the charts okay it looks healthy and all those herbs are now literally lifting up the flavor the bacon the peas the garlic

And that chili love it you can see the sauce starting to work now where it’s got this nice little sort of reduction going on from there I’ll take a little bit of stock little touch of veg stock literally in couple of tablespoons in we go and now it’s going

To up the ante on the seasoning bring that together cook all those herbs through check out my pasta time please 5 minutes 5 minutes halfway halfway passes 3 minutes away now this is where it goes up into a different level lettuce this kind of inspiration came from uh working in France where we

Had fresh peas finished with B bacon and lettuce it’s the same with pasta it’s beautiful cut the lettuce heads in half and let literally just slice I almost like this sort of salad to sort of better tasting than fresh spinach it sort of gives a really nice lightness to

The pasta but more importantly it goes in at the very end now 50% lettuce is water so don’t go too early with that okay leave that ready to go I’m going fold that in when that pasta’s cooked now I’m going to start making my sauce sauce okay adding

The butter to the stock and then from there I’m going to take out a little touch of the past the water I told you the bit with all the starch just a ladle and put that in there and that naturally starts thicken up that beautiful sauce now bring it together look at that

Flavor we start correcting the seasoning now okay taste m delicious really delicious again in pasta literally 1 minute out now reduce that down and you can see that getting really nice and thick okay lettuce goes in at the very end and then finally going to take our lemon our

Lemon goes in now and again that with the bacon and the peas and the lettuce is incredible nice edice this down so almost becomes nice and shiny so it becomes a really nice sort of pea bacon herb sauce from there take the lemon squeeze that fresh lemon juice over that now we

Got a touch of acid that delicious it’s like this fresh spring garden is absolutely packed with flavor pasta time please wow so the pasta is sort of looking for needs to be a little bit sort of translucent you want a bit of a bite on there 30 seconds look at that so

Beautiful here’s the exciting thing about this dish is the kind of dish that can be done whilst you’re waiting for the pasta to be cooked and so I’ve done this literally in 6 minutes and so you can use a thinner pasta capalini literally takes 90 seconds but the spaghetti I can really

Cook with the spaghetti it doesn’t break down like the capalini wood so I love it now cuz look I call it the magical moment where all that concentration is coming into one beautiful sauce and you can see how it’s all glazed beautifully and I’ve made this really nice freshh

Herby spring delicious sauce and now I’m going to start adding my pasta I’m going to leave the momentum don’t overd drain the pasta leave the momentum of that in and here’s where a lot of chefs making the mistake dumping too much pasta in without mixing it through first I’m

Mixing first mix mix mix and another tip is don’t add all the pasta cuz then you can’t see the greenery and look mix that in let it drain I want some water shaking in there and then again in and now now look I got a nice even distribution of all that goodness in

There and now I start the magic my lettuce goes in and I just very gently fold that in I turn the gas off and look what started off with a really nice humble bit of bacon in the pan has got elevated to this beautiful Rich Spring delicious pasta dish

Now when we come to Plate it’s really important mixing that pasta in and not going too fast is absolutely crucial okay so you can see why I put the pasta in a third a third and a third mix it round and then just grab the tongs go

Over the bowl and look at that deliciousness honestly like I said ahead of a big run ahead of AIG big swim big bike ride the night before this is my goto honestly there’s enough in there for three of you and then I got that nice even distribution of the pasta mix

Through the greens and then look that honestly sits on there and because of the sort of pickme up dish that I use in training I go a little light on the the beautiful red pepper flakes and then finally get my age parmesan and then just go over right at the very end and

Look that is my delicious incredible spring amazing pasta Richard Blaze I hope you enjoyed that thank you so much for watching now please let me know in the comments what you think of the dish and don’t forget to subscribe for more exciting videos thank you