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a shakespearean tragedy x2 (cus its a double episode) | Hotel Hell | Gordon Ramsay

shed a tear on the second episode tbh

Season 2, Episode 7

Gordon checks in to Connecticut’s oldest inn, the Curtis House in Woodbury. This historic inn has been owned by the Hardisty family for generations, but the business has started to fall apart and their legacy is on the brink of being lost.

Season 3, Episode 1

Gordon visits a lodge in Idaho that was built by the owner’s own hands before the entrepreneur lost his passion due to a family tragedy. Gordon will try to bring the enthusiasm back to the owner and the guests back to the hotel.

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a shakespearean tragedy x2 (cus its a double episode) | Hotel Hell | Gordon Ramsay

#GordonRamsay #KitchenNightmares #GordonRamsayCooking #HotelHell

tonight on Hotel Hell in a small Connecticut town a family Legacy is on the brink of disaster and you think this is what your father wanted absolutely not mean horrible a sibling rivalry has torn the Hardesty family apart not even love for each other it is shocking she wants things done her way I’m in charge of the ship give a [ __ ] how no my trade with the owners at each other’s throats shut the [ __ ] up this once thriving country in may have to shut its doors forever sell it [Music] [Music] in the heart of woodrey Connecticut stands the state’s oldest in the Curtis house open in 1736 the 16 bedroom Inn has been owned and run by the Hardesty family for nearly 60 years and is currently been run by Chris Hardesty and his sister TJ the Curtis house is haunted see the rooms will all be done and the comforters will be nice and neat and tidy and you can go back in 5 minutes later and it looks like somebody rolled across it I would walk by a table and 2 minutes later a plate would fly off of it I went to light the fireplace and it blew up on on me and I got burned there are spirits here but Spirits aren’t paying guess and the Curtis house bedrooms are empty most nights right now I would say we’re about $100,000 in debt my Dad recently passed away he had a firm belief that my brother and I could take over the Inn it just left me more determined to succeed failing to continue their father’s Success With The Inn has destroyed Chris and TJ’s relationship they hardly ever speak and when they they fight You’re a Mean horrible [ __ ] if we were married we’d probably be divorced by now you come off like this every time all the time she’s controlling she wants things done her way because when I sit there and give a rule I want the rule followed my brother frustrates me to the point where sometimes I would like to just Bop him over the head to get rid of some frustrations another woman who doesn’t listen to [ __ ] thing I say Chris and TJ’s frustrations with each other and their failing business have made the in hell for off no my tray no my tray I just I don’t give a [ __ ] they just don’t care if you look at your boss who doesn’t care why are you going to Care TJ’s not a great leader she yells at you I’ve never heard a thank you a thank you can go a long ways Chris he’s just a fat lazy slob [ __ ] everywhere we will get complaints from the customers we will have problems with dishes it’s just Shrugged off he doesn’t give the crap have lost respect for TJ and Christopher we’ve lost a lot of customers because of management since TJ and Chris both took over everything is going downhill there’s a stain on my pill disgusting look at this wow close the bathroom door like a rusted so did you have your Tanis shot everything sucked give me another plate without answer on I would never come here again if things don’t improve and fast a family Legacy could come to a tragic and the Curtis house is a a huge thing to our family we’ve been here for 59 years we’ve all pretty much grown up here Curtis house is like my second home it has been all these years the same with my mother and my aunts if the Curtis house shut down it would really feel like we lost a part of our [Music] family I’m on my way to the Curtis house it’s Connecticut’s oldest in I’m excited about it because it’s supposed to be one of New England’s historical gems there’s nothing wrong with being the oldest just depends how much Botox you’ve had I’m going to be arriving on a big day for hotels and restaurants Across America but there’s something I’ve got to do first hello hi Mom oh hi how are you I’m very well thank you I’m just bringing you to wish you happy Mother’s Day oh thank you so much Gordon and your flowers were lovely thank you very much very kind of you well I’m sorry I can’t be with you thank you so much for calling it’s really kind of you now L have a great day love you lots love you bye bye now ah great here we are the Curtis house Connecticut’s oldest in lovely the Happy Mother’s Day sign looks a bit crap but I suppose it’s the thought that counts look at this place built before 1736 incredible hi there Gord nice to see you well welcome to the Curtis house happy Mother’s Day thank you very much and what’s your first name babe I don’t know you’re a babe but what’s your name Shirley shley yeah nice to see you my D so it’s Mother’s Day the restaurant’s booked today’s a big day right yes is the hotel full not tonight oh how many rooms the books just one just one yeah just me yes so I’m a little bit early okay usually checking is 3:00 it was usually a $10 an hour fee that’s what 4 hours so $40 already yes so I could save a little bit of money by hanging out and actually going into the room yes so I want to save myself 40 bucks yes so if I just take a little nap what is he doing Mr ramsy that’s really not appropriate Mr Ramsey Gordon this isn’t very appropriate I’m I’m I’m I’m joking but it doesn’t make sense you charge me $10 an hour if I just hang out on the sofa get a little blanket I can save myself some money you know this rule actually went into effect about 6 months ago this $10 an hour really and is it making a big impact on the business people don’t like it the bookings in the rooms have definitely gone downhill I think they would be a lot busier if TJ didn’t have these ridiculous rules um is that right my details in here credit card details yes we take a credit card number to hold the room no I appreciate that but why you put it in the book that’s the house paly and if the customer insists then we can’t erase it once they check it I got the credit card details to everybody I will have to call 911 I don’t really have to call 911 do I babe see by the time you’ve called 911 okay I’ve hacked into every credit card in this book and made myself a fortune so whose policy is this a bit weird this is the house policy um like TJ likes it the owner yes would you not think there’s a security preach there that’s why her policy is no one to look in this book except the desk person W okay I can’t believe you’re going to be in room 16 why cuz room 16 has a ghost in it this woman told me who went to room 16 she said the ghost was pulling the blankets off her all night long and you haven’t been drinking Cherry no wow Betty is a ghost at the Curtis house and people do tell us that she raises a little bit of Havoc with them she’s definitely there room 16 a haunted room my goodness me what is is that on there is that a footprint oh man no way so what’s all that big scuff yes it looks like a footprint to me and what’s that in there dead bugs oh dear oh jeez look at this one here I give them a list of the rooms that are coming in there are supposed to thoroughly check the room and do we do we do we have electricity in the house I couldn’t believe what Gordon found in that room and what is this nobody just realized or care how long have you been working here walking on since about 1965 how was it then busy all the time 48 years that’s incredible so this place means a lot to you oh yes my second home are you connected to the family in any way TJ’s parents and my mother were cousins so it must be sad for you to see it struggling yes definitely and why is it struggling that’s the way our two bosses get along and was it different when TJ and Chris’s parents were running it oh yeah much more professional so why do you stay why’ you put up with this I take pride in this place I like this place I can see that I really do but they don’t understand that the place is really worth it I really think TJ and Chris are really hurting the business somebody needs to knock some sense into them first impressions um lismo all my credit card details downstairs in that book in such a vulnerable