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How to Make Cheese Frenchees

Cheese Frenchees are deep-fried cheese sandwiches which were a popular treat served at Kings Food Host. They had several restaurants over the midwest for awhile but they are all but gone now. This is the recipe for their cheese frenchees.

The sandwich:
6 slices cheap sandwich bread
6 slices American cheese (Kraft Singles work best)

Make 3 cheese sandwiches using 2 slices of cheese for each sandwich. Cut the crusts off and cut in half diagonally. Set aside.

The batter:
3/4 cup AP flour
1/2 cup milk
1 egg

Whisk together to combine well.

The breading:
corn flakes. About 3 cups of corn flakes, crushed to crumbs.

To make the frenchees, dip the sandwich halves into the batter and then coat with the corn flake crumbs. Fry in 350* oil for a few minutes on each side until golden brown. Let sit for a few minutes to allow the cheese to melt.