position one of the busiest weekends ever for this hotel A Mother’s Day I’m the only one staying in the hotel that’s that’s not good dust everywhere a window Cell full of bugs I don’t think I’m going to get possessed staying here I think I’m going to get a disease right go downstairs have a look babe let me out honesty it must be the bloody ghost come on Betty let me out I just want to get some lunch I’ve just arrived at the Curtis house in woodrey Connecticut and they’ve given me a room with a ghost and a door lock that doesn’t work at last I’m the only guest in this hotel despite the fact it’s Mother’s Day and the restaurant is fully booked he what a dreadful missed opportunity hello good afternoon how you to C house I’m doing well how about you and this is hi my name is TJ TJ nice to meet you sir Thea yes nice to see you nice to see you this is my mother happy Mother’s Day thank you very much uh it’s an absolute honor to meet you are you working today I have worked every holiday and never got paid that is ridiculous you should be sat having lunch enjoying this business um should go to the table we shall time for me to see if the hotel’s restaurant is as bad as the bedrooms right hi my name is Karen I’ll be taking care of you are you connected to the family yes I am Aunt TJ and Uncle Chris’s niece okay nice and just in a nutshell um what’s wrong with the place now there’s no communication between my aunt and uncle it’s gotten a million times worse since my grandfather passed away he shows isn’t it yeah I asked B to come here because my family desperately needs his help they’ve been struggling for way too long they don’t know what to do we really need his help this is the dinner menu wow what would you say crab cakes the crab cakes yeah you yes oh no don’t look at me like that that’s hesitation they’re they’re Hit or Miss they’re Hit or Miss yeah uh crab cakes what else um I’ll take some calamari okay Jo let’s have a little taste of burger how do you like it cooked medium rare please medium rare thank you you’re welcome okay Mike all right listen this is Ramsey crab cakes calamari with gorgona and he wants the burger medium rare I am very proud of my food whenever I eat other places I think we’re better than 90% of them do we have palamar on the line or no the crab cakes lovely um let’s do this together do you mind please come on you’re supposed to be my my wingman I I had to swallow it was not enjoyable Hit or Miss for me that’s a miss yeah it’s not holy [ __ ] these I warned you about you did warn me about thank you you’re welcome how was lunch my Dy it wasn’t very good it Everything feels institutional right you know like we just got out of the hospital and it’s the best food we could get I’m sorry it’s not a nice surprise of Mother’s Day is it no it’s not calamari and then I’ll have the B the burger hey cocktail sauce pork and lemon monkey this for the marinara so fried calari can you hear any crispiness that’s limper than my granddad’s dick oh my God oh my God oh my God that’s disgusting it’s awful it’s awful I’ll byp pass yeah okay thank you you’re welcome yeah what like the calamari was mostly greasy you know I have to bring this food out you know he’s going to critique it and you know I’m going to come right back with it in one second because you don’t care you’re just setting me like [ __ ] on a plate basically I need some mushrooms mik ah my burger your burger thank you very much Jesus where’s my burger what a mess did you tell him it was medium R Jesus raw that is not medium rare what a shame that is Dreadful my uncle can’t cook a burger medium rare are you freaking kidding me can you CH me through and introduce me to the chef of course yeah thank you oh your uncle yeah uncle I can’t believe how bad my food was I’ve got to see the kitchen in action for myself right back here is my cousin Mike hi Uncle Chris okay so TJ’s little brother yes brother Mike Mike good to see likewise and this is Cheyenne [Music] TR fire yeah mushroom RAB one all day and a prima Vera p okay am I okay yeah been here 10 minutes I’m amazed none of you even ask me how lunch was what’s most shocking isn’t the food or that they have zero interest in my experience as a diner it’s the fact that Chris and his sister don’t exchange a single word they won’t even look at each other you could cut the atmosphere in here with a knife wow this guy must really hate mothers the way he’s treating these dishes you put food on a plate like you’re slopping it can I borrow that cloth a minute you’re wiping plates with this you don’t care I don’t know about that to say that not know me at all is doesn’t have any foundation Jesus Christ is anything cooked to order here french fries salads french fries salad [ __ ] 20 [ __ ] dollars ahead for that Chris doesn’t seem like an owner or a chef he isn’t even cooking he’s just heating things up Chris you got 2 seconds please here’s where I’m getting frustrated you own the place you C like you hate the place come on Chris talk to me please if you’re not going to talk to me then I’m wasting my time here what’s the point the Curtis house in Woodbury Connecticut is falling apart because owners Chris and TJ won’t talk to each other and it’s affecting the in’s guests as well as the food that is Dreadful I don’t know if there are ghosts upstairs but there’s definitely a dead man walking in the kitchen you own the place you cook like you hate the place this place is a mess it’s like nobody cares here one thing’s for sure it is not happy [ __ ] families let me tell you like GH stories and legends of Southwestern Connecticut wow room 16 is host to doting female paying special attention to male guests staying in the room she tucks them into the bed and may even crawl next to them what at least they got one regular guest Betty it’s you okay good night Betty I didn’t get a visit from Betty the ghost but I still had a rough night’s sleep W I feel so D after last night BET’s not watching man [ __ ] that’s H man this Inn has been in the Hardesty family for four generations and I can’t understand why TJ and Chris have no appreciation for what has been given to them I’ve called a staff meeting and I’m hoping this will get them talking before they lose their family heirloom just want have a quick chat with you all my first impressions have not been good but I struggle to believe that you two are brother and sister it is shocking no communication not even looking at each other why can’t you two at least talk to each other get frustrated with some things and all the time we talk and talk about doing [ __ ] and we never get anything done and you think this is what your father wanted no absolutely not what’s wrong with this place I feel as like was management you know a thank you would be nice every once in a while you know that’s all I ask for I’m more hurt than angry because I care so much about them you sound like being pushed the breaking point yeah I felt like TJ and Christopher don’t give a [ __ ] I don’t know how much more I can take sh when did the drive go out of the kitchen when did the essence when did the word passion disappear I’ve never seen three in that kitchen ever ever I feel like I am The Voice of Truth everybody else either one doesn’t care or two they just don’t see it I’ve been saying since day one that this kitchen is a joke there are no standards in the kitchen Chef it’s depressing F shyan his opinion doesn’t really matter to me never has never will I watched you in the kitchen it was like you were just H as an extra and TJ your Feud with your brother is clearly getting in the way of running your business the staff are desperate and you know what hurts it’s a blessing that you’ve got this place the potential is huge yet you walk around and treat it like it’s a curse I came to your Inn as a guest and I am not [ __ ] happy both of you are sleep walking to disaster go to your office and at least try to talk if you can’t talk you might as well close the doors right now [ __ ] it out you know in the 30 years I’ve been here I never had anybody ever complaint like that and it makes it tough and then throw it in my face even harder you know hi you okay no what’s wrong you really gave me a wakeup call because this place is toxic TJ has issues I think she’s a control freak and you talking to them they’re standing there as far as I’m concerned they made asses out of themselves I’m done here I cannot work here no more this is your life this is your yeah and it’s destroying I can see that They Don’t Care About Us they need to hear it from you okay I can’t believe it’s come to this as far as I’m concerned TJ and Christopher they’re not going to change it’s a total shame hey how are you not good I I I can’t I can’t work here anymore I’m sorry it’s destroying me I don’t like it you know I care about everyone of my staff here you don’t you make people feel uncomfortable and I’m telling you I don’t know whether anybody else is going to speak up I’m not saying that I’m perfect by any means at all either but you know I don’t think that there should be personal attacks this is the way I feel whether you guys like it or not because it’s just killing me I feel as though there’s no future I’m done you’re giving me a look like every single bit of that is Justified a lot of the [ __ ] she says is true TJ nobody wants to [ __ ] talk to you I am not going to have her tell me that I’m this mean horrible monster that doesn’t give a [ __ ] about think you’re a mean horrible [ __ ] everybody I really think you need to [ __ ] talk to somebody or do something before you’re in a padded [ __ ] room I disagree the proof is in the pudding you’re strung out you’re [ __ ] tweaked right to the [ __ ] end every day because you don’t have any help and then you turn into a miserable [ __ ] psycho [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up she didn’t know what she was [ __ ] talking about and she could drag her [ __ ] ass did I ever say anything to you the broken relationship between the owners of Connecticut’s Curtis house in has gotten to an alltime low everybody thinks you’re mean horrible [ __ ] [ __ ] I asked them to talk for the first time in months but all they did was yell at each other shut the [ __ ] up I’ll keep this brief I’ve got to get them to see if they don’t communicate this in will shut its doors I don’t know what it’s going to take to wake you up you’ve already lost one of your employees because you can’t get it together you’re starting to resent each other and the work you’re doing oh I I agree but I think it’s hard to come to work knowing the minute you walk in the door till you walk out the back door there’s a disagreement in every room you’re in it used to be that we talked things through we just stopped doing it just been frustrated frustrated every [ __ ] day for 3 years yeah you know if you got so frustrated with me 3 years ago that you just stopped talking it’s horrible every [ __ ] time we talk it would turn into an argument and I was just avoiding the arguments and I just got [ __ ] fed up we’re not talking 3 months 3 years when was the last time either of you stayed here and see how the guests experienced it through their eyes you’ve never done it it shows can both you come with me please there’s something in my room I’d like to show you if Chris and TJ won’t listen to each other maybe they’ll listen to the people who could keep their business alive please both you take a stand over there here we have some guests and I think you’re going to find their feedback invaluable I let’s start off with you first just pulling back the comforter honestly it looked like the sheets hadn’t been changed and the chair kind of picked up the cushion and there was for lack of a better word a skid mark on the bottom of the cushion it was disgusting uh the pillows had some stands on them insects on the window sills it looks like the windows haven’t been washed in a while we had a flowers like in here they had like an inch of dust on that we did not have a bathroom door we had a wicker like divider and when you tried to pull it it was kind of PA wow jumping guys I mean you know these are customers are paying money it’s very disheartening I I’ve never got responses like this before and I I wish I had can I talk to you about the arrival when you arrive you hand over your personal credit card details addresses your cell numbers MH what do you think happens to your details after you’ve left because in this book is all of your credit card details oh here we go this is it this is the hammer it is Vital Information of your credit card details your addresses your cell numbers in black and white this is a ticking Time Bomb how’s that make you feel with everything that’s going on nowadays with the identity theft and everything like that I’m not pleased at all about that would you be so kind just to leave me here with the the owners for 2 minutes please I appreciate your feedback thank you guys sorry thank you no story my [ __ ] [Music] life you asked me here to come and help you but you both need to change your ways you won’t open up to me and you won’t open up to each other your business is literally dying because you won’t communicate it’s like you don’t care I can’t even start to move forward because I’m not feeling the [ __ ] the hunger that both of you want this place to work so I’m just saying [ __ ] it sell [Music] it I’m going downstairs not again [ __ ] oh my gosh Gordon can’t even find the solution takes two takes two hands to get out I love this place I love this place with all my heart but the way things are going the Revelation is is just not worth it I’m really struggling to get through to Chris and TJ the person who knows them better than anyone is their mother Trudy and I’m hoping she may help me to unlock that divide between them and hopefully get these two back on track tell I came to see this morning cuz I need your help I’m struggling to get through to TJ and I’m struggling to get through to Chris they don’t communicate they don’t drive the business forward they just bicker and Bute heads why is that I don’t know I don’t know why how much does that in me to you I mean what does it stand for in your family it stands for a lot of homework it’s nothing else yeah we all had to work in there you should be reaping the rewards of the family success in nearly six decades but how would it make you feel if this business was sold to a different family now I mean all that work of you and your husband’s commitment I don’t want another bitter change yet I really don’t want to see it go down street tomorrow I want to see if those two can’t come back together and get it back on their feet yeah I really want to help your family and I really want to keep this business alive for another 60 years so we’re going to have to get them to talk to each other otherwise the business is doomed well you’re right and I need your help please you got it thank you I’ll see you back at the end okay okay thank you my coming up for the two of you to be able to communicate as brother and sister is more important than even the time has change come too late for the Curtis house the Curtis house in Woodbury Connecticut is sinking because the two owners won’t speak to each other and despite the hotel’s dire situation I’ve been unable to get through to Chris and TJ come on Chris you don’t care so I went to see their mom and I need your help you got it now Trudy has organized a family intervention to let TJ and Chris know how much they’re fighting is hurting the in and everyone around them hi guys I’m boy first of all uh it’s you guys I appreciate you being here your mom has brought everyone together just to Tau you from the bottom of their hearts I hope this is going to open your eyes because right now I don’t know what will who’d like to go first Tess what have you got to say my dying mom I think that you’re Spread Way Too Thin you think that the mounting work is getting to be too much you’re getting frustrated and eventually it’s bound to spill over but I think that for the two of you to still be able to talk and communicate as brother and sister is more important than even this in Karen Dy I’ve sat with both of you many times talked about all the problems you guys just go back and forth there’s no resolve nothing you have to get on the same page about it it’s way too much for everyone in this place it’s awful something has to change thank you D babe buy okay TJ and Chris I really hope we can all get through this this is so important you’ve been here for 48 years you know this place better than anybody the two of you were so close to so many years I know cuz I was there and I’ve seen it we used to come to work and do a job and really enjoy working with each other and with both your stubbornness you took that all away since you two sto speaking everything is going downhill I want to help you two get back together like you used to be and I know the Curtis house can be that way again and only you two can make that happen we all want to be there for you and help you and with a lot of Hope and help from Gordon’s expertise we can get Connecticut’s oldest in the ctis house back to where it should and you two then can be very very proud of what you accomplished Trudy my darling can these two make it work they sure can they sure can they have and we’re behind them 100% they are desperate beyond belief to help you make this place [Music] work you both have to step [Music] up when he walks through the door I have to be the person that’s there for him that’s it but I want to I want him to be my guat here and I want to be the person he goes to Chris do you want to make this work [Music] Chris and TJ’s Family have come together for a last ditch attempt to save the Curtis house in by getting them to talk to each other again now Chris has to decide if you’ll commit to the Inn or walk away Chris do you want to make this work absolutely [Applause] it just sucks that we’ve gone this far got to stop being a jerk especially to my sister all right now I really just want to make my mother proud and my family proud it’s been a family establishment all these years and I have to make him proud [Music] again Christopher and I let everything else get in the middle of our relationship we have to be each other’s number one you know family first we can do it family united makes a stronger front you ready yes absolutely and that was the first time we’ve seen that in 3 years it was like we did it yes with Chris and TJ ready for change my design team has worked all night to transform the [Music] in and now it’s time to reveal the new look to the team welcome to the new C house Connecticut’s oldest Inn run by an extraordinary family providing a warm and welcoming experience for other families excited I can’t wait you’re going to love it you ready to go inside yes we are let’s go follow me please please come in oh my God look at this w wow oh my that is awesome welcome to your amazing new Lobby come through ladies a decluttered very welcoming warm space over here we have this stunning silhouette they are historical portraits of all your family TJ come here come over here you okay come here the Silhouettes of the family and the staff it put me over the edge because this business was built on that you need to celebrate your family history not be trapped by it now one thing that concerned me on my first arrival was the check-in and that reservation book that was gathering all that sensitive personal data come over please oh my God what is that oh my got a computer now we know they didn’t have these in 1754 but you can okay the credit cards and all the personal details will be safe we’ve had that red book for years so happy it’s gone if aun TJ brings the red book back out I will burn it I’ll do anything to make sure we never see that thing again I’d like to take you upstairs now uh to my room you ready let’s go you’ll be pleased to know we’ve repaired the door handle so it actually works welcome oh my [Music] God have a look wow again steep in history M but encapsulating that modern Elegance the panels on the wall Elevate the scope the depth of the room TJ Betty the ghost has her own cushion I think Betty’s going to be very happy with what Gordon did I think she’s going to love the fact that she’s become an elegant feature so babe I want you to come here please and stand there now relax turn around and we look at the eyes of that picture and move and and move your head from left to right and the eyes move the eyes fly around the room oh my God the eye portrait it was really creepy but I would try to stay in there I might have another room on backup just in case I couldn’t make it through the night but I would definitely give it a try ready to see another one yes this one you going to love it’s my favorite one let’s go love go oh my God how beautiful is that oh my God just I really feel the changes are going to help TJ and I get some things back into Focus my father would definitely like a lot of the the changes I wish he was here to see it now you won’t believe what I have downstairs for you let’s go coming up I give babe a surprise she’ll never forget you had a French kiss I’ve just shown the family their new Lobby oh my God and the new bedrooms oh my God now it’s time to show them the new improvements to the Hotel restaurant the in has been in the Hardy family for four generations oh wow wow so I’ve come up with a new menu that reflects the family’s history the Curtis house family favorites oh my God start off with Grandma Trudy’s crab cake I hit every single time TJ’s grilled salmon and corn Johnny cakes Chris’s country fried pork chop dipped in buttermilk served with mac and cheese gravy and green beans you’re only allowed it once a week M and when you’re cooking your family’s food it’s going to be so much more love so much more care to what you’re serving now tuck in and enjoy all that sauce is unbelievable I’m really excited to show off the new menu this is a good one finally now this is something I can tell people it’s really really good everything here is delicious very very very good it’s like a new ball game right whole new ball game just like a tonight is the relaunch of the new improved Curtis house as the guests arrive there’s a new sense of warmth and welcome from TJ and the staff welcome to the Curtis house how are you I love the new work and I can’t wait for our customers to come in cuz I want to see their reaction wow got our own little fireplace I love how it has that nice cozy cottage feel but yet in modern this is definitely going to get people in the rooms and we’re proud to send them up there welcome to the Curtis house thank you let me take you upstairs to your room this is delicious down in the restaurant Chris is taking charge and putting in the care he needs to make his diners happy capcakes need to go in the oven please it feels very good to have the heresy name on the menu you know it’s where it should be definitely giving me a little more focus a little more Direction and a little more immediate Pride yeah and use this spring put out please thank you come on Chris we good we good more importantly TJ and Chris are working together and communicating is that gone yes and then we got a clam and a slider coming yes I think my brother and my attitude has changed dramatically plating my clams right now plating now thank you my brother and I are backs working very well together how are we doing chy we’re doing fine I’m getting all kinds of compliments again oh baby you’re all right ma you’re all right it’s definitely one of the most important things to me is seeing my mother and my sister and my family happy TJ and Chris are finally working together but I have one last thing I need to do to help turn this business around you must be Donar good to see thank you I’ve a paranormal expert to investigate the spirits haunting the in somebody [Music] here camera’s acting really [Music] funky you are officially a member of the Haunted Connecticut tours and you are now officially haunted congratulations my D thank you thank you very much hang that up with pride now the Curtis house is certified as haunted and on the ghost tour it will attract even more business and help this family get out of debt uh ladies I going to say goodbye we’re not ready for you to leave no you just can’t leave I know my job is done you two have been amazing if they stop talking to each other call me please I’m going to miss you oh no come on babe I’m going to miss you too little kiss and two do you know they give you four in Paris you that a French kiss uh Gordon did give me two kisses on my cheek yes I haven’t washed it [Music] yet okay my time is done I’m going to leave you appreciate it thank you very much yeah don’t let 60 years of hard work disappear absolutely not promise me you’re going to continue talking to your sister the minute you don’t the place is doomed you have a beautiful beautiful in here thank you very much I can’t wait to come back take care you son we C each other please thank you Gordon Ramsey put some life back into US good night Bessie well Gordon showed us where our relationship should be and will be from this point on I’m forever grateful to Gordon Ramsey for coming in here and straightening us out I ain’t afraid of no ghost [Music] since my visit TJ and Chris have learned how important it is to work together hot roasted chicken mashed only turkey as it come Gordon pulled off something that I wasn’t sure was going to be able to be mended I think I got my best friend back and he’s not going anywhere this time there you go it’s definitely I experience it’s not a Daily Grind now bookings for the hotel are up if there’s any Spirits present in this room and it’s bringing in tourists who want to get a glimpse of Betty the G ghost good evening welcome to the cus house if Gordon didn’t come I think we were pretty much done you saved my family and just feels like you gave us our life [Music] back I’m checking into a family Run Lodge in Island Park Idaho where business has taken a toll on a married couple that has lost their way we’ve had a lot of hard years you know a lot of arguing I know we’re in trouble my struggle is not only to fix the lodge that’s 15 years of dust wow it’s that blood but to renew the passion that they once had the heart’s gone we need to get that back it’s about to clap what I came into the area I saw this piece of land it was right next to one of the world’s best fly Fisheries to Henry Fork of the Snake River we jumped right on that piece of property and start building the lodge I thought I could fly fish while I had the phone in my pocket taking reservations and that actually happened early on in the early days in [Music] 1999 Dave would go cut the logs and peel the logs sometimes he’d make our sons peel some logs but they were pretty pretty little growing up here was something special we literally worked every aspect of it I started out as a little kid doing dishes and busing tables and then waiting tables when we finally got the lodge built and open we would have like 2our Waits and people loved it loved it the lodge was full every single night it was going so well that they were getting ready to expand and then that summer uh we lost my little brother he was 10 years old when he [Music] died it was it was dark it was dark that time and my mom fell [Music] out when we lost that little boy our life stopped and I went to bed for 3 years and I didn’t I didn’t get up so without her here my dad was forced to run everything by himself and that’s kind of the way he coped with everything there was just a darkness and a sadness that surrounded our family for years business is quite slow I’d say it’s probably 25% compared to 100 % back then Dave and D need some help Zach came back about a year ago to help me run the restaurant and Lodge he sees constantly how it’s a struggle for me to keep up with the restaurant side so he came back to help you take a young man you stick him in there and you put him as a general manager a general manager in my opinion is somebody who needs to know the inside and outside of the whole operation but he doesn’t know these things Dave and I are tired and it’s just like a black hole for us and we don’t want to work this hard anymore making a comeback is our last hope it’s my best [Music] hope I’ve just arrived at Park Idaho and it is absolutely gorgeous this city is nicknamed last chance cuz it literally is the last place to stop for food gas and lodgin before entering Yellowstone National Park and this location is one of the most prestigious fly fishing areas anywhere in the world it’s a Fisherman’s Paradise there it is Angler’s Lodge how on Earth could this place go wrong look at that gorgeous wow hello Hi how are you good I’m Savannah Savannah G nice to see you nice to meet you wow my goodness me this place is gorgeous who built it my father no stop seriously bare hands you are kidding me wow yeah it’s all family business we’re all it together wow um and recently my oldest brother Zach took over the restaurant so Zach’s the restaurant manager mhm is Mom and Dad around I’d love to meet them I’ll follow you wow look at those Beauties up there that’s a vegetarian nightmare up there yeah there’s fish everywhere yeah for real Hello I’m de de how are you very nice to me you my brother Preston good to see likewise well this is definitely a family run business right yes sir Gordon how are you the gentle giant with the mightest touch by the looks of things congratulations place is gorgeous thank you thank you did you build it really I did build it wow just had a vision in my mind and we put things up took them down until it looked right and do you live on the property I do we have a cabin right across the way just yeah don’t tell me you built that as well I did where was the conversation you both had when you decided to go ahead and build it we found this old beat up buildings there was a four cell sign on the back side of it so we made a deal and here we are started building and what was the dream didy what was the ambition well you know we just loved love the beautiful River and we just thought it would boom you know because of the beauty it’s really one of the most beautiful spots in Idaho and people just loved it so there was like a 2hour wait every night how long ago was that that was our first 2 years years wow like our first two years that was a long time ago so it got off to a great start what happened then we hired another chef and then people got mad cuz we changed the menu after that we had a tragedy after the tragedy my parents just kind of checked out it was a really hard time for my family and um I think it showed in the lodge you know they couldn’t put their whole heart into it because their heart was broken so are you in love with it as much today as you were 10 years ago I’m very proud of it and I love it but I’m really tired right we’ve been here a long time you know our goal was to have the best restaurant in the area and and 100 miles around but through the years we’ve just uh lost interest in that and he’s really tired you know he doesn’t want to work that hard anymore right so you’re the resta manager yes and where did you train I worked at a few really nice places when I was living in San Diego that was where I probably where I learned the most oh so you went away and then came back I’ve been gone for about 9 years yeah yeah right okay I’m going to get to the room un pack um Zach why don’t you show me to the room yes sir God it stinks no what’s that smell of lemon I’m not sure God that smell of lemon I mean why in Earth would you need air freshener in here with such beautiful airo the smell in here is crazy now let me Sly up the window oh I guess to the back of your throat right yeah it’s a little um is someone going to make up the beds they are made I’ve seen dog baskets uh better how old are they they put in about 5 years ago bloody hell seriously yeah they’re definitely old is that blood I don’t think so what is that I’m not sure it’s a stain anyway wow okay so um I’ll be down couple of minutes for a bite to eat sounds great yeah what’ you recommend she does the rainbow trout here what’s her name her name is G okay great thanks for the update pleasure to meet you thanks Zach wow the view is breathtaking but the color is depressing I mean honestly everything’s dark and gray and dingy and the pillows look at those how uninviting like the dog sat on it for the last 10 years really do smell what is that it’s like a piece of candy stuck on the pillow that’s terrible it’s almost like they’ve fallen out of love for this place and look at that big dirty stain it’s sad because it’s almost on the verge of being neglected and you’ve got two owners that have clearly run themselves into the ground you think of a lodge in this area you think of something that’s cozy it’s warm and biting this is depressing oh dear always a great way to find out how often the place is cleaned check out the filters oh dear that’s has 15 years of dust [ __ ] in there turn this thing off it doesn’t take much to clean that hence the reason why this room stinks of air freshener [ __ ] [Music] [Music] hell this is Gina Gina Gina hey how are you oh so nice to meet you likewise nice to see you too what do you think is wrong with the business staffing issues servers they’re just constantly late and you know I wouldn’t have a manager but Zach’s the manager yes he would come in at 3: or 4:00 hey the afternoon yeah but is that Dave’s fault is he tight uh does he not want to put money into the business he wants to be as Thrifty as possible you know this is your menu right M you’re the chef so yeah I know so who dictates this Dave he never let anyone do the food orders even no chefs really but he’s controlling you yes and controlling the business tight me by the sounds of things y j thank you thank you does your dad realize when you build something this unique mhm then you need to have a team to run it I don’t think so no I don’t think he realizes at all he doesn’t know he doesn’t know one bit he’s not he doesn’t let them order their own food uh no he watches every penny is he that controlling he really wants to watch what’s being sent out and what’s being paid for the money Zach please excuse me thank you Zach my pleasure thank you very much wings are for you sir with a homemade hookberry barbecue SAU well thank you are the wings fresh I believe they come Frozen Gina knew I was coming right mhm yeah you can’t buy fresh chicken locally here served frozen food wasn’t the start I was looking for it looks like it’s been dipped in El’s blood in fact the food just kept getting worse pulling back that RI eyes like pulling back that duv on my mattress Blood Stained and wow that’s strong in alcohol use a good wine for this right Gina claims her hands are tied in the kitchen so at this point I don’t know who to blame that ryce is mush who C that it’s like oatmeal what the [ __ ] Idaho rainbow trout with the her Roto Jesus what’s all the uh squidgy bits around the outside those are all the sauces all the sauces yeah yeah seriously yeah ah is that risotto or some of the plas that your dad left over from building the new Lodge it’s still got the scales on it as well why would you leave the skin that’s soggy like some newed condom that has to be the worst trout I’ve ever seen in my entire career wow does Mom and Dad see this food do they come and have dinner they hate everything they hate the the dish or everything they don’t like the way that she does anything and why is she here when you’re in the heat of the Season we kind of just take what we can get you can’t keep on changing your Chef every year I I agree we do it every year [ __ ] now if this place wasn’t run by your parents would you work here hell no not not for a second I don’t want to run a restaurant how Keen are you to get out I I’m desperate and if you got a job tomorrow would you be off yeah I feel like I’ve kind of done my part the part that I told them that I would do you’re obviously concerned and you’re doing it more out of affection as opposed that you really want to be here sounds like your mind’s made up mhm Wow Let’s get them out please would you both come out please both of us would you come out well there you what if I don’t want to Jeff Ramsey nice to meet you likewise good to see you too wow uh so I’m lost for words what feedback did you get throughout my lunch I didn’t say anything nothing at all not yet course by course you didn’t even talk to them why not I figured that was what you were going to do when we were done I was hoping at least you’re going to say something to them so they can up the gain no I actually expected you to say something and I thought well should I ask or I kept thinking okay must be okay I haven’t heard any comments don’t you want the truth oh absolutely Abol do you know the owners hate your dishes no you don’t know the owners hate your food no I did not know that you’ve got no idea that DD can’t stand the curry no I never knew that I feel like people have been lying to me Jina I don’t blame her let me I’m going to be frank the riy was overcooked it looked like we’d opened at the bottom of the dishwasher and that plug was blocked with bits of floating grease God you may find it funny but you’re not it was funny the way you just described no but Ian no I’m not trying to laugh about the real no but [ __ ] hell look where we sat though if you phone me on my telephone in the car and ask me what do you think I’m going to be having I would never have mentioned those dishes you did nothing to blow me away I’m trying to use the ingredients that Dave asked me to use a lot of it is cost so I was tied to that a you’re the suf is there any Synergy in what you’re doing no you’re just doing it to survive no one’s thinking longterm it’s stifling the business I’m amazed you’re still open Zach I don’t know if you’ve got one foot in one foot out you shouldn’t be here yeah I’ve not been super invested that’s for sure get to [ __ ] out of here hi so far I’ve learned that Dave and Dee are checked out and Zach just doesn’t want to be here tonight at dinner service I’m curious to see if Dave is actually holding Gina back in the kitchen um so G explain the line don’t stop working but okay I work right here in the sauté area and then section doing the burgers the steaks and Zach he mostly stands behind the bar so he’s not the restaurant manager then he’s a bman he’s supposed to be he went from the bottom to the top this summer nothing in between but you don’t get support from him doesn’t know how to doesn’t know how to what’s the microwave for Gina uh to heat the dip up not my choice but not my choice to do a lot of things wow you’re the chef right yes so what you say goes no should be Chef Jesus [Music] Christ why a did you make that no what is that it’s some kind of Cheesecake that was a collapse cheesecake looks like a land mine what year is that from like 1876 wow next ticket Karina please your salad will be right up full time or parttime it’s okay to Che gum in front of customers or Dave just lets it go on um probably not okay no it’s very gross and Zach I know you can’t tell star for too but this young lady’s tune G I just I don’t know you’re right yes no I know but um is she not typal yes s yeah it’s not typical Laura please shoot spit your gum out thank you thank you are you okay yeah I’m fine you sure yeah good what’s going on here yeah you’re right she shouldn’t have gum absolutely excuse me for just one second what the what’s going with rby curry that I’m putting with a second chef but don’t you talk to each other so the food can hit the window at the same time if you open up and talk to Art then art can take the sauce out the and he up in a pot yeah if you’ll hand it to me I can do it right here I got lots of time I’m doing it man for a tiny kitchen trying to expedite this food it so never needs to be this hard you know that Gina you don’t like talking do you um it’s hard for me when I’m working I’m sorry but you’re doing desserts can’t the young man do the desserts yes I know everyone tells me I need to relinquish responsibility guys are more capable de can Slice of Cheesecake with these ice clothes yes chef anyone can do it but you prefer wasting time doing it yourself I know just as it couldn’t get any worse the problem with this Lodge is becoming more apparent there’s just no communication Gina doesn’t speak to the kitchen Dave and DD ignored the problems and Zach just doesn’t know how to take command oh man so dysfunctional yes my chicken is a little cold oh is it what did she say the chicken breast is cold chicken is cold she would like a new chicken breast on absolutely new chicken breast please just stop for 2 seconds yes sir Zach yes art well I just want you to touch that touch it it’s ice cold it’s ice cold that’s what we resulted in sending you’re just drowned weighing over your head a mess a big mess Ms oh man so I was underwhelmed and disappointed you build this place to the absolute spec beyond belief but I was disappointed in my room the beds terrible Zach I pulled back the top duv and there was blood underneath the duvet the air conditioning filters were just full of [ __ ] it was really shoddy really shoddy and it broke my heart and I didn’t even build the [ __ ] place right and and look at the Kitchen Tonight what I don’t get is the service and the offering cuz it was shocking the chicken goes out ice cold slightly pink and nobody cares and that Dreadful cheesecake well that cheesecake collapsed when I left the kitchen the other night get rid of it I I was I did today no you didn’t I know I me you’re [ __ ] nuts nuts you wrote that menu Gina I did you said your hands were tied so you’ve got no Freedom um Dave gave me more freedom I believe than he’s given chefs in the past so sorry you have fre I’m just going on what you told me I I mean now I’m not talking about she and listen you told me lunchtime your hands were tied and you can’t buy anything you can’t talk to suppliers and what Dave says goes yes I mean basically Dave do you handcuff Gina no I’m not handcuffed her only thing I try to do is get her to cost compare you’ve got to try to keep food cost lower are you telling me that what you’re sending is value for money it’s no it’s not nowhere near it am I the only one that believes what we’re doing is incorrect Zach you’re not a restaurant manager your heart’s not in it young man mhm and I asked you one vital question lunchtime if your parents didn’t own this restaurant would you be here and immediately hell no I know we’re in trouble The Lodges around here are more successful they’re much more successful and they’re not even half as lovely can I just have five minutes with you do you mind okay let’s go uh thank you [Music] this is on a deck of cards at the moment that I feel it’s about to collapse because it’s built with no infrastructure MH how’s the strain of the business affected you and Dave we’ve had a lot of really really hard years you know a lot of arguing things that I think are really important um he doesn’t and vice versa why is he so stubborn in a way that he’s so overbearing and so controlling I think he’s just really scared of uh losing things so he tries to watch everything you know and Dave wanted Zack to kind of learn the business so that in case anything happened to him that we didn’t lose everything and our kids didn’t lose anything all of our investment right and you probably know the terrible things that we went through well I Disappeared right cuz I couldn’t function so he did it all himself he run the Business Without Me and he did the best he could and he just did what he has to do and that’s what he does he does what he has to do and he knew that I was gone and so he he ran up by himself yeah he needs to accept that he can’t continue like this his heart might be in the right place but his head’s not in the game mhm you’ve got the view the building’s there but right now it’s just a shell it’s had better days for sure really really good days at the first it was wonderful we need to get that [Music] [Music] back good morning good morning hi came here yesterday and I asked everyone to be open and honest and the first time I heard any honesty last night was with your mother not easy that is it I um don’t condone your behavior my behavior was what I just felt like your the language that you used wasn’t that of an English gentleman like I would expect I’m deeply sorry about that what what language did I use a lot of fword um I don’t appreciate you using that language with my angel of a mother and my sister can I just just stop you there cuz you’re over exaggerating a little bit because I’m not going to give you browny points standing in front of your mother telling me how upset you are when you’re laughing and giggling with me at the same time you see it as it is you have to call it as it is I like the fact you’re standing up so it takes me to swear for you to step up and act like a man please you don’t know [ __ ] did you just curse that’s disgusting Behavior young man if you want to have a little chat with me later together one andone I’d love that but stop being a hypocrite you just sworn in front of your mother that was a mistake and I apologize mom the hours you turn in 4:00 in the afternoon I don’t know how you can call that a full day’s work Gina was frustrated the fact you don’t commit staff get no direction and you walk around shaking cocktails but I don’t need to prove to you my work no I ask you to prove it to me your father put you in charge of the restaurant so the big question is what is your son Zach doing here my view was he was going to come help me run the restaurant he’s not even giv any feedback or talking to Gina or even just asking service to not chew gum yes it it concerns me a great deal okay shall we move on I’ve got something really important to tell you please yes it’s something that you’re not familiar with it’s called feedback well let’s hear it I spent some time this morning just traveling around driving thinking contemplating and popping into local places fly fishermen locals houses cabins you name it I went there the sad news is they don’t want to come and sort of tell you to your face because it’s a small community um but I’ve got the feedback my daughter had a wedding reception held at the large we would go back and celebrate but over the years things have gone downhill Dave makes us very very unwelcome and he has pushed the town away it doesn’t feel like they want us there the owner seriously well needs help he’s a total horse’s butt he has no idea how to handle employees or his customers there was a time the community rallied around to help them but he showed no appreciation so it didn’t last very long after time he was a jackass again couldn’t care less too bad so much potential there maybe they don’t care I don’t know why everybody thinks I’m a horse’s ass I guess I am huh I try to be friendly to people and I treat them just like I treated you have I come across cold and arrogant you come across controlling and you come across assertive yeah we need to get them on our side whether we like it or not their last comment to me was that if you are prepared to change and commit to change then they would walk through those doors uh Dave I just want to spend a couple of minutes with you do you mind um thank you guys thank you why does Zach get so uh defensive like that I think in security maybe um guys can you just give me 5 minutes please in fact let’s go outside in fact let’s jump in the car I mean honestly I’m here to help yeah you you come across so withdrawn I don’t know what to do about that where where did that level of negativity come in well it started when I first broke ground here and all the locals started attacking us and trying to shut us down you know you have to put your head down and start swinging but then you were successful yeah we were successful and then I hired a shitty chef and then they all took off and went away and then I found a good chef and some of them came back but I can’t please them all the time sure but it’s not all about the chef dve it’s you have to take part of responsibility you know so these people leave um and they let you down you know at the end of the day that’s on your shoulders right yes DD deal with that tragic loss of your son and that took her a long time did you seek help when you lost your son did who did you talk to no one no one you so you just came back into work yeah the next day the next day there was no one here I mean how did he get through how well just get through you know you you go day by day time time helps heal you know but there’s a hole in your heart that never heals MH right yeah you’re never going to yeah but have you expressed this to Dei and that that’s how you dealt with it because I think she’s a little bit in the dark I think she struggles to read you well maybe I just deal with it by on a daily basis you know there’s not a day goes by I don’t think of my son and the loss but you know you you move on you know I still have to make a living I still have to take care of de’s feelings and the kids and all that you know the kids got spoiled in the process cuz we coddled them a little bit and it’s obvious and Zach’s a product of that but you know I I come from I believe that they should earn it yeah but I’m in a situation and I have been in a situation where my wife doesn’t agree with that philosophy so it’s a constant friction and same way with managing our restaurant and our business she comes in here and wants to coddle employees and doesn’t expect them to hold to standards and I come in and I try to get them to hold to standards and I’m an [ __ ] and we have Conflict at home so as a result of that I’ve tried to minimize the conflicts and let Zach deal with the restaurant cuz that’s where most of our conflicts were the business may have suffered I may have been an [ __ ] on occasion I don’t know what to do about that you know she she doesn’t understand my personality but I’m a sometimes I take no prisoners and it offends people and Dei doesn’t understand that mindset she’s more of a off Bluff you can’t build this thing like that you’re tough [ __ ] on the outside you have a heart and you can show emotion they have a big heart then people need to see it [Music] yeah um I’d like to talk to you about something that’s been missing when you built this place we started off so well didn’t we yes so I’ve put something together that I think will help reinstate that love yeah bring that back to the Forefront let’s have a look wow who who’s that there hey look at that hair yeah man what happened hell have I know look at that wow talk about handcrafted even the boys yeah look how look how little they are yeah that’s rare Dave smiley yeah that is rare that that that would have freezed that one there oh man incredible you know sometimes it’s easy to forget this is why you built this amazing Lodge for the family right didd yes chokes me up yeah oh look at that that’s a picture I haven’t seen forever we need to frame that one on the [Music] wall these are the most amazing pictures beautiful something quite magical about that first fish right Dee when you see those amazing pictures what goes through your mind I know just just the memories and dreams that we had you know and everything just getting better and better and better you know and and then just enjoying the property all of our life right it’s a Stern reminder to why you built this place and just watching your face light up reminiscing in some of those amazing times it’s so nice to see yeah I didn’t see it when I arrived and that’s what’s been missing yeah those were good times when we look back at the pictures that building the place it brings back that energy that we had then and um it really does mean something you know we had we’ we’ve raised a family here we’ve we raised our kids here all those memories were good memories so it’s always been worth fighting for for me you need to fall back in love with it but more importantly with each other yeah how important is this to you both it’s everything it’s the world yeah it’s the world to us it’s all we have when it’s done and said you know we spent our best years building this place and running it you’re confident we can get back there you’ve got it in you yeah yeah oh I feel so much better because now we’re moving past all the bad things and we’re starting to take a look towards the good things after boosting the spirits of Dei and Dave it was time to elevate the lodge itself my team spent all night working to turn the Angler’s Lodge into a destination worthy of its Rich family Legacy let’s go I can’t wait to show the family what we’ve done in you go please oh my go enjoy wow look at that come on jump in w beautiful oh my gosh wow look at that g is That Hideous blood color um inviting gorgeous let’s start off with that amazing reclaimed word the bed spreads brand new oh I love it new carpets it’s just beautiful isn’t it yeah it’s amazing I think you’ve uh you’ve opened our eyes to work the place convenience you’ve done a great job gorgeous beautiful it’s amazing it was just like a new Joy kind of like when we opened it up the first time it was like a brand new Joy it’s something that we can reach for after going through such hard times so we know what to do now look at the rocking chair nice we don’t even want to leave oh she’s [Music] beautiful hello hi guys good you guys here to check in yes we are great wow oh my God hey Alex how are you good to see you you should see what they did to the rooms today it was it’s amazing I’ve created a delicious new menu perfect for this region and my team have been training the staff non-stop to prepare them for a successful relaunch tonight here’s our dinner menu I’ve invited the locals back and a local food critic so the lodge can rebuild these important relationships and get their reputation back on track everybody’s attention just for a second our critic is sitting watching paying attention to everything that’s going on thank you hello we just wanted to welcome you all to the lodge and I hope you’re enjoying your evening and uh we appreciate yall coming in and trying us again and uh we’d love to have you back can’t beat the setting of course and from now on our food’s going to match all those things so hope you’re having a great time very nice to have everybody back okay welcome have a great time one shortage right up here what are you doing what are you doing for the short rib right right now is going three RI ey yeah sure and then you’re doing short rib have we send the appetizers look look at me didn’t it’s my fault oh for [ __ ] sake Gina Gina come here come here you’re not even helping yourself you’re not talking to me and you’re just going into one okay I’m going to force you to talk okay so Gina what are you you okay I’m okay for now you sure I promise okay good again Art’s there you can serve the soup art would you please absolutely okay soup boiling we send the soup with one nice kale salad so next up art dress me a kale salad no no no I’ve got the salad you got salad okay why can’t you make the salads never has to be this difficult but you can’t work on your own I’ve worked on my own many times Chef Gina Gina come here come here are you listening or you giving up no no I know I told you you cannot work on your own you Just sh I work on my own all the time is it best you go now no you can’t work on your ey understand you’re going to sink this place get a grip okay okay it’s not difficult next ticket um yeah FYI in there tonight Gina’s struggling yeah Kurt stepped up art stepped up uh but with a menu that easy if your mind’s not in that uh you know you’ve got no chance kale salad in the window table 26 seat one thank you is that for the critic yes did you season there I did salt pepper refesh pleas um art take over please uh Gina take a step back art Gina’s on the desserts let’s go okay I got chicken in the oven so were those three apple crisp in the oven or you forgot them they are in the oven Chef yeah uh dny reheating a dessert I expect you to nail that’s your table you know that nice and gently yes sir off you go roasted chicken with a Christmas skin and we can’t do a scoop of ice cream no answer we can’t do a scoop of ice cream it’s cold in the middle okay I will stop stop I need to take your apron off and then go home art take over please okay how’s my dessert ready roll it’s not working is it I’m just nervous no it’s not working you know it’s not working I’m not going to shout I’m not going to scream it’s just it’s unfair it’s unfair in you and it’s unfair in the lodge you’re sending a short rib to a table that we haven’t even sent the starus no you you you you’re destroying the lodge I’ve got a Critic that’s just landed one mistake like that and this place is going to close heard understood I’d like to finish out the evening and see how it goes it’s not working if you’re going to go back in that kitchen what are you going to do differently what’s the point I want to keep working so that I can get it down you’re not listening you’re not listening you’re not even you’re not even prepared to take any advice any help I know it’s been a long time Chef since somebody was telling me exactly what to do and it’s different for me we can’t continue like this there’s no point in fighting this yes oh man [Music] okay DD D Dave Gina it’s just not up to speed yeah if you can’t work with this menu it’s not going to happen so yeah the good news is Art and Curt already up to speed already yeah yeah that’s good uh good feedback for the customers incredible everybody was very happy loved everything compliments all around not a single complaint great any difficult questions on the critic nothing difficult at all no he was uh he’s very friendly very nice and just really enjoying everything he’s like this was simple and it was beautiful it was perfect awesome nice good night right it was a really good night you happy I am happy good very happy that’s nice I’m just so happy to have so nice to see back in here you yeah well I mean they’re happy right yeah that’s the most important thing but there’s one tiny Missing Link someone that I’ve arranged for all three of you to meet her background is extraordinary she knows the area inside out and I’ve asked her to come here for a month and help set this place up and I want you to benefit from her knowledge please welcome Emily Brown how are you I’m Emily DD DD pleasure nice to meet you Zach hi Emily nice to me you nice to see you likewise welcome good to see you uh um first of all she knows this business inside out and she excited work as a consultant for a month and help set this place up for a very very busy season yeah I’ve heard all about you guys really excited to get you guys where you really need to be so welcome um I want you two to do something you haven’t done for a long time I’d like you to take your dear lady and go and have dinner oh nice w’t that be nice tonight Zach’s got a table for you oh that’ be great excellent it’s the first time I’ve seen him holding hands oh I like the RS you MH seen Dave smiling it’s like the pressures lifted off the love is rekindled for sure and I’m really excited to have everybody in Island Park start coming back again and being excited about the lodge like they were when we first built it uh my time is done you leaving now are you leaving now I am leaving now you guys have a great spark here trust me you need to show it don’t stop good night take care God bless thanks thank you good thank you so much take care here to me and you man cheers yeah to a new Lodge wow what a nice oh man that’s better man that’s cold out there there a [ __ ] handbrake gear stick on the steering [Music] wheel I shouldn’t drive [ __ ] useless [Laughter] man after I left the lodge the family embraced the many changes and is excited about the future both D and Dave have rekindled the passion you’re doing good honey we’re a good team and I’m enjoying working together to make Angler’s Lodge the place to be once